Title: Teddy Bear Project
1Teddy Bear Project
2What is Teddy Bear Project about?
- The classes in different countries exchange their
Teddy Bears, and the students keep a diary for
the bears.
3Our First Visiting BearAnpan-man from Okayama,
4Messages from Japan
5Messages from Japan
6Gifts from Japan
7Who was involved in the project?
- The whole 8th grade 27th class participated in
the project together.
8What we did with Anpan-man
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12A Special Guest from MalaysiaMr. Zait
13Our Malaysian partner school
14Perkasa from Penang, Malaysia
15Who was involved in the Perkasa project?
- The whole 8th grade 27th class and the other two
grade seven classes participated in the project
16What we did in the Perkasa Project
17What we did in the Perkasa Project
- Perkasa in Kaohsiung
- Perkasa in Jheng-Sing
- Welcome Perkasa
18What we learned from Teddy Bear Project
- improve our English
- learn about different cultures
19Join iEARN Connect with the world
Thank you for your listening!