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Diapositiva 1


Quantum computation is a scientific field that uses the quantum mechanical ... These and 'bras' and 'kets': they're just vectors! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Diapositiva 1

Quantum Walks and Quantum Bioinformatics
Talk delivered at US Naval Research Laboratory
NCARAI 2007-2008 Seminar Series May 27th 2008
Salvador Elías Venegas-Andraca Quantum
Information Processing Group Tecnológico de
Monterrey, Campus Estado de México http//mindsofm
exico.org/sva sva_at_mindsofmexico.org ,
salvador.venegas-andraca_at_ keble.oxon.org,
Quantum computation is a scientific field that
uses the quantum mechanical properties of (very
small) systems in order to build computers and
algorithms that have a better (faster)
performance than current computer technology.
Bioinformatics is a scientific field that
employs algorithms for both modeling biological
systems (like genomes or proteins) and simulating
the behavior of complex biological processes
(like protein folding). Thus, employing quantum
algorithms for solving bioinformatics challenges
may lead to expedite development of new drugs,
vaccines, deeper understanding of genome
structure and several other product and
technologies relevant to biodefense.
  • Concise introduction to quantum computation.
  • Quantum walks.
  • Protein Folding and quantum adiabatic algorithms.
  • Future research directions and Conclusions.

Part I Very quick introduction to quantum
What is quantum computation?
  • It is a multidisciplinary field in which
    physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians
    and engineers work towards the development of
    hardware and software based on the rules of
    quantum mechanics.
  • - Computer scientists working in this field
    usually think of how to harness the laws of
    nature in order to create faster algorithms.
  • - Theoretical physicists may also think of this
    field as a test bed for new discoveries about the
    fundamental properties of nature.
  • - Finally, society may think of it as a powerful
    tool that may be used to answer some of the most
    challenging scientific problems we face now.

Scientific and technological reasons for
thinking of quantum computers
  • Simulating quantum systems using other quantum
    systems (R.P. Feynman 1.)
  • 2. Miniaturization of transistor technology is
    pushing the physical limits towards quantum
  • 3. It has been shown that some algorithms based
    on the rules of quantum mechanics lead to
    algorithmic speed up.
  • For example Grovers search 2, Shors
    factorization 3 and Childs et als continuous
    quantum walk 4.
  • 4. Quantum algorithms are an exciting new
    platform for proposing solutions to challenging
    problems from several scientific fields.

Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics
(1/6) Primus inter pares the qubit
In classical computer science, information is
stored and processed in bits. The relationship
between a logical bit and the storage of binary
information in a physical system is simple
Choose a physical system with a degree of freedom
with two mutually exclusive measurement values.
For example, we may take two different voltage
values, measured between terminals E and C.
Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics
(2/6) These and bras and kets theyre just
vectors! Marvin Mermin, quoting a newly
enlightened computer scientist
We shall introduce four postulates of quantum
mechanics in a form suitable for algorithm
development. Postulate 1. Description of a
quantum system. To each isolated physical system
we associate a Hilbert space H, hereinafter known
as the state space of the system. The
physical system is completely described by its
state vector which is a unit vector of
H. Note A linear combination of state vectors
is also a state vector. This is known as the
superposition principle and it is an important
feature for quantum algorithm development.
Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics
(3/6) Primus inter pares the qubit
The quantum counterpart of a bit is a qubit. A
qubit is defined as a mathematical representation
of a physical quantum system with two
distinguishable states.
Postulate 1 states that an isolated quantum
system can be described by a vector state. Thus,
a qubit may be written as
Example of a ket. Interchangeable by vector
Where are complex numbers and
Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics (4/6)
Postulate 2. Evolution of a quantum system
(behavior over time). The evolution of a closed
quantum system with state vector can be
written in two different and equivalent ways
Unitary evolution
- Leads to gate-oriented model of computation,
very natural to computer scientists. - Time
evolve in discrete steps.
is a unitary operator.
Hamiltonian evolution (Schrödinger Equation)
Leads to a continuous model of computation. Time
is a real variable.
, the Hamiltonian of the system, is a
Hermitian operator.
Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics (5/6)
  • Postulate 3. Quantum measurement.
  • Measurement in quantum mechanics is a highly
    counter-intuitive and non-trivial process, as
    opposed to common wisdom in classical computer
  • Measurement outcomes are inherently
  • Once a measurement has been performed, a quantum
    system is unavoidably altered.
  • Mathematical operators, examples and details can
    be found in handouts.

Concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics (6/6)
Postulate 4. Composite quantum systems. The
state space of a composite quantum system, i.e. a
system made up of several qubits, is the tensor
product of the component system state
spaces. Main property to be remembered the
tensor product allows for an exponential increase
in the dimension of the total Hilbert
space. For example if three qubits
are used to build a composite
quantum system , then
. Mathematical operators, examples and details
can be found in handouts.
Theoretical and universality aspects of quantum
1. D. Deutsch proposed in 6 a quantum
universal Turing machine, as well as a
physics-oriented version of the Church-Turing
thesis Every finitely realizable physical
system can be perfectly simulated by a universal
model computing machine operating by finite
means. 2. In classical computer science, a set
of gates is universal if it is possible to build
a circuit with such gates in order to compute any
computable function. The same holds for
quantum computation the set made by a Hadamard
gate (one-qubit) and a C-NOT gate (two qubits) is
also universal. In fact, there a many universal
gate sets in quantum computation 7,8. 3.
Excellent introductions to QC for non-physicists
Part II Quantum Walks
Quick reminder Classical Random Walk on the Line
Froggy jumps either forward or backwards,
depending on the outcome of corresponding coin
toss, heads or tails respectively. Let us
suppose that Mr. Money has a coin with
probability p of getting heads and probability q
of getting tails. If Froggy begins its journey in
position zero, what is the probability of finding
our dear frog at position k after n steps?
Binomial distribution
Why are Classical Random Walks important in
Computer Science?
Random Walks are used to develop algorithms
that may outperform their deterministic
counterparts for the solution of certain
problems. An example follows
K-SAT, a Fundamental NP Problem
  • The K-SAT problem plays a most important role in
    the Theory of Computation (NP complete problem).
    The setup of the K-SAT problem is as follows
  • Let Bx1, x2, , xn be a set of Boolean
  • Let Ci be a disjunction of k elements of B
  • Finally, let F be a conjunction of m clauses Ci.
  • Question Is there an assignment of Boolean
    variables in F that satisfies all clauses
    simultaneously, i.e. F1?

Example. Instance of 3-SAT
Solving the 3SAT Problem
One of the best algorithms for solving the 3SAT
problem is based on a classical random walk T.
Hofmeister, U. Schöning, R. Schuler and O.
Watanabe, A Probabilistic 3-SAT algorithm
Further Improved, Symposium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Science, pp. 192-202 (2002)
Quantum Walks
What is a Quantum Walk? A Quantum Walk is a
generalization of classical random walks in the
quantum world. In this new paradigm, the
constituent elements of the walk are quantum
particles. Are there different kinds of Quantum
Walks? Yes, there are two kinds of quantum walks
discrete and continuous. What about Discrete
Quantum Walks? It is possible to define discrete
quantum walks on the line (both unrestricted and
restricted) and in general graphs. The basic
model Quantum Walk on an infinite line
  • Why are Quantum Walks relevant in
  • Quantum Computation?
  • Quantum walks produce position probability
    distributions that are very different from those
    probability distributions obtained by the
    computation of classical random walks. We expect
    to use those new probability distributions
    produced by quantum walks for the development of
    new and faster algorithms.
  • Quantum walks can be a good test for the
    quantumness of physical realizations of quantum

