Title: San Marino Unified School District. Business Services. Pres
1 - San Marino Unified School District
- Business Services
- Presents
2- San Marino Unified School District
- Budget Study Session
- April 17, 2007
- Julie Boucher
- Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
- Special thanks to Vangie Lingat and John
Ziegenhohn for their assistance with this
3The Economy is Doing Well but Stay Tuned
- The economy is doing well but were beginning
to see signs of weakness
- Jobs, consumer spending, and business spending
remain strong however, we are beginning to see
a slowing trend
- The stock market is still near record levels
- Energy prices are increasing
- Housing market has slowed
- Legislative Analyst forecasts 2007-08 Budget
deficit of 2.0 billion
- State-wide decline in student enrollment
- Lottery sales down
4Governors May Revise Preview
- California Schools are funded 30-40 below other
States it would take
- 15 billion to bring us up to the average.
- State Revenues are down YTD (tax collections,
personal income taxes, and corporate taxes).
April tax collections will determine basis for
2007-08 revenue projections. - Governor is proposing to add transportation
dollars to Proposition 98 - which lowers the
base funding in the budget year.
- 2007-08 is looking like a straight forward year
COLA for all State revenues, no additional
equalization aid or deficit reduction funding.
- 2008-09 is a concern the deficit factor could
5K-12 Revenue Limits
- 2007-08 Statutory COLA 4.04
- Equal to 225 per Student (3,192 ADA) or
- No additional funding for districts with
declining enrollment
- In any given year of decline, the State allows
school districts to use the prior year P2 ADA for
revenue limit calculations. However, in the
subsequent year, the Districts revenue limit is
reduced permanently.
6Proposition 98 Primer
- Under Proposition 98, Education is entitled to a
determined percentage of State revenues with
certain caveats, categorized as Tests
- Test 1 Education received at least 34.6 of
State revenues (this test has never been used
because of the percentage of the States General
Fund is well over the minimum) - Test 2 Education receives the same amount as the
previous year, plus enrollment growth and
inflation adjustment based on growth in per
capita personal income. We are currently in Test
2. - Test 3 Same as Test 2 except the inflation
adjustment used is the annual change (increase or
decrease) in per capita State General Fund
revenues plus ½ percent. Applied in difficult
years applies a deficit factor to Education
funding. - Source Ed Source Resources 2006
7COLA History and Projections
8Federal Funding in 2006-07
- From 2005-06 to 2006-07 Federal Revenues have
been reduced. Although, Federal revenues are
projected to remain constant in 2007-08, the
basis for funding (i.e. number of limited English
proficient students) has declined and thus, the
Districts Federal revenues may decrease further
in 2007-08.
- Note The District receives very little
Federal revenue in comparison to other school
districts. Total Federal revenues in 2006-07
120,153 (excluding IDEA Special Ed. funds).
9San Marino Unified School DistrictEnrollment and
ADA Trends Projections
10Enrollment Trends by Site
11Inter-district Transfers Trend
In 2006-07, it is estimated that the District
received 1.5m based on the number of
inter-district transfers, many of which are child
ren of District staff members.
12Staffing Trends Number of Teachers by Site
13San Marino Unified School District Revenue
The District is dependent on the State for
approximately 80 of its revenues.
14State Lottery
Expected Ongoing s in 1988
148 per ADA (proj.)
148 per ADA (est.)
152006-07 School Site Block Grants - Update
- DISTRICT one-time grant
- 19 per student or 65,082 received in one-time
funding. Amount transferred to the Deferred
Maintenance Fund to fund gym improvements at
Huntington Middle School and the High School. - SCHOOL SITES one-time grants
- Arts Music Block Grant (6760) - 16 per
student, ongoing The Asst. Supt of Instruction
is working with School Principals on a plan for
expending the funds in the areas of arts and
music. - Discretionary Block Grant (7396 and 7397) - 59
per student, one-time - allocation determined by
the School Site Councils (SSCs). Schools will
use the funds for textbook needs. - Instr. Material, Library Materials and Ed. Tech
Grant (7398) - 16 per student, one-time
allocation determined by the Principals with
input from the School Site Councils. Schools will
use the funds for textbook needs. - Arts Music, Physical Education Supplies,
Equipment Professional Development Grant (6761)
Est. 82 per student, one-time. Awaiting funds
and program information from CDE and LACOE . The
Asst. Supt of Instruction is working with School
Principals on a plan for expending the funds in
the areas of arts, music and physical education. - Note These funds must supplement (not supplant)
current programs in place at the schools.
