Title: European Nationalism 1800-1900
1European Nationalism1800-1900
2Events/Ideas to Remember
- End of Napoleon/Napoleonic Europe
- Congress of Vienna
- Metternich
- Concert of Europe
- Conservatism vs. Liberalism
- Balance of Power
- Key Countries GB, Ottoman Empire, France,
Piedmont-Sardinia . . . . and soon, Russia
3Crimean War 1854-56
- Eastern Question
- England supports the Turks (Ottoman Empire) in
hopes of securing Palestine before Russia does - Balance of Power threatened
- Russia gaining control of Black Sea region and
Persia - Why? Warm water port
- Why? Orthodox Christians should be united
4Intrigue and Rumors
- Some say . . . . Russia wants to destroy Ottoman
Empire and claim all land - Some say . . . Russia wants to ally with England
- Some say . . . Russia wants a secret alliance
with the Ottomans to protect them against
French interests - Russia is a growing concern for Europe
- expansion must be contained
- Conflict emerges The Crimean Peninsula
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7Key Events 1853-54
- War Begins
- Russia defeated Turkish fleet (fall 1853)
- Russia occupies Ottoman territories of Moldavia
and Walachia
8Key Events
- Britain, France, Sardinia (Allies) declare war
on Russia - Austria neutral (but may enter war with Allies)
- Russia must retreat from M and W
- September 1854 Allies attack Sevastopol. Takes
one year to capture.
- 1 Year
- After siege, Russia recaptures
A Day's Fishing at Sebastopol "Hi! Jim, bring the
landing net--blow'd if I hain't hooked another
- 1856 Treaty of Paris
- Allies Victory
11Treaty of Paris 1856
- Made Black Sea neutral territory
- No more warships or forts allowed
- Reduced Russian influence in region
- Moldavia and Wallachia returned to Ottoman rule,
but given limited independence (monitored by
Allies) - Russian claim to protectorship in Palestine was
rejected. Russia retreats from Holy Land. - Russia loses influence over Serbia
12The Charge of the Light Brigade
- "A feat of chivalry, fiery with consummate
courage, and bright with flashing courage. - -- Benjamin Disraeli, Member
- of Parliament
13Charge of the Light Brigade
- 1854
- Public but not tactical -- disaster
- 673 men involved, 100 men killed out of 20,000
British war dead - British troops retreat
14Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- "Theirs not to reason why
- Theirs but to do and die"
Poem made the failed charge a symbol of warfare
at both its most courageous and its most tragic.
Valley of the Shadow of Death
15Characteristics of the Crimean War
- First well publicized war
- Railroads and telegraph to aid war effort
- Photographed
- Battlefield nurses, ambulances
16Florence Nightingale
- Divine calling
- Criticized Victorian ideal of an educated, but
helpless, woman - Created a profession out of a un-respected
occupation - Nurses were typically cooks and even prostitutes
who followed armies - No training
17Italian Unification
- "Resurgence
- Political and social protest
- Active between 1815 and Unification in 1860
19Obstacles to Italian Unity
- Historically, battleground for foreign and local
princes - France (1494 Charles VII)
- Austria (Peace of Utrecht 1713)
- Napoleon (1799-1815)
- Frequent warfare emphasized local allegiances
- Age of Napoleon, romanticism create desire for
national unity and security against foreigners - But . . . Congress of Vienna
- Gives Austria N. Italy
- French prince given Napoli and Sicily
20Secret Societies
- Young Italy One Italy, free and independent
- Organized by Mazzini
- Carbonari formed about 1820
- Patriotic and liberal
- Key figures in early years of nationalism
- Organization
- Scattered cells
- Initiation rituals
21Key Figures
- Count Emilio Cavour the brain of unification
- Mazzini the soul
- Garibaldi the "sword"
22Giuseppe Mazzini Writer and politician.
