Title: Diapositiva 1
1Tom Healy Lead Program Manager Microsoft
Research thealy_at_microsoft.com
Latin American and Caribbean Collaborative ICT
Research Federation a Virtual
2Latin American Collaborative Research
Federation A Virtual Institute
Goal Stimulate Latin American academic
collaborative research in ICT as an enabler of
economic and social development. Build research
and human capacity.
Financially supported by Microsoft Research
(930,000). Implemented with PUC Chile /
University of Chile and universities throughout
Latin America. Strong Collaboration with the IDB
and the OAS.
Microsoft Research
Other WW Federations
LATAM Government Orgs
3Objectives of the LACCIR Virtual Institute
Advance the ICT research agenda in Latin America
and increase research opportunities for faculty
and graduate students. Produce a great impact
in ICT applications such as education,
healthcare, agribusiness, micro-economies,
productive chains, energy, and the environment.
Increase the capacity and visibility of the Latin
American research community, both within the
region and worldwide. Offer research
resources, collaboration matching funds
opportunities throughout Latin America.
Partner with other organizations that support
the growth of research capability and capacity in
the Latin American region.
4Organizational Structure
Joint Steering Committee
Evaluation of Research Proposals
Dissemination of RFPs Contribute Content
Elaboration Execution of Collaborative
Research Projects
5Request For Proposals
- Focused on Priority ICT Applications in
- Education
- Healthcare
- Agribusiness
- Micro-economies
- Productive chains
- Energy
- Environment
- e-Government
6Proposals Basic Requirements
High Quality Research and ICT Applications
Collaboration At least one Spoke and one
participant from a different country
Matching Funds Potential
7Conference XP Technology Collaboration Platform
- Client-Server Platform that runs on Internet /
Internet II - Allows
- Multipoint Videoconferencing
- Distributed Presentations (ppt)
- Videoconference Recording / Retrieving
- Share resources (repository)
8Activities To Be Supported/Shared
Virtual Communities
Thesis Defenses
Projects Meetings
Keynote Speeches
Regular Courses
Latin American and Caribbean Collaborative ICT
Research Federation - Virtual Institute