Title: Diapositiva 1
1The Legend of
Vito Barei
Part 1 The Rise Of Andres
2About 60 years ago existed a feared man, he was
known as vito corleone, father of crime and
godfather of the local mob.
This man was about 90 years old, and he needed a
heir, sadly the only boy left of his family
(because he used to kill them when they
disobey) was a little dumb boy called andres
One day vito invited him over when he was 15,
to introduce him to the world of the mafia.
3Andres arrived at the door of vito's mansion,
vito opened the door and asked andres if he
wanted to go out for lunch. Immediatly andres
said "mc donalds".
When vito and his bodyguards entered the place
they could barely keep their breath. When they
sat down vito told andres about his job little
by little. When the talk finished andres couldn't
breathe, and vito couldn't breathe either when he
saw the bill. He looked at the neighboring table
and told one of his bodyguards "bring that
4his bodyguards got him and sat him besides
vito, vito spoke "I'll make you an offer you
cant refuse, either you're money will be on the
, he got a gun and stucked in in his face "or
your brains."
520 years passed and vito died, now the time of
andres had begun.
6By Mr Australia
Chapter 2 comming soon