Believed revolution would lead to
unification. 1830 member of Carbonari 1831
organized a new political society called Giovane
Italia (Young Italy) No King. Italy must be a
democratic republic.
23Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
- Buffer state
- Industrialization by 1830
- But . . .Political instability
- Vittorio Emmanuel King in 1850
- Liberal prime minister, Emilio Cavour
- S-P enters Crimean War to gain status
24Count Emilio di Cavour
Hated the idea of a united Italy, but hated
Austrian control more. 1859 Cavour persuaded
Napoleon III to protect Sardinia if Austria
were to attack Austria does attack France
declares war against Austria. Austrians
surrender to France. Napoleon allows Sardinia to
annex Lombardy.
1859/1860 all northern states voted to join the
Kingdom of Sardinia. After 1860, France
controls only Rome (at the request of the Pope) .
25Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
- Kingdom of Naples and Kingdom of Sicily
26Giuseppe Garibaldi
1833 Joined Mazzini's Young Italy Fought
for Sardinian independence in 1854. Wanted
independence for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Accepted help from Cavour.
27Garibaldis Red Shirts
- 1860 defeated the Bourbon king of Sicily
28Garibaldis Gift to Italy
- Defeated king in Sicily in 1860.
- Dictator of Sicily
- Died in 1861
- Willed Sicily to VE
- Only Venetia and Rome
remain independent
29Map of the 19th Century Unification of Italy
30Who Should Rule Italy?
With the revolutionary climate of Europe, Italy
should be a constitutional monarchy. Vittorio
Emmanuel is the strongest ruler within Italy.
31In Rome this monument is dedicated to Victor
Close up, the writing says, Patriae Unitate,
32Benefits for Italy of the Austro-Prussian War 1866
- Austria loses control of Venetia
- Venetia annexed to Italy
- Rome remained independent.
- When France loses the Franco-Prussian war in
1870, France must withdraw troops (protecting the
Pope in Rome) - Rome is ceded to Italy.
The Right Leg in the Boot at Last!! Garibaldi
If it won't go on Sire, try a little powder . .
as in GUNpowder
34Legacy of the ItalianRevolution
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37Mixing bowl at a bakery in Venice.
38Every city has at least one Via Cavour, Via
Mazzini, or Via Garibaldi.
39Even lesser-known Revolutionary Heroes are
commemorated. This is a monument in a small
piazza in Venice. The date says 1866. The
rest of it says that these men were martyrs for
Italian independence.
40This piazza in Florence is named to commemorate
the Revolution. Its named Piazza della
41Problems Facing Italy
- Legacy of independent states
- Regional differences
- North cultural heritage, economic prospects,
more cities, educated - South agricultural, rural, illiterate peasants
- Italy vs Catholic Church
- Church governs Vatican
- Non-cooperation with new leaders of Italy
42Modern Italy
- Constitutional monarchy, two house system
- Limited voters
- Industrialization continues
- Population increases, unemployment rises
- Emigration to US
- Socialists/Anarchists
- Push government to expand vote
- Distraction Imperialism
43German UnificationThe era of Bismarck
44Flag of Prussia. Otto von Bismarck, a prince of
Prussia, led the movement to unite all Germans.
45Boundaries within Europe after the Congress of
Vienna (1815), featuring a strong (and large)
Prussia. The Austrian Empire is also large.
46Revolutions in Europe. As dissatisfaction grew
and liberals demanded more power, conservatives
clung to the old ways. Bismarck
disorganization meant it was time for a strong
German leader.