16Mandated Cost Revenues
- The District has received reimbursement for
mandated costs, which were not paid by the State
(2001-02 2005-06)
- Funds are one-time non-recurring
- State Controllers Office has received additional
funding for audit staff to audit individual
school districts revenues received
- Some school districts have had to return funds
- LACOE and SSC have urged Districts to reserve
these funds for three years from receipt of
- LACOE and SSC are also recommending that the
Districts set a portion of these funds aside for
Other Post Employment Benefits (SMUSD must comply
as of July 1, 2008). - Funding Year Amount Received Reserved Until
- 2005-06 16,297 2008-09
- 2006-07 566,404 2009-10
- 2006-07 13,738 2010-11
17San Marino Unified School District Expenditures
Over 80 of the Districts Budget
Is committed to salaries and benefits.
18Undesignated Ending Balance History
Note In 2002-03, 277,759 represents planned
savings due to unfilled positions, a freeze on
classified substitutes, limits on supplies,
services, conferences, etc. These funds were
committed to funding the ongoing costs of the
Save Our Schools Program.
19Reserve for Economic Uncertainties
20Reserve Needs 2006-07
- Legal Fees Maintenance and Operations Supplies,
Services and Repairs 300,000
- Lottery Revenues Due to a decline in tickets
sales, K-14 lottery revenues were cut by the
State in April 2007 by 52,316
- Adopted State Budget (per ADA s)
- Unrestricted 125.25
- Restricted 27.90
- Revised State Budget (April 2007)
- Unrestricted 118.00
- Restricted 19.00
- The Reserve for Economic Uncertainties must be
restored to 3 ASAP.
21Legal Fees 2006-07
- Special Education 20,000
- Personnel Matters 104,000
- Claims 64,000
- Negotiations 6,400
- Real Estate/Construction 20,000
- Board Policies/Counsel 24,000
- Total Expd to-date 238,400
- 2006-07 Projected Total 250,000
22M O Expenditures 2006-07 - Supplies, Services
- Custodial Supplies 60,000
- Grounds Supplies 40,000
- Maintenance Supplies 135,000
- Operating Services 190,000
- Major Repairs 260,000
- Girls Field House sewer pump/tank
- Boiler system repair replacement
- HVAC needs repairs
- Fencing needs HS, Val,
- Irrigation and field improvements
- Electrical upgrades
- Carpeting/flooring needs
- Gym bleacher repairs
- Equipment (computers, carts, containers) 30,000
232007-08 Budget Planning Considerations
- 2007-08 projections reflect a estimated decline
of 135 students
- If enrollment declines by 135 students, revenues
in 2008-09 will decrease by 760,000.
- If excess funds are received from the San Marino
Schools Foundation, it is recommended that these
funds be reserved to offset the loss of revenue.
- Actual enrollment figures October 2007
- If actual enrollment matches projections, budget
reductions will be necessary in planning for
- Classroom teacher staffing needs TBD
- Maintaining lower class sizes
- Programmatic Needs TBD
242007-08 Budget Planning Considerations
- Aligning the Boards Goals with the District
- How will salary and benefit compensation
increases (step and column and salary increases)
be funded?
- 1 increase in salary compensation 214,000
- 1 increase in COLA 177,000
- 1 increase in COLA does NOT equal a 1 increase
in salary compensation
- How will Districts share of premium increases be
- How will step and column costs (est _at_ 260,000)
be funded?
