Title: Diapositiva 1
1Digital Nations Colombia
Education for Peace Empowering the Community
through the use of ICTs
Fernando Chaparro Corporación Colombia Digital
Digital Nations Consortium MeetingCambridge,
MIT, October 30-31, 2003
2Colombian Digital Corporation and the Digital
Nations International Consortium (DN)
Colombian Government
Private Sector
Other Int. Centers
Other Int. Centers
MITs Media Lab
DN Members
DN Members
3Two Main Functions
- To facilitate and develop innovative projects in
Colombia that use in a creative way information
and communication technologies (ICTs) in order to
improve education, promote social learning
processes and empower communities by creating and
strengthening their capacity to generate and use
knowledge to improve their wellbeing and satisfy
their basic human needs. -
- Assure the participation of Colombia in the
Digital Nations international consortium and
develop joint projects with MITs Media Lab and
other consortium members aimed at diminishing the
digital divide.
4Program of Work of CCD
1- Education for Peace (E4P) Empowering the
Community through Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs). 2- Improving
Productivity and Competitivenes through ICTs
(a) Strengthen agroindustrial chains through
the use of ICTs (b) Internationalization of
Colombian Software Industry. 3- Promote the
production in Colombia of new information
and communication technologies that may help to
promote the New Economy. NOTE We will
concentrate in the E4P Project.
5Education for Peace Project
- Background Project seeks to break the vicious
circle of poverty, ignorance and violence
perpetuating themselves by generating poor
conditions for learning, which in turn
exacerbates poverty, threatens sustainable
development and leads to worse conditions for
learning. - The General Objective is to empower low-income
communities in Colombia to both generate and use
knowledge that is relevant to their basic needs
by developing its local capacity to use
information and communication technologies (ICTs)
in a creative way that allows them to create
sustainable rural and urban livelihoods and
improve their quality of life. This implies
replacing vicious by virtuous circle, whereby
improved conditions for learning leads to social
improvement, leading to better conditions of
learning development.
6Two Specific Objectives
1. Transform the educational process in Colombian
schools on the basis of the Constructionist
Theory and the use of ICTs in order to develop
creativity and the capacity of learning to
learn. 2. Promote the creative use of
information and communication technologies in
responding to the challenges of the community and
in developing innovative solutions to the
problems they confront.
7Agents of Social Change
- Project will be carried out in two
communities - a) Comuna 13 (Medellín)
- b) Pensilvania, Caldas
- We will work through four Agents of Social
Change - a) Children, Teachers and Schools
- b) NGOs and community organizations related
to main community challenges - c) The Community Police
- d) The E4P Core Team
8Use of ICTs in strengtheningLearning
Processes in Communities
- We propose the idea of Community Technological
Immersion as a means of tapping the latent
learning potential in each community. Rather
than focusing on any specific aspect of community
life, or any particular institution, we propose
providing computational resources and
connectivity on as broad a basis as possible,
infecting all aspects of community life as a
means of breaking vicious cycles of violence and
poverty and seeding the possibilities for
creating new pathways. - A key role is played by Learning Networks and
Communities in which creative interactions take
place among students, teachers, producers and
other stakeholders, through which solutions can
be invented for specific problems and relevant
knowledge may be generated and applied, thus
stimulating learning processes to take place.
9Two basic principles
- We aim to create conditions for the development
of people, new ideas, new civic participation to
break the cycles of violence and poverty, using
new ICT tools and applications to move the
community into positive participation and a more
equitable social environment, taking advantage
of the new digital technologies. Creative
community involvement is critical for this
project. - Since this is a stakeholder-led process that is
responsive to community needs, we are developing
an approach we term emergent design. In essence,
we lay the groundwork with a technical
infrastructure supported by continuing efforts to
introduce new ideas, support the development of
technological fluency, methodologies to help
harness creativity, creating an environment that
strengthens the community's capacity to generate
and use knowledge.
10Main Project Components
- 1. Mobilizing the Community and generating
commitment to assure community involvement - Imagination Seeding Workshop.
- Vision Workshop Identification of community
needs and objectives. - WIFI feasibility study Role of wireless
technology - Selection of first group of participating
schools in Comuna 13 and in Pensilvania, Caldas. - Identification of key stakeholders NGOs, the
Community Police, various community
organizations (i.e. madres comunitarias),
associations of producers, youngster clubs, etc.
11Main Project Components
- 2. Laying the basis for transformation of
schools, based on a constructionist approach - Training of teachers.
- Integration of computers in schoolroom
(re-design). - A new Plan of Work is being developed with
the teachers and students Construction of a
pedagogical pr. - The new approach will be implemented first
semester of 2004, with the backstopping of a
support network. - Close monitoring of process, that is aimed at
developing creativeness, learning-to-learn and
development of key skills (competencias y
destrezas). - Children increasingly involved in community
issues through Student Projects and through
closer interaction with stakeholders.
12Main Project Components
- 3. Strengthening the capacity of other Agents of
Social Change - E4P Core Team, constituted by project staff and
community leaders committed to project. Training
at MIT. - Strengthening capacity of NGOs, Community Police
and community organizations to use ICTs. - An E4P Center will be established in each
community as a vibrant place of digital creation,
taking an open, atelier approach to learning
through doing and reflection. The tools available
should be wide-ranging, from a variety of
computers, high bandwidth access, servers for
the community, community wireless access,
digital video and cameras, video and sound
editing, etc. - WIFI Communications System being put in
placeViral Communications Theory approach.
13Main Project Components
- 4. Building/strengthening community networks on
main community challenges and problems - Identification of community problems/challenges.
- Use of ICT and local connectivity to generate
local solutions and technologies. - Based on Learning Networks and Communities
in which creative interactions take place among
students, teachers, producers and other
stakeholders, through which solutions can be
invented for specific problems and relevant
knowledge may be generated and applied, thus
stimulating learning processes to take place. - Three main topics are emerging (emergent
principle) - a) Governance participation Comm. Electronic
Publ. - b) Environment management
- c) Improving local production and employment
14Main Project Components
- 5. These topics/networks require mobilization of
specialized technical knowledge, through - Taping local/traditional knowledge in the hands
of stakeholders. - Expert knowledge that can be contributed by local
universities, researchers, etc. - Learning processes that take place through the
creative interaction of students, teachers and
producers or extension workers. This is of
particular importance. - The Digital Peace Corps that may provide expert
advise from around the world in real time.
15Thank you !!