47Key People
- Kaiser Wilhelm I
- Otto von Bismarck
- Iron Chancellor
- Blood and Iron
- Realpolitik
48Early Nationalists
- Grimm Brothers
- Leopold Ranke
- The Germans have a mission from God to develop
a new system and culture different from the
French - Georg Freidrich Hegel
- The state IS reason AND Liberty
- There are no unchangeable rights or wrongs, just
CHANGE - Change dialectic
- Thesis vs. Antithesis Synthesis
- Example the disunity of German states could
create unity (and a German State)
- 1830s Trade union (Ended after unification)
- Removed tariff barriers between German states
- Austria purposefully excluded from beginning
- Bismarck continued penalties against Austria
50 51Rivalry between Prussia and Austria
- Rivals for German leadership
- Much in common
- German language
- Traditions, customs similar
- But . . . Some differences
- Prussia mostly Protestant, militaristic,
economically strong - Austria Catholic, weaker leadership, weakened
economy from fighting wars
52Frankfurt Assembly 1848
- Discussed German unification
- Too many factions
- Crown offered to Prussian King, he rejects
- Prussia and Austria leave, Assembly disbanded
- Two provinces chose not to attend Schleswig and
Holstein - Mostly Danish
- Controlled by Danish king, but part of German
Confederation - Felt threatened by German unification
53Location of Schleswig-Holstein
54During the era of Romanticism, the idea of
Germany was one proposed by many Politicians,
composers, poets, authors, statesmen. However,
only one man Prince Otto von Bismarck had the
skills to convince the other German states that
it was to their benefit to join Prussia to create
a unified nation Germany.
55Bismarck as Chancellor
- Appointed by King Wilhelm I in 1862
- Not a Nationalist
- First loyalty was to ruling family
- Unification would bring more power to
Hohenzollerns - Collected unfair taxes
- Enlarged the army to support his plan
- Support of Junkers, industrialists, landowners
56- Bismarcks Philosophy Realpolitik
- Politics based on practical (realistic) needs,
not moral issues. - In other words, the ideals of the Enlightenment
would be ignored. - Instead, Bismarck felt that people needed a
strong government. - The government will use whatever economic or
military methods necessary to increase its power.
57How Bismarck created Germany
58"By blood and Iron"
OTTO VON BISMARCK used this phrase to describe
the method by which a unified German state would
be created. Compromise and discussion had
failed. Bismarck knew that Germany could be
created only through war . . . and with a strong
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60Bismarck orchestrated the unification of Germany
through three carefully planned
611. War with Denmark -- 1864
Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria in 1864.
The purpose was to declare war with Denmark over
Schleswig-Holstein. Agreement Prussia and
Austria would take one province on victory.
They called it liberation because these
provinces were mostly occupied by German speaking
people. Bismarck creates tension with Austria
over S-H, which leads to war between Austria and
Prussia in 1866
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632. War with Austria -- 1866
- Austria is Prussias strongest competitor for
control of the German states. - Austria leads the German Confederation (created
after the Congress of Vienna) - Bismarck dissolved confederation, creates the
North German Confederation - Prussia gains control over northern states
- Invents an excuse to attack Austria. 7-Weeks
War - After victory, Prussia allows Austria and 4
southern states to remain independent
64Peace of Prague(another treaty)
- Ended Austro-Prussian War
- Lenient toward Austria
- Bismarck did not want to completely alienate
Austria - But, Habsburgs were permanently excluded from
German affairs. - Prussia thus established itself as the only major
power among the German states.
653. Franco-Prussian War 1870
- Victories of Prussia worry Napoleon III
- Rumors begin that France will invade Prussia
- Probably started by Bismarck he wants war
- Napoleon III is losing power to the liberal
government at home - Resources are getting stretched too thin
- Willing to let France go to war to reclaim his
authority -
66Ems Telegram
- Manipulated by Bismarck
- Wants France to declare war against Prussia
- Telegram suggests that the French insulted the
Prussians (raises Prussian ire) - Also suggests the Prussians insulted the French
(assuring retaliation, leading to war) -
His Majesty the King (of Prussia) thereupon
refused to receive the French envoy again and
informed him through an adjutant that His Majesty
has nothing further to say to the Ambassador.