Elements of Discrete Quantum Walks on an Infinite
Line (1/3)
1. Walker. A quantum system living in a Hilbert
space of infinite but countable dimension Hp.
The walker is usually initialized at the
origin. 2. Coin. A quantum system living in a
2-dimensional Hilbert space Hc. The initial coin
state depends on the symmetry we want to imprint
on the position probability distribution of the
walker. Total and initial states of the Quantum
Walk. The total state of the quantum walk resides
in Ht Hp ? Hc. The initial state that has been
used so far is simply the product state of
corresponding walker and coin initial states.
Elements of Quantum Walks on an Infinite Line
3. Evolution Operators. Coin Evolution
Operator. Any 2-dimensional unitary operator can
be a coin evolution operator. The Hadamard
operator is customary.
Conditional Shift Operator. As with the previous
operator, the only requirement is that of
unitarity. A suitable conditional shift operator
So, the total evolution operator is given by
Elements of Discrete Quantum Walks on an Infinite
Line (3/3)
  • The operational idea of a quantum walk does
    resemble that of a classical random walk
  • Toss the coin (apply coin evolution operator)
  • ii) Move the walker according to the coin outcome
    (apply conditional shift operator)
  • iii) Do steps i) and ii) a total number of t
    times, and finish the walk by measuring the
    position of the walker

Results for a Quantum Walk of an Infinite Line
Figure 1. Unbalanced coin
Total initial state
Evolution operator
Number of steps
t 100
Results for a Discrete Quantum Walk of an
Infinite Line (2/2)
Figure 2. Balanced coin
Total initial state
Evolution operator
Number of steps
t 100
Relevant Properties of Discrete Quantum Walks on
an Infinite Line
  • The standard deviation of a quantum walk is ??n?.
    In contrast, the standard deviation of a
    classical random walk is of order ???n?.
    Therefore, the quantum walk propagates
    quadratically faster (A. Nayak and A. Vishwanath,
    quant-ph/ 0010117)
  • 2. The position probability distribution of a
    quantum walk does depend on the initial quantum
    state, as opposed to a classical random walk.
  • 3. Discrete quantum walks in algorithmic
    development may provide polynomial speed-up (more
    on this shortly).

Continuous quantum walks (1/3)
Let G(V,E) be a graph with Vn ? a continuous
time random walk on G can be described by the
infinitesimal generator matrix M given by
Using Mab, it is possible to prove that the
probability of being at vertex a at time t is
given by
Continuous quantum walks (2/3)
Using matrix Mab, we define a Hamiltonian
with matrix elements given by
The unitary operator
Defines a continuous quantum walk on graph G.
Continuous quantum walks (3/3)
  • Childs et als main results 4
  • No classical algorithm may go from Entrance to
    Exit in polynomial time.
  • A continuous quantum walk may probabilistically
    go from Entrance to Exit in polynomial time.

Full introduction to the field Quantum walks for
computer scientists S.E. Venegas Andraca Morgan
and Claypool (second half 2008)
Part III Protein Folding and Quantum Adiabatic
Let us start with a fresh topic Proteins
A protein is a polymer molecule, a chain of tens
to thousands of monomer units. The monomers are
the 20 naturally occurring amino acids.

Proteins play a key role in thousands of chemical
and physical processes essential to keep an
organism alive. Example digestion enzymes and
hemoglobin. Therefore, scientific research on
proteins is a fundamental task for understanding
life. Also, protein research would lead mankind
to new forms of medicine practice and
personalized drug design.
Different kinds of Proteins
Proteins may be classified into three types
fibrous, membrane and globular.

We shall focus on globular proteins as they are
an essential element in the chemistry of life.
The most important state of a globular protein,
known as its native or folded state, is extremely
compact and is unique, i.e. a given protein folds
to only one native state.
Globular proteins
  • The native state of a typical globular protein
    has, amongst others, the following properties
  • It is tightly packed as a small-molecule crystal
    but, in general, a globular protein does not have
    the spatial regularity of a crystal (bad news for
    complexity in simulation algorithms).
  • Complex globular proteins have domains, i.e.
    subsets of amino acids that are often
    independently stable and folded (helpful for
    mathematical and computational analysis).

