Title: Kein Folientitel
1iViP integrated Virtual Product Creation Status
(final) Report OMG TC Meeting, Orlando, June 2002
Project Management
2Once more...
3iViP at a glance
- iViP integrated Virtual Product Creation
- 272 ideas ? 15 proposals ? 5 research projects
- Budget 100 Mio. DM 50 Mio. 400 MY
- Duration 4 years July 1998 June 2002
- Consortium 53 Partners / 250 Researchers
- Technical co-ordination Fraunhofer IPK
- Project supervision
4iViP Consortium 53 Partners from Industry,
Research and Universities
5iViP Vision Mission
A continuous digital product creation process
Realisation of an IT-infrastructure for
integrated virtual product creation in
heterogeneous environments
6Open iViP Software Architecture
- Components
- iViP client
- iViP integration platform
- iViP applications
- Integration methods
- Wrapper for the integration of external tools
- Tool visualisation through Java Beans in the
client - PDM-Enablers for access to product data
7iViP Project Structure
8iViP Basic Components iViP Client iViP
Integration Platform
9iViP Client General User Interface
- These elements are from all different iViP
applications - Navigation Tree
- Toolbars
- Menu
- Applications with their own user interface (Java
Beans) - Harmonized through the iViP Integration concept
on GUI level
10iViP navigation through tree and nodes
- Tree contains
- Applications (service nodes)
- Data nodes
- Both nodes have operations depending on their
data and their status
11Applications send their own specialised user
- Every application can send a java bean
- Java Bean contains user interface and maybe
application - Java Beans communicate with the iViP Client
(inserting menu items, toolbars...) and to their
own or other application
12iViP Platform
- Provides all possible applications
- Gives all operations for the nodes in the tree
- Coordinates services, sessions, users
System services
Databus (CORBA, PDM Enablers, ...)
iViP PDM Basic Services
Innovative Application
Valididation Tools
Production Planning.
Process- management
Application Oriented services
Communication Services
PC 3
PC 4
PC 5
iViP Tools
External Tools
13iViP PDM Basic Rervices
14PDM Client
15Example for CAD- integration via PDM Enablers
- Access and storage of CAD data out of the Client
Repositorywith graphical Definitions Toolset
17Overview 45 iViP prototypes
Product / Prototype Project Engdat
Sign 2.3 de.ivip.authDM.security.Msec 2.3 iViP
Digi Sign 2.3 Semantisches Mapping 2.3 iViP
Mapping Service 2.3 FOD Functional Oriented
Design 3.2 FEM2CAD 3.3 iViP-Isosmooth 3.3 TO
SCA.ivip 3.3 Erweiterungen zu
MSC.Patran 3.3 Digital Review 4.1 eM
Human 4.1 Haptik Rendering Modul 4.2 eM
RealNC 4.3 Virtueller Prüfstand 4.4 C.A.T.
Viewer 4.4 Logic Link 5.1 Übersetzungstool
Autoform_UNV 5.1 eM Press 5.1 eM Workplace
Performance 5.1 CAD2X.Monitor 5.2 RP
Selector 5.2 RP Broker 5.2
Product / Prototype
Project Adaptive, distrib. Processmgmt 1.1 Workfl
owmanagement 1.1 Modellierung
Buildtime 1.1 iViP Webaccess 1.2 iViP
Relations 1.2 iViP Transfer 1.2 iViP
Whiteboard 1.2 iViP Sendmail 1.2 iViP
Connect 1.2 iViP-Conference 1.2 iViP
Contact 1.2 Web Exchanger 1.3 iViP Software
on Demand 1.3 CATIA-Integration 1.3 iViP
Client und Integrationsplattform 1.3 Virtueller
Lichttisch 2.1 Multimediales Produktinformations
system 2.1 Definitions Toolset 2.2 Repository
2.2 PDM Basisdienste 2.2 Usermanager für iViP
(UMI) 2.2 Xmap 2.3
18Commitments for development
Final goal
Development phase
Specific solution
Rersearch prototype
Product prototype
Beta Version
Commercial Product
No details
78 of all questioned say they will
commercialise their results 16 of all
questioned say they already placed their product
on the market
19Use case 1
20Early Phase Function-Oriented Design
21Use case 2
22Using iViP Architecture in Press Line Simulation
Dynamic Deformation Calculation
Geometry Placeholder
Sweep Volume
Simulation of a Press Line for Stamping
Constraint Based Tool Design
Kinematic Simulation of Press Line
System set up
23Using iViP Architecture in Press Line Simulation
