Title: chapter five transparency
1Chapter 6 Interrupts and Resets
The 68HC11 Microcontroller
Han-Way Huang
Minnesota State University, Mankato
2 Basics of Interrupts What is an interrupt? A
special event that requires the CPU to stop
normal program execution and perform some
service related to the event. Examples of
interrupts include I/O completion, timer
time-out, illegal opcodes, arithmetic overflow,
divide-by-0, etc. Functions of
Interrupts - Coordinating I/O activities and
preventing CPU from being tied up - Providing a
graceful way to exit from errors - Reminding the
CPU to perform routine tasks Interrupt
Maskability - Interrupts that can be ignored by
the CPU are called maskable interrupts.
A maskable interrupt must be enabled before it
can interrupt the CPU. An interrupt is enabled
by setting an enable flag. - Interrupts that
cant be ignored by the CPU are called
nonmaskable interrupts.
3Interrupt priority The order in which the CPU
will service interrupts when all of them occur at
the same time. Interrupt Service The CPU
provides service to an interrupt by executing a
program called the interrupt service
routine. A complete interrupt service cycle
includes 1. Saving the program counter value in
the stack 2. Saving the CPU status (including
the CPU status register and some other
registers) in the stack 3. Identifying the cause
of interrupt 4. Resolving the starting address
of the corresponding interrupt service
routine 5. Executing the interrupt service
routine 6. Restoring the CPU status and the
program counter from the stack 7. Restarting the
interrupted program
4Interrupt Vector Starting address of the
interrupt service routine Interrupt Vector
Table A table where all interrupt vectors are
stored. Methods of Determining Interrupt
Vectors 1. Predefined locations (8051
approach) 2. Fetching the vector from a
predefined memory location (68HC11) 3. Executing
an interrupt acknowledge cycle to fetch a vector
number in order to locate the interrupt vector
(68000 and x86 families) Steps of Interrupt
Programming Step 1. Initializing the interrupt
vector table Step 2. Writing the interrupt
service routine Step 3. Enabling the interrupt
5The Overhead of Interrupts Saving and
restoring of CPU status and other
registers. (68HC11 needs to save all CPU
6Resets - The initial values of some CPU
registers, flip-flops, and the control registers
in I/O interface chips must be established in
order for the computer to function
properly. - The reset mechanism establishes these
initial conditions for the computer
system. - There are at least two types of resets
power-on reset and manual reset. - The power-on
reset establishes the initial values of registers
and I/O control registers. - The manual reset
without power-down allows the computer to get out
of most error conditions if hardware doesnt
fail. - A reset is nonmaskable.
768HC11 Interrupts The 68HC11 supports 16
hardware interrupts and two software interrupts.
Hardware interrupts include SCI serial
system SPI serial transfer Pulse accumulator
input edge Pulse accumulator overflow Timer
overflow Timer output compare 5 Timer output
compare 4 Timer output compare 3 Timer output
compare 2 Timer output compare 1 Timer input
capture 3 Timer input capture 2 Timer input
capture 1 Real time interrupt IRQ pin XIRQ
pin Software interrupts SWI instruction and
illegal opcode. Both are nonmaskable.
8The 68HC11 Interrupt-Handling Procedure - Saving
the CPU registers in the stack - Fetching the
interrupt vector from a predefined memory
location for the pending interrupt. - Resuming
program execution from the fetched interrupt
vector. The 68HC11 Interrupt Stacking Order
968HC11 Interrupt Vector Address and Priority
10Example 6.1 The 68HC11 is executing the TAP
instruction of the following program when the
IRQ interrupt occurs. List the stack contents
immediately before the interrupt service routine
is entered.