67Battle of Sedan
- Napoleon III surrendered, captured
- French losses over 5x that of Prussia
- Second Republic overthrown
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69Treaty of Frankfurt
- May 1871
- France lost Alsace and Lorraine and Strasburg
- Napoleon III no match for Bismarck
70Birth of the German Empire
- 1871 Southern states (except Austria) join the
new German Empire - Prussian king becomes Kaiser of Germany
71The German Empire was proclaimed in the Hall of
Mirrors at Versailles, January 1871.
72The German Empire
- 1871
- Birth of the Second Reich
- Two House legislature
- Bundesrat appointed by rulers of German states
- Can veto any decision made by the Reichstag
- Real power is held by chancellor and emperor
- Reichstag elected by universal male suffrage
- Germany is an autocracy, ruled by Bismarck and
the Emperor
73Coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm I
74Frances reaction to the outcome of the war with
75Quotes by Bismarck
- The less people know about how sausages and laws
are made, the better they'll sleep at night - The great questions of the day will not be
settled by means of speeches and majority
decisions but by iron and blood. - When you want to fool the world, tell the
truth. - When you say you agree to a thing in principle
you mean that you have not the slightest
intention of carrying it out in practice. - If there is ever another war in Europe, it will
come out of some damned silly thing in the
76Bismarcks Policies
77Against Socialists
- Social Democratic Party
- Parliamentary democracy and improved conditions
for workers - Bismarck feared socialists would undermine
loyalty of workers possible revolution - Laws forbid socialist meetings, newspapers
- Failed workers unified in demands
- Bismarck adapts
- Entice workers away from Socialism by passing
laws to protect them - Health insurance, pensions, accident insurance
- Socialism never disappears
- Battle for Civilization
- Catholics must be loyal to state before church
- State can supervise church education
- State can approve appointment of priests
- Some Catholic orders were closed
- Jesuits expelled from Germany
- Marriages must be performed by Civil not
religious ceremony - Too rigid
- Bismarck ends up making peace with The Church
79Kaiser Wilhelm II
- 1888 succeeds his grandfather
- 1890 asked Bismarck to resign
- There is only one master and that is I
- Divine Right ruler
- Those who oppose me, I shall crush
- Resisted democratic reform, but continued social
welfare programs - Continued support of German military
- Imperialistic
80Bismarck Fired
81Napoleon III
82Napoleon III and Imperialism
- 1852 The Empire means Peace
- Follows British example
- Algeria
- 1830
- 1/3 of native pop. killed by French troops
- China
- 2nd Opium War, 1860
- Indochina
- 1862
- Mexico
- 1862-1867
- French backed monarchy
- Wars with Austria, Prussia
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84The Third Republic
- 1870-1940
- Napoleon III
- Abolished 2nd Republic in 1852
- 3rd Republic eventually
dominated by
radical socialists
85Eastern Europe (after 1850)
86Hapsburg Empire
- Challenges
- Conservative ruler in liberal age
- Philosophy Rule and Change nothing
- Originally limited industrialization because it
threatened tradition - Industrialization brings social problems, unrest,
socialism - Emigration to US begins about 1870
- Mostly Jews and Slavs (non German-speaking)
87Hapsburgs Ethnic Diversity
- Multinational
- Less than 25 speak German
- 50 belong to Slavic groups
- Hungarians, Italians want independence
- Peoples! What does that mean? I know only
subjects! Emperor Francis I (1830) - Nationalist revolts crushed
88Hapsburgs Franz Joseph
- Franz Joseph becomes emperor in 1848 (lasts until
1916) - After defeats against France, and Sardinia in
1859, reform begins - Constitution with legislature
- Dominated by German speaking Austrians
- Hungary in rebellion
89Compromise with Hungary
- 1866 renewed pressure for reform especially
from Hungary - Francis Deak (moderate from Hungary) proposes the
Dual Monarchy - Austria and Hungary remain separate states