- iViP Functionality used
- Data Management using PdmEnabler standard
- Exchanging document over the Network (independent
of OS and sites) using SecuredFiles - Versioning of documents using DocumentIterations
- Management (structuring and query) of documents
using iViP PDM basic services
FEM Model .AF new Document
FEM Model .UNV add SecuredFile
Envelope .UNV new Document
Sweep Volume .RF new Document
Sweep Volume .CATV4 add SecuredFile
Tool .CATV4 new Document
Tool .RF add SecuredFile
Simulation Result .DOC new Document
24Using iViP Architecture in Press Line Simulation
- iViP services do support the engineering workflow
- Applications can be executed from iViP client
- iViP services can be executed directly in the
iViP-Client Basic Services
Send to VR
25Lessons Learned
26Lessons Learned 1
- Proposal
- Defining a large, integrated project really
demands resources - Pure bottom-up specification leads to essential
overhead? Recommendation use a combination of
top-down and bottom-up, e.g. a RFP-like approach - Project Implementation
- Application scenarios have do be clearly defined
projects and be budgeted - Necessity of well defined processes for project
change management - Well-described deliverables commitment to
develop products - Central functions require sufficient resources
- PR Marketing
- Documentation
- Co-ordination
- Flexibility to change work plan assign resources
etc. - Infrastructure for project over spanning work
- Mailing lists WEB-based co-operation tools
WEB-Server, reference installation - Consortia contract before project start
27Lessons Learned 2
- Technical Coordination
- Not only use standards but influence the
specification - Make standardisation work part of the projekt
plan - Idea of project overspanning staff groups si
good but - Assign reasonable resources to them
- Define deliverables and deadlines
- Empower these groups
- Technical co-ordination is only possible if the
co-ordinator itself is involved in project - Design rationale of iViP
- Project structure staff-groups application
scenarios - Joint goals (iViP Client, iViP Platform, PDM
Enablers interface) - Should be agreed upon in consortia agreement
- Must be implemented in advance
29Future of the iViP Basic Software Components
- iViP-Basic Components (iViP-Client,
iViP-Platform, PDM Basic Services) will become
public domain(Conditions for passing to be
determined) - Fraunhofer IPK will maintain the software
- Other components are candidates to become public
domain - Specification of the Software will be maintained
by the ProSTEP-iViP association
30ProSTEP-iViP association
- ProSTEP association general assembly in April
2002 accepted new statute and new name - ProSTEP-iViP e. V.
ProSTEP-iViPs Mission
The society will support the processes of the
IT-based product creation in the life cycle
engineering of the manufacturing industry
31Further activities ViP-RoaM
32ViP-RoaM Objectives
- Vision Defining a Virtual Product Creation
strategy enabling European Industry to improve
their product creation processes to be successful
in international market - Roadmap Description of necessary RTD activities
for the coming 5-10 years along with a concerted
RTD implementation path
33Project partners
- Core partners FhG-IPK (GE) Coordinator
- EADS-CCR (FR) Prime Contractor
- FIAT-CRF (IT) Prime Contractor
- Siemens-SBS (GE) Prime Contractor
- Contributing partners (LoI submitted)
34Milestones and expected results / deliverables
- Strategic roadmap sketching the technical and
organisational milestones for Virtual Product
Creation for the next 5-10 years - Identification of European and global key players
in Virtual Product Creation - State-of-the-art analysis (including landscape of
international organisations, standardisation
bodies, consortia, projects, initiatives, with
respect to Virtual Product Creation) - Business implementation paths and integration
scenarios - Management best practices (lessons learned from
iViP, other projects) - Methodologies for progress assessment and
35Announcement International Conference