Title: Steady State Diffusion Ficks 2nd Law
1Steady State DiffusionFicks 2nd Law
27-216 Spring 2004 A. D. Rollett
Slides from Diffusion Modules by Glicksman,
except where marked
- Atoms/ions/molecules jump a lot (rn) but only a
short NET distance rvn. - All this jumping to a flux of material,
- when a concentration gradient exists
S.Seetharaman 03
- Steady State what does this mean?
- Now that we know what diffusion is and the
physics behind it, how do we use it in
engineering problems? - Our 1st diffusion problem Case study
4What does steady state mean?
- The meaning of steady state is very simple
- The concentration profile does not change
- The amount of solute in any given volume does not
change - We do not have to worry about changes in
concentration with time, so t can be omitted
from the equation - Example (from fluid flow!) fish ladders
A. Rollett 04
5What do we need to know?
S.Seetharaman 03
6Our 1st diffusion problem A special case study
Steady State
7Design of Hydrogen Reactor Vessel
- A plant for hydrogenation of a hydrocarbon
(current example of research in this area
formation of methanol by hydrogenation of
supercritical CO2) is being designed. The
reaction vessel is to be made of low-alloy steel
and the wall thickness depends primarily on how
large a loss rate of hydrogen can be tolerated
through the wall. - The boundary conditions are as follows
- Reactor temperature 450C
- Hydrogen pressure in reactor 75 atmospheres
- Hydrogen pressure outside reactor 1 atmosphere
- Length of vessel 1 m
- Inner diameter, 2r1, of vessel 0.1 m.
PG section 13.1
1 m
NB for this problem, J total flow, jflux
8Steady-State Diffusion in Cylinders Constant D
Ficks law reduces to an ODE (Laplaces
Equation) in a single spatial variable, r .
The boundary conditions are
9Steady-State Diffusion in Cylinders Constant D
Steadystate diffusion solution for cylinders,
rinner 1.
10Design of Hydrogen Reactor Vessel, contd.
- Since we are discussing a cylindrical vessel we
need a particular solution (to be discussed in a
later lecture) for steady-state diffusion,
despite the fact that we are dealing with 1D
diffusionThe inner and outer radii are
rinside and routside, respectively, and Cinside
and Coutside are the concentrations at the inner
and outer radii. - Now this is a solution to the differential
equation, - At steady state, we also know from Ficks 1st Law
that - Also, the mass flow rate, J, at a given radius
must be equal to the flux multiplied by the area,
which is the perimeter, 2pr, multiplied by the
length, l J jarea 2prlj
A. Rollett 04
11Design of Hydrogen Reactor Vessel, contd.
- Combining the mass flow rate with Ficks 1st Law
gives this - Now lets insert the particular solution for the
cylinder into this relationship - Now we need some additional information because
we are dealing with gases we have to delve into
A. Rollett 04
- First, we need to be able to relate gas pressures
to concentrations based on chemical equilibrium.
In this case we use Sieverts Law to relate
solubility (equivalent to concentration), S, to
(hydrogen) gas pressure, p, where K is the
(reaction) equilibrium constant S Kvp.
The corresponding chemical reaction is 1/2
H2(g) H (in solution). - Permeability, P, is defined as the product of
diffusivity and reaction constant for the above
reaction P P0 exp-Q/RT - Implicit in this definition is some information
about diffusion, so lets expand this definition.
A. Rollett 04
13Permeability, contd.
- Permeation of a membrane by a chemical species
depends on the concentration gradient and the
diffusivity. Given concentrations defined by gas
pressures in equilibrium with each surface (e.g.
gas permeation of a metal foil), we can write
Ficks 1st Law in this form
From Poirier Geiger note the non-SI units
A. Rollett 04
14Design of Hydrogen Reactor Vessel, contd.
- Now, finally, we can insert values for
concentrations related to the gas pressures
defined in the design problem - From Table 13.1 in PG we can estimate the
permeability that we need for hydrogen in steel
as P 8.4 10-6 cm3(STP) s-1 atm-1/2. - Inserting this we obtain
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15Design of Hydrogen Reactor Vessel, contd.
- For the design, we choose a rate at which we can
afford to lose hydrogen from the reactor vessel.
This then determines the outer radius of the
PG section 13.1
A. Rollett 04
16Divergence Operators
A useful shorthand notation in math is divergence
or div, which stands for the sum of the 1st
spatial derivatives of a vector function (e.g.
Cartesian Coordinates
Cylindrical Coordinates
Spherical Coordinates
contrast with grad, the 1st spatial
derivative of a field,but also written as ?.
17Ficks First Law vector form
One application of div is in writing Ficks 1st
Vector form of Ficks first law
18Ficks 2nd Law
- Restricting conditions such that there is no
change in concentration with time is too
restrictive for real life! Many real problems
are transient. - What happens if concentrations can change with
time? Answer we have to be concerned with
accumulations and losses of material in a given
volume of material. - Ficks 2nd Law time rate of change of
concentration diffusion coefficient second
spatial derivative of concentration gradient
19Ficks Second Law(Linear Diffusion Equation)
20Ficks Second Law (Cartesian Coordinates)
The Laplacian is a differential operator, i.e.
something that you do to operate on a quantity
or variable to obtain the second spatial
21What does transient mean?
- The meaning of transient is very simple
- The concentration profile does change
- The amount of solute in any given volume changes
with time - We do have to worry about changes in
concentration with time, so t must be in the
equation(s) - Example (from fluid flow!) think about filling
a fish ladder for the first time - Where does Ficks 2nd Law come from? Answer we
have to think about net accumulation ratesin
control volumes
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22Gradient Vector Field
23Mass-flow Control Volume
This is where we derive Ficks 2nd Law
Control volume indicating mass flows in the
y-direction occurring about an arbitrary point P
in the Cartesian coordinate system, x,y,z.
24Mass Conservation
25Mass Conservation
1. Given the concentration field Csin(?x)
g/cm3, plot the gradient field, and then
determine the flux field using Ficks 1st law,
assuming that the diffusion coefficient, D1
cm2/s. The use of a mathematical software
package or spreadsheet provides an invaluable aid
in solving diffusion problems such as suggested
by these exercises, and many others introduced in
later chapters of this book. In one dimension,
the gradient is defined as
The flux field may be found using Ficks 1st law.
Gradient Plot
Flux Plot
Note These plots differ by a minus sign!
2. A twodimensional concentration field is given
by C(x,y)-sin(?x)cos(?y). Calculate the
gradient field, and make plots of it and the
given concentration field.
Concentration field
Gradient field
- Now that we know what diffusion is and the
physics behind it, how do we use it in
engineering problems? Find boundary conditions,
find diffusion constant data and solve PDE - Steady state no change with time
- Our 1st diffusion problem Case study of gas
permeation through a wall - What about problems in which the concentration
changes with time? We have to concern ourselves
with net accumulation rates in a given volume.
By taking limits (standard calculus) we arrive at
Ficks 2nd Law.
A. Rollett 04