Solution 1. After line 1 B 20 2. After
line 2 SP FF 3. After line 3 X
1000 4. After line 4 A 0 5. After line 5
Y 100 6. After line 6 CCR 00 The
Stack contents are shown in Figure 6.4 in next
11(No Transcript)
12Priority Structure of the 68HC11 Maskable
Interrupts - The priority of each 68HC11
interrupt source is fixed. - The user can promote
one of the maskable interrupts to the highest
priority among those maskable interrupts by
programming the HPRIO register. - The selection
of highest priority interrupt is shown in Table
13(No Transcript)
14IRQ interrupt - can be masked by the I bit of
the CCR register - is level-sensitive by default
(asserted low) - IRQ interrupt can be configured
to be falling edge-sensitive by setting the IRQE
bit (bit 5) of the OPTION register to 1 within
the first 64 E clock cycles after reset. - IRQ
interrupt vector is shared by the IRQ pin
interrupt and the I/O handshake subsystem XIRQ
interrupt - can be masked by the X bit of the
CCR register - the X bit can only be cleared
during the first 64 E clock cycles after reset
and cannot be cleared and reset after
that - when an XIRQ interrupt occurs, all
registers are saved in the stack and the X bit in
the CCR register is set to 1 (not by the user
program) to prevent further XIRQ
interrupts. - XIRQ interrupt is often used to
detect emergent situation because of its high
priority. Illegal Opcode Trap - some of the
opcode byte (s) combinations are not defined and
hence are illegal instructions - cant be masked
15The Software Interrupt Instruction (SWI) - CPU
registers are saved in the stack like any other
maskable instruction - cannot be masked by the I
and X bits in the CCR register - often used to
implement the breakpoint Low-Power Modes - A
microcontroller is mainly used as the controller
of an embedded product. - An embedded product is
often powered by batteries. - A good
microcontroller should consume as little power as
possible. - The power consumption cant be
avoided during normal operation. - The power
consumption of a microcontroller-based product
should be reduced to minimal when the CPU is not
performing useful works. - The 68HC11 provides
two low-power modes WAIT and STOP modes. The
WAIT instruction - The 68HC11 is placed in a low
power mode while keeping the oscillator
running. - Upon the execution of this
instruction, all CPU registers are saved in the
stack. - The wait state can be exited only
through an unmasked interrupt or reset. - This
instruction can be used when the CPU has nothing
to do but wait for the arrival of an interrupt.
16The STOP instruction - When the S bit in the CCR
register is 0, the STOP instruction places the
CPU in the lowest power mode. - All clocks
including the internal oscillator are stopped,
causing all internal processing to be
stopped. - Exit from the STOP mode can be
accomplished by RESET, an XIRQ interrupt, or an
unmasked IRQ interrupt. - When the XIRQ interrupt
is used and the X bit in the CCR register is 1,
then no XIRQ service routine is executed. The
CPU continue to execute the instruction following
the STOP instruction. Otherwise, the XIRQ
service routine will be executed.
17The 68HC11 Resets Four possible sources of
resets RESET pin, power-on reset, computer
operating properly, and clock monitor
failure. RESET pin Reset - This pin must be
driven low for 8 E clock cycles in order to be
detected. - This pin should be kept low when VDD
is below its minimum operating level so that
the contents of the EEPROM wont be
corrupted. - A low-voltage inhibit circuit that
holds reset pin low whenever VDD is below its
minimum operating level is required to protect
against EEPROM corruption.
18The Power-On Reset - The power-on reset occurs
when a positive transition is detected on
VDD. - The power-on circuitry provides a
4064-cycle time delay from the time of the first
oscillator operation. - This reset should not
be used to detect drops in power supply. The CPU
after reset - After reset, the CPU fetches the
reset vector from locations FFFE and FFFF
( BFFE and BFFF in the special test or
bootstrap mode) during the first three
cycles and begins instruction execution. - The
stack pointer and other CPU registers are
indeterminate after reset. - The X and I bits of
the CCR register are set to mask any interrupt
requests. - The S bit of the CCR register is set
to 1 to disable the STOP mode. - All I/O control
registers are initialized by reset.
19Establishing the Mode of Operation - The voltage
levels on MODA and MODB pins are latched on the
rising edge of the RESET signal to determine
the mode of operation. - The upper four bits of
the HPRIO register are also set by these mode
select signals.
20The Computer Operating Properly (COP) Watchdog
Timer Reset - The COP watchdog timer system is
intended to detect software processing
errors. - The COP circuit will not reset the CPU
as long as the application software reset the
COP timer before it times out. - If the COP
timer times out, it is an indication that the
application software is no longer being
executed in the intended sequence and thus a
system reset is initiated. - The COP system is
enabled by clearing the NOCOP bit in the CONFIG
register and is disabled by setting the same
bit. After the change of the NOCOP bit, the CPU
must be reset before the new status becomes
effective. - The software COP reset is a two-step
sequence. The first step is to write a 55 to
the COPRST register and then write a AA into
the same register.
21- The default COP time-out interval is 215 E
cycles. - The COP time out interval is
programmable by setting the CR1 and CR0 bits of
the OPTION register. - CR1 and CR0 together
select a divide factor for E/215.