- Each has constitution and parliament
- Franz Joseph ruled both
- Shared ministries of finance, defense, and
foreign affairs - Resentment by Slavic groups (especially Czechs)
- Nationalism leads to Slavic unity, political and
social unrest
90The Balkans
- Ottoman Empire also multi-ethnic
- Serbia and Greece already independent
- Other revolts throughout 1800s
- Other nations get involved to further their own
interests - Russia pushes toward Istanbul
- A-H interested in Bosnia
- Britain and France want Ottoman land in the
Middle East and N. Africa - Stage is set for a war in the Balkans
- If there is ever another war in Europe, it will
come out of some damned silly thing in the
Balkans -- Bismarck
91Russian Expansion
92Nicholas I
- 1825-1855
- Modernization
- Limited power of landowners
- Did not really change the system
- Feared angering nobles
- I am handing you command of the country in a
poor state - Orthodoxy
- Autocracy (letat cest moi . . )
- Nationalism
93Alexander II
- Defeated in Crimean War
- Reveals lack of progress in Russia
- Lack of railroads, inefficient bureaucracy
94Alexander II Reforms
- Reforms the result of liberal reaction after the
war - Emancipation of serfs
- Former serfs had to buy land (most were too poor)
- Moved to cities, aiding industrialization
- Encouraged other reforms
- Other Reform
- Trial by jury
- Eased censorship
- Soldier term of service reduced from 25 years to
15 - Encouraged industry
- Zemstvos
- Local elected assemblies
- Responsible for road repair, schools,
agricultural decisions
95Revolutionary Currents
- Reform satisfied few Russians
- Peasants freedom, but no land
- Liberals want constitution, elected legislature
- Radicals want socialism
- Lived amongst peasants, preaching rebellion
- Radicals turn to violence to get their message
heard - Peoples Will plot to assassinate the Tsar
- Tsar becomes more conservative
- 1881 Assassination of Tsar Alexander II
96Alexander III
- Reactionary
- Revived harsh policies (Nicholas I)
- Increased secret police, censorship
- Exiled critics
- Democracy is nothing but lies of hollow people
- Slavophile Promoted Slavic Culture
- Russification One language, one church
97Persecution of Russian Jews
- Limited education
- Limited professions (few in law, medicine)
- The Pale Jews can only live in certain areas
- Pogroms mob attacks on Jews, police did nothing
- Emigration to US
- 1880-1924
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99Russian Industrialization
- 1890s Focus on development
- Foreign capital
- Loans from France built Trans-Siberian Railroad
- Increase in political
and social problems - Radicals saw industrial
workers as allies - Pamphlets preached
revolutionary ideas
of Karl Marx
100Nicholas II
- 1894-1917
- Last Tsar
- Ineffective
- Conflict He wants to rule as an autocrat but
forced to concede many rights to the people
101War between Russia and Japan
- 1904
- Nicholas II Fight for Faith, the Czar, the
Fatherland - Russia loses
- Discontent erupts
- Workers strike (better hours, wages)
- Starts chain of events that lead to the Russian
Revolutions of 1905, 1917
- Reaction to photography and realistic depiction
- Some events and scenes are not meant to live
permanently they have a transitory nature - Personal Impression
- August Renoir
- Claude Monet
On the Terrace by Renoir (1871)
103Lunch with the Boating Party by Renoir
104Paris, 1878 by Monet
105On the Banks of the Seine by Monet
106Sunrise by Monet
- Literary Movement
- Determinism
- Nature and Destiny are the result of heredity
- Human behavior does not include Free Will
- Humans are governed by natural laws
- Replaces Romanticism
- Realistic depiction of everyday life
- Zola, Balzac, Flaubert Deals with unappealing
aspects of modern life - Cities, slums, factories
108Science and Philosophy
- Charles Darwin
- Evolution
- Survive or die
- Biblical, religious skepticism
- Herbert Spencer survival of the fittest which
led to Social Darwinism - Nietzsche
- Christianity slave morality
- Hinders creativity
- Ubermensch must become free from convention,
redefine his life