Title: Diapositiva 1
1The Chamaeleon II dark cloud
Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica Il sistema
solare esterno e la missione Cassini - Formazione
stellare October, 10-15, 2005 Volterra (PI)
2Scientific case the IMF
Salpeter 1955 (ApJ 121, 161) IMF of the Solar
Neighborhood (dlog M, 0.4-10 M? )
- M1 M?
- -1.6
- Scalo 1998 ?? 0.5
- (In The Stellar Initial Mass Function, p.201)
- M
- Rising (Orion, Hillenbrand Carpenter 2000
Pleiades, Bouvier et al. 1 998, etc) - Deficit (T association Taurus, Luhman 2000
Briceno et. al. 2002 IC348, Preibisch et al.
2003 Muench et al. 2003)
3Cha II The survey
Age1-5 My (Hughes Hartigan 1992)
D17818 pc (Whittet et al. 1998)
- H? emission line objects (Schwartz 1991
Hartigan 1993) - class-I and class-II Infra-Red sources (Whittet
et al. 1991 Prusti et al. 1992 Larson et al.
1998) - X-rays sources (WTT, Alcalà et al. 2000).
1. Color Magnitude Diagrams and theoretical
isochrones 2. Near-Infrared Colour-Colour
Diagrams 3. Effective Temperature
(2000(WFI2MASSSpitzer) ?L Teff (STURDUSTY
Spectra, Hallard Hauschildt 2000) 6. HR
diagram and Evolutionary tracks ? Mass Age
5Some results..
- Complet characterization of Cha II know
population (Alcalà et al 2000) - 2. First clue on Cha II IMF ? ??0.6,1, 0.1?M?1
M? - 3. Comparison with other regions ? Universal IMF
- 4. SFE2 , M(12CO) Mizuno et al. 2000
- 5. The first bona fide BD with a disk in the
cloud - 6. 24 new PMS star candidates
- 7. 7 BD candidates
- 8. To be continued.?
- substellar IMF?
6WFI Isochrones NextGen spectra by Allard
Hauschildt (1995) stellar radii byBaraffe et
al. 1998
Av by Cambresy 1999
7JHK from 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey )
8(No Transcript)
9STARDUSTY models Teff2000 K? Teff6000 K?
10- Teff2500200 K
- L0.010.20 L?
- R0.400.05 R?
- Mass0.02 M?
- Age 1.5-4 My
- Tdisk(BB)1400 K
- Rdisk? 3R
11 12- Cha II population would almost double
- SFE3
- ??0.4-0.8