22Clock Monitor Reset - The clock monitor circuit
is based on an internal RC time delay. - If no
clock (E clock) edges are detected within this RC
time delay, the clock monitor can optionally
generate a system reset (by asserting the RESET
pin). - The clock monitor function is
enabled/disabled by the CME bit (bit 3) of the
OPTION register. - The RC time-out may vary from
lot to lot and from part to part due to the IC
fabrication process variation. - An E clock
frequency lower than 10 KHz will be definitely
detected as a clock monitor error and an E
clock frequency higher than 200 KHz will not be
detected as a clock monitor error. - The clock
monitor is often used as a backup for the COP
watchdog system because the COP system requires
a clock signal to operate. - The second
application of the clock monitor is to protect
against unintentional execution of the STOP
23Writing the Interrupt Service Routine - In
assembly language xxx_ISR RTI - In
C language pragma interrupt_handler
xxx_ISR void xxx_ISR ( ) The
statement pragma tells the C compiler to
generate RTI instead of RTS as the
last instruction of the function.
24Set Up Interrupt Vector Table - Use assembler
directives to set up interrupt vector table - For
example, the vector entry for IRQ interrupt can
be set up as follows (in assembly language) O
RG FFF2 FDB IRQ_ISR where IRQ_ISR is the
label of the first instruction in the service
routine. In C language, pragma
abs_address0xfff2 void (interrupt_vectors )
(void) IRQ_ISR pragma end_abs_address
25- The complete interrupt vector table in C
language is as follows pragma
abs_address0xffd6 void (interrupt_vectors
(void) SCI_ISR, / SCI interrupt service
routine / SPI_ISR, / SPI / PAI_ISR, / PAI
/ TOC5_ISR, / TOC5 / TOC4_ISR, / TOC4
/ TOC3_ISR, / TOC3 / TOC2_ISR, / TOC2
/ TOC1_ISR, / TOC1 / TIC3_ISR, / TIC3
/ TIC2_ISR, / TIC2 / TIC1_ISR, / TIC1
COP_ISR, / COP / CLM_ISR, / clock monitor
/ _start / reset /
26The EVB EVBU Interrupt Vector Jump Table - The
design of EVB and EVBU precludes the user program
to write into interrupt vector table because
the memory space for the interrupt table is in
ROM. - The EVB and EVBU reserve 60 bytes
(00C4-00FF) of the on-chip SRAM as an
interrupt vector jump table. - Each entry of the
vector jump table consists of three bytes. The
first byte should be set to the opcode (7E) of
the JMP instruction, and the second and third
bytes should be set to the starting address of
the corresponding service routine. - Each entry
(two bytes) of the default vector table of the
68HC11 should contain the address of the first
byte of the corresponding entry in the interrupt
vector jump table. - To set up interrupt vector
jump table (use IRQ as an example) In assembly
language, In C language, ORG 00EE void
IRQ_ISR ( ) JMP IRQ_HND main (
) (unsigned char )0xee
0x7E (void ()())0xef
27Interrupt Vector Jump Table for Demo Boards that
Use Buffalo Monitor
28Enable Interrupts - Clear the I bit of the CCR
register will enable interrupt globally. - Most
maskable interrupts have an enable bit that must
be set to enable the individual interrupt in
addition to setting the I bit. - For example, to
enable the OC1 interrupt, we need to use the
following statements In assembly, In C
language TMSK1 EQU 22 Use in-line assembly
code asm (cli) or LDX 1000 macro INTR_ON
( ) to enable interrupt BSET TMSK1,X
80 globally. CLI Use the statement TMSK1
0x80 to enable OC1 interrupt locally.
29Example 6.2 Write a main program and an
interrupt service routine. The main program will
initialize a variable count to 5, enable the IRQ
interrupt, and stay in a loop to check the value
of count. When the value of count is 0, the
program jump to the BUFFALO monitor. The IRQ
pin is connected to some circuit that will
generate an interrupt from time to time.
Solution set up the interrupt vector jump
table entry ORG 00EE JMP IRQ_ISR the main
program is in the following ORG 00 count rmb 1
ORG C000 SEI disable all maskable
interrupts LDS DFFF set up stack pointer
for EVB LDAA 5 initialize the variable
count to 100 STAA count CLI enable
interrupt to the 68HC11 loop LDAA count BNE loop
SWI jump to BUFFALO monitor IRQ_ISR DEC co
30Example 6.3 Write a C program for the problem in
Example 6.2. Solution include int cou
nt main ( ) count 5 (unsigned char
)0xee 0x7E (void ()())oxef
IRQ_ISR INTR_ON ( ) while (count) INTR_OFF
( ) asm (swi) pragma interrupt_handler
IRQ_ISR ( ) void IRQ_ISR ( ) count - 1