Title: The War of 1812- Part 2
1The War of 1812- Part 2
America declares war in England
England was just about to defeat France.
Impressment would have stopped.
America made that war last longer.
1814- England defeats France
Now England turns all its focus on America
2Earlier America had destroyed an important
British building in Canada.
14000 British soldiers attack Washington
Burn down the White House.
America is saddened by the event
Motivates American soldiers
Next target
New Orleans
3In charge of defending New Orleans is Andrew
In the American army
-a few soldiers
-free African Americans
4Battle of New Orleans - January 8,1815
An hour of fighting
-over 2000 British casualties (dead wounded)
-71 American causalities
Peace Treaty Signed
City of Ghent Belgium
-The war is over nobody wins
-Signed December 24,1814
The last battle never should have happened.
They didnt get the news about the treaty.
5Results of War of 1812 Made a hero of Andrew
Jackson Proved that America is a real country.