Schematic diagram of a globular
protein. Introduction to Protein Structure. C.
Branden and J. Tooze. Taylor and Francis (1999).
The Protein Folding Problem

Given the amino acid sequence of a protein,
predict its compact three-dimensional native
The Protein Folding problem is a key challenge in
modern science, for both its intrinsic importance
in the foundations of biological science and its
applications in medicine, agriculture, and many
other areas.
Some physics and mathematics of the Protein
Folding Problem (1/4)
The native fold of a globular protein is usually
assumed to correspond to the global minimum of
the proteins free energy. This is known as the
Thermodynamic Hypothesis which, as stated in C.
Anfinsens Nobel lecture 11, reads The
three-dimensional structure of a native protein,
in its normal physiological milieu, is the one in
which the Gibbs free energy2 of the whole system
is lowest that is, that the native conformation
is determined by the totality of interatomic
interactions and hence by the amino acid
sequence, in a given environment. The protein
folding problem can be thus analyzed as a global
optimization problem.

2 GU pV - TS, where U internal energy
(kinetic energy due to molecule motion and energy
of chemical bonds), p pressure, Vvolume of the
molecule, T temperature and Sentropy.
Some physics and mathematics of the Protein
Folding Problem (2/4)
Ideally we should compute, for every possible
3D conformation of the chain, the sum of free
energies of the atomic interactions in the
protein. However, as you all can easily infer,
such an exhaustive procedure becomes unfeasible
for even a small number of amino acids, as the
number of conformations obeys an exponential
relation N ? ?n where n is the number of
amino acids and ? ? 2,3,4,5,6 12.

Some physics and mathematics of the Protein
Folding Problem (3/4)
  • The exhaustive approach is not reasonable not
    only from a computational point of view, but also
    with respect to what Nature can do, as our bodies
    can do the following in milliseconds
  • Unzip DNA chains
  • Create RNAm from unzipped DNA chains.
  • Assemble proteins, using RNAm, in our protein
    manufacturing plant ribosome.
  • For example, the human body produces thousands of
    enzymes (a kind of protein) at least three times
    every day when we digest our meals.

Some physics and mathematics of the Protein
Folding Problem (4/4)
The computational complexity of exhaustive
search and the (very) quick procedure performed
by Nature leads to Levinthals paradox 13 How
does a protein find the global optimum (its
native state) without a global search? What vast
parts of conformational space does the protein
avoid? It is indeed evident that clever and
faster approaches, based on the laws of physics
and chemistry, should be developed in order to
efficiently solve the protein folding problem.

The HP model (1/2)
  • A simplified but very useful model for studying
    protein folding is known as the HP model 14,
    which is based on the following assumptions
  • Amino acids can be divided into two sets
    hydrophobic (H) and polar (P) i.e. keen on
    interacting with water. Hence the acronym HP.
  • The interaction of proteins with its surroundings
    makes polar amino acids be on the surface of the
    protein, while hydrophobic amino acids tend to
    stay at the core of the globular structure.
  • HP amino acid interaction with its milieu is a
    driving force of the folding process.
  • The only interaction among amino acids is the
    favorable contact between two non-adjacent (in
    the amino acid sequence) H amino acids.

The HP model (2/2)

As stated, in the HP model the only interaction
among amino acids is the favorable contact
between two non-adjacent (in the amino acid
sequence) H amino acids. For example, in this
figure, there is a total number of 12 H-H
favorable interactions.
The protein folding problem, under the HP model,
is NP-complete 15.
Quantum adiabatic algorithms (1/3)
  • One of the novel approaches towards simulation of
    protein folding is the employment of quantum
    adiabatic algorithms based on the HP model.
  • The quantum adiabatic model of computation was
    originally proposed by E. Farhi, J. Goldstone, S.
    Gutmann and M. Sipser 16,17, and has the
    following characteristics (next slide)

Quantum adiabatic algorithms (2/3)
  • Characteristics of the quantum adiabatic model of
  • It is a continuous model of computation, i.e. it
    is based on the Schrödinger equation.
  • It has been proved that it is a universal model
    of quantum computation 18, i.e. a quantum
    adiabatic computer can do anything a quantum
    Turing machine can do.
  • It has been proved 18 that quantum adiabatic
    algorithms can provide quadratic algorithmic
    speed up for certain problems.
  • It remains an open question whether quantum
    adiabatic algorithms may provide exponential
    algorithmic speed up.