- Will there be savings due to attrition and
- What are the staffing needs to maintain lower
class sizes or to comply with programmatic
policies for 2007-08?
- How will we offset the loss of revenues due to
declining enrollment?
- What are the core needs of the District?
- How will those needs be funded?
25Key Budget Factors
- San Marino USD is the second smallest unified
school district in Los Angeles County
- Our student to teacher ratios, particularly at
the High School level are lower than other school
- Over 60 of the certificated teachers have 15
years of experience or more and 30 have more
than 20 years of experience.
- Average teachers salary is 65,700 however in
comparison to other school districts our
mid-range and most experienced teachers are paid
less than comparative school districts. - We have made a commitment to lower class sizes
and as a result, the Districts overall teacher
to student ratio is much lower than comparison
school districts. - Yes we receive parcel tax revenues and annual
contributions from our Schools Foundation
however, we are still below total revenues of
other unified school districts by approximately
1,000 per student.
262007-08 Unallocated Funding Sources
272007-08 Required Needs
- From the 500,000 in Unallocated Funds the
following budgets will require increases as
expenditures in each of these categories in
2006-07 exceed the amount budgeted - Legal Fees 2006-07 Budget 142,250 2007-08
Projection 250,000. Net difference 107,750.
- Maintenance and Operations Supplies 2006-07
Budget 607,000 2007-08 Projection 765,000. Net
difference 158,000.
- Net amount available for Potential Budget Needs
28Instructional Material/Textbook Needs
- Ongoing Instructional Materials Funding
- Instructional Materials Realignment Funds -
55.92 per student
- Proposition 20 Lottery - 19.00 per student in
- These funds must cover both new and replacement
textbooks as well as supplemental supplies,
workbooks and supporting materials.
- Textbook Needs Total all schools
- 2006-07 Science 410,000
- 2007-08 Math 388,550
- 2008-09 English Language Arts 400,207
- TOTAL 1,198,757
- Schools will fund with PY savings, parent
donations, lottery funds, and one-time
allocations from the State for 2006-07.
292007-08 Potential Budget Needs
- As ranked by Budget Committee and Leadership
- Priority 1 Items Textbooks, offset loss of ADA
due to declining enrollment and employee salary
and benefit compensation
- Priority 2 Items Offset loss of Federal
revenues, property and liability insurance,
teacher sub pay, MO staffing and supplies,
repairs and services. - Priority 3 Items Additional teaching staff,
District operating budgets, legal fees, staff
development, technology needs, special ed.
support, deferred maintenance, MO alarm response
needs, addtl psychologist time, increase
reserve. - Priority 4 Items Additional HS security,
capital projects, additional teachers for world
languages, public information needs, career
center support, elementary assistant principal.
302007-08 Budget Calendar
- April 17th Budget Study Session
- May 8th School Services of California, Inc.
will provide the District with their
Fiscal Analysis Report for the San Marino Unified
School District. - May 18th Governor Schwarzenegger presents his
May Revise Report
- May 22nd Preliminary Budget for 2007-08
presented to the Board of Education
- June 12th Proposed Adopted Budget presented for
review, and discussion
- June 13th 26th Public comment period
- June 26th Following a public hearing the Board
of Education will consider adoption of the
2007-08 Proposed Budget
- Oct 1st Present actual enrollment and staffing
requirements reports
31Next Steps
- Board direction on budget planning
- Prioritize budget needs
- Align core values with budget planning and
- Evaluate staffing levels and programmatic
- Monitor student enrollment
- Prepare Line Item Budget for 2007-08
- Report actual enrollment and revenues in October
- Board to consider augmentations for budget needs
November 2007
- 2006-07 Budget Needs
- Restore reserve for economic uncertainties to
required 3 level
- Funding needs for model technology classroom
- 2007-08 Budget Planning
- Closely monitor student enrollment
- Governors May Revise Report
- 2007-08 State Budget
- Unallocated General Funds
- Budget Needs
- 2008-09 Budget Planning
- Budget reductions may be necessary