Title: Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation May 15, 2006
1Reference 2010 The Librarian 2.0 in Your Future
- Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation May 15, 2006
- The slides will be up on Stephens Lighthouse as
soon as I can get them there. - So, Listen.
- The details arent as important as the overall
impression - So, Listen.
- There is a conceptual shift here that has to be
understood first.
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6Wow! 150,00-250,000 A DAY!
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18Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06
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22Second Life Library Reading Room
23Second Life Library
24Second Life Library eBooks
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28The Scary re-wiring of the Millennials and
29The Long Tail of QUESTIONS
30Great Expectations
- The future is already here, its just not evenly
distributed yet!
31Expectations 1.0
- Yes the principles and foundations of
librarianship have not changed. . . We have
always done this. - The tools we use are entering a new era. And
where we get the tools, how we use them, and how
flexible and timely we can be is changing. - Will attitudes and aptitudes change if we dont
re-frame the conversation? Maybe.
32Expectations 1.0
- Search
- Retrieve
- View
- Print
- Link
- Navigate
- Read
- . . .
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38WEB 2.0
- Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived
ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a
collection of websites to a full-fledged
computing platform serving web applications to
end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are
expected to replace desktop computing
applications for many purposes. - Wikipedia
39Library 2.0 is an operating model that allows
libraries to respond rapidly to market needs.
This does not mean that we abandon our current
users or our mission. It is a philosophy of
rapid change, flexible organization structures,
new Web 2.0 tools, and user participation that
will put the library in a much stronger position,
ready to efficiently and effectively meet the
needs of a larger user population.Michael
Casey, LibraryCrunch.com blogGwinnett County PL
40Library 2.0 is very much influenced by
technology-driven, two-way, social interactions
between staff and staff and staff and patrons. L2
has provided a framework within which weve been
able to re-evaluate every aspect of classical
librarianship with the end goal of usability and
findability in mind.John Blyberg, Blyberg.net,
41Darlene Fichter, 2006
42WEB 2.0
- RSS really simple syndication
43WEB 2.0
44WEB 2.0
- New Programming Tools
- AJAX, API, Mash-ups, widgets, Java, wizards
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47WEB 2.0
48WEB 2.0
49WEB 2.0
- Personalization and My Profiles
50WEB 2.0
- Podcasting, P2P and MP3 files
51WEB 2.0
- Streaming Media audio and video
52Video iPod etc.
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55WEB 2.0
- Reviews and User-driven Ratings
56WEB 2.0
- Recommender Functionality
57WEB 2.0
58WEB 2.0
59WEB 2.0
- Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference
60WEB 2.0
- Device Neutral and Independent
61Nano Phone, Cardphones, ...
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68Google invests in wired wireless
A 189,000,000.00 pilot
69Bidirectional wireless module
Hydro Broadband Toronto
70WEB 2.0
- Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds
- Visualization
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74WEB 2.0
- Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)
75WEB 2.0
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77WEB 2.0
Tag User
Content Creator
Source DLIB
Tag User
Web Pages
Content Creator
Source DLIB
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82WEB 2.0
- Open Access, Open Source, Open Content
83WEB 2.0
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87Library 2.0
- All of the above!
- And FRBR, etc.
- And a culture of nimble experimentation.
88Library 2.0
- Learning
- Community
- Productivity
89Librarian 2.0
- The Guru of the Information Age!
90Librarian 2.0
- Understands the power of the Web 2.0
91Librarian 2.0
- Learns the major tools of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0
and tries to innovate
92Librarian 2.0
- Combines e-resources and print formats and is
container and format agnostic.
93Librarian 2.0
- Is device independent and uses and delivers to
everything from laptops to Smartphones to PDAs to
94Librarian 2.0
- Develops targeted federated search and adopts the
OpenURL standard
95Librarian 2.0
- Works at the Lesson Level
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97Librarian 2.0
- Connects people and technology and information in
98Librarian 2.0
- Doesnt shy away from non-traditional cataloguing
and classification and chooses tagging,
folksonomies and user-driven content descriptions
where appropriate.
99Librarian 2.0
- Embraces non-textual information and the power of
pictures, moving images, sight and sound
100Librarian 2.0
- Understands the long tail and leverages the
power of old and new content
101Librarian 2.0
- Sees the potential in using content sources like
the Open Content Alliance, Google Print and
102Librarian 2.0
- Connects users up to expert discussions,
conversations and communities of practice and
participates there as well
103Librarian 2.0
- Uses and develops advanced social networks to
enterprise advantage
104Librarian 2.0
- Connects with everyone using their communication
mode of choice telephone,mail, print, Skype,
IM, SMS, e-mail, virtual reference, etc.
105Aarons story
106Librarian 2.0
- Encourages user driven metadata and user
developed content and commentary
107Librarian 2.0
- Understands the wisdom of crowds and the real
roles and impacts of the blogosphere, web
syndicasphere and wikisphere
108Librarian 2.0
- Understands their users at a deep level not
just as pointers and clickers
109Librarian 2.0
- Understands end users deeply in terms of their
goals and aspirations, workflows, and social and
content needs, and more.
110Librarian 2.0
- Librarian 2.0 is where the user is, when the user
is there. This is an immersion environment.
111Librarian 2.0
- Librarian 2.0 strives to spend more time on
direct end user impacts than library management.
112Librarian 2.0
- Librarian 2.0 works in teams.
113Librarian 2.0
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115Lorcan Dempsey
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Content e-Resources
DE Learning Education
University and Colleges Schools and Public
eGov, Programs Alliances
Local and Government Partners
Card Holders
Community Groups
Emerging Model for Community, Learning and
Research Enterprises
Credit adapted from Rick Luce, LANL
121Library 2.0
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127Usability The A frame adopted from newspaper
layout is not what works. Eyetools
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- Discovery Dan
- Dan represents the adult non-researcher
population. - Haley High School
- Haley represents the high school student
population. - Jennifer
- Jennifer represents the parents of teenagers.
- Mommy Marcie
- Marcie represents the parents of young children.
- Rick Researcher
- Rick represents adult researchers who own a
personal computer. - Senior Sally
- Sally represents senior citizens.
- Tasha Learner
- Tasha represents adult researchers who do not own
a personal computer.
130Preparing for the Inevitable
131Classic Technology Adoption
Where Are We?
Source Geoffrey Moore. Crossing the Chasm,
- Too many policies
- Irrelevant organizational chart
- Remote users are not served
- The Catalog isn't like Amazon or Google (which
our users use!) - Too many sacred cows in reference departments
- Librarians do not market themselves or their
services well - Many libraries don't have enough computers to
meet user demand - Library staff need more training (and need to
learn how to learn) - Libraries need more innovative programming
Michael Stephens workshop
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134Lets Go!
Stephen Abram, MLS VP Innovation, SirsiDynix Cel
416-669-4855 stephen.abram_at_sirsidynix.com http//w
ww.sirsidynix.com Stephens Lighthouse
Blog http//stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com