Quantum adiabatic algorithms (3/3)
The main idea behind quantum adiabatic algorithms
is to employ the Schrödinger equation

with a specific structure for the Hamiltonian of
the system (more on this very shortly, but
before that)
A connection between quantum walks and quantum
adiabatic algorithms
1. Universal quantum walks and adiabatic
algorithms by 1D Hamiltonians. B.D. Chase and A.
J. Landahl 5. A proposal for building
Hamiltonians that enable universal computation.
Hamiltonians in this family are achieved by
either a continuous quantum walk or by executing
an adiabatic algorithm.
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
(1/9) Very quick reminder of the algebraic
properties of Hamiltonians
  • As any other linear operators, Hamiltonians have
    eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
  • For historical reasons, the eigenvector(s)
    corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue is(are)
    known as ground state(s).

Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding

This is the final Hamiltonian, which encodes in
its ground state the solution to the problem
under study.
This is the initial Hamiltonian, which has a
unique and easy to prepare ground state.
T is the total running time of the quantum
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
  • The rationale behind an adiabatic quantum
    algorithm is
  • Start with an initial Hamiltonian
    that has
  • i) an easy to prepare and unique ground state
  • ii) Different eigenvalues Eo
  • 2. Evolve the system slowly.
  • By doing this evolution sufficiently slowly, the
    quantum adiabatic theorem 19 allows us to
    predict that the system will stay in the ground
    state of its Hamiltonian

for all the computing time t ? 0,T
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
3. If we let the system run for sufficiently long
time T, the quantum adiabatic algorithm allows us
to predict that, when measuring the state of the
system described by We shall be very close to
the ground state of the Hamiltonian

which, by definition, has the solution to the
problem encoded in its ground state!
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
For how long should we run the quantum adiabatic
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
Hamiltonian for protein folding under the HP
model for an adiabatic quantum computer 20

It counts all non-adjacent H-H interactions. Each
favorable interaction is one energy unit.
One amino acid for each graph site
The folding follows the original amino acid
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
Matrix elements for

It costs energy to put two amino acids on the
same site.
is a distance function.
are the number of amino acids (frequently 100s),
D is the dimension of the HP model (2 or 3), and
a quantum operator in matrix representation,
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
Matrix elements for

It costs energy not to follow the primary
is a distance function between amino acids P,Q.
are the number of amino acids (frequently 100s),
D is the dimension of the HP model (2 or 3), and
a quantum operator in matrix representation,
Quantum mechanical algorithms for Protein Folding
Matrix elements for

Each interaction counts for a -1 energy unit.
counts the number of non-adjacent H-H
interactions above, below, left and right of site
are the number of amino acids (frequently 100s),
and D is the dimension of the HP model (2 or 3).
Future research directions
  • We are currently trying to determine how fast a
    quantum adiabatic algorithm can be when
    simulating protein folding.
  • We are working towards an analytical
    characterization of minimum gaps for this
    fundamental biological process.
  • 2. 3SAT is one of the most studied NP-complete
    problems. Farhi et al 17, Van Dam et al 18
    have studied it under the light of quantum
    adiabatic algorithms.
  • Moreover, Permodo, Venegas-Andraca and
    Aspuru-Guzik (incoming paper) are studying new
    quantum adiabatic Hamiltonians for the 3SAT
  • Both protein folding and 3SAT are NP-complete
    problems. Thus, faster algorithms for 3SAT may
    lead to faster algorithms for protein folding.

  • Quantum algorithms are a powerful tool not only
    for attacking theoretical computer science
    problems and physics phenomena. We may also
    efficiently simulate the behavior of very complex
    biological processes.
  • By combining the strengths of quantum walks and
    quantum adiabatic algorithms it may be possible
    to build families of Hamiltonians for universal
  • Moreover, quantum algorithms may also be employed
    to get a deeper understanding on how to use the
    laws and products of Nature for computational
  • How about, after learning more about protein
    folding, we use proteins for very complex

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A. Perdomo, C. Truncik, I. Tubert-Brohman, G.
Rose, and A. Aspuru-Guzik. To appear in PRA.
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