Diapositiva 1

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Diapositiva 1



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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

José Antonio Trujillo InterMoney Titulización
May 2010
  1. The importance of information
  2. Information and ABS market collapse
  3. What information do ABS markets require
  4. The ECB triple-A rating requirement for ABS
  5. The Spanish ABS information framework
  6. Securitisation versus covered bonds
  7. The future of securitisation

1. The importance of information
  • Asset information management demands enhancement
    across the banking industry
  • Dynamic data on debtors and guaranties is not
    always updated
  • Information may be disperse in non-related
  • Data may not be readily and easily exportable
  • Data responsibilities are disperse not well
    defined, and rank low in the management scale
  • Problems to generate information and make it
    easily available to third parties (supervisors,
    rating agencies, markets), is an indication poor
    risk control
  • If loan information had been better across the
    banking system, alarms would have turned on at an
    earlier stage of the bubble
  • Enhancing information standards at originator
    level for internal control and external
    supervision is a much more important objective
    than disclosure for ABS markets

2. Information and ABS market collapse
  • ABS opacity may have contributed to the collapse
    of markets but it was not its main cause.
  • The nature of ABS makes it difficult for them not
    to be relatively illiquid, which has resulted in
    unbearable levels of market risk for most
  • Their apparent liquidity before the crisis was a
    mirage, produced by a market in continuous
    expansion, fed by SIVs, Conduits, and other low
    capitalised term-transformation vehicles.
  • Too high expectations have been placed on
    information enhancement as a means of restoring
    ABS markets.
  • Investors in (triple-A) ABS are concerned mainly
    with market risk not with credit risk.

3. What information do ABS markets require (1/2)
  • Two different issues
  • Enhancing the quality of information
  • A balance between disclosure and efficiency
  • The ECB proposal
  • A complete data template, to homogenise content
    and terminology across EU jurisdictions.
  • Required disclosure (for ABS ECB discount) at
    loan by loan level during the life of the ABS to
    all investors. How to implement this disclosure
    remains open.
  • Is it a good proposal to restore ABS markets?
  • The template is a very positive initiative
  • Broad loan-level disclosure of granular
    portfolios is irrelevant for credit risk analysis
  • A unified portal open to all investor to access
    loan-level data is costly and unnecessary
  • As a requirement for ECB discount, it is
    irrelevant to asses credit risk (ABS are required
    to exhibit 2 triple-A ratings) and penalises
    relatively securitisation versus covered bonds,
    which is not neutral across jurisdictions

3. What information do ABS markets require (2/2)
  • Same benefits could be attained simply by
  • Requiring better information at the originators
    and cash-flow servicers levels, which is the
    objective of the template,
  • Standardising and enhancing reporting obligations
    with some level of aggregation, and
  • Facilitating access to information on a
    decentralised basis.
  • Market risk
  • Some investors demand loan-level data for
    cash-flow analysis.
  • The necessities of investors for this matter, at
    least for the European market environment, have
    been overstated.
  • It is possible to give sufficient information
    without descending to loan-level data. The
    information provided by cash-flow servicers on
    alternative prepayment scenarios may be a
    reasonable second best.
  • Leave the issuers to decide if they open their
    ABS portfolios for all investors at loan-level

4. The ECB triple-A rating requirement for ABS
  • The triple-A requirement (2 agencies) doesnt
    have a solid justification and damages the ABS
  • The introduction of rating requirements in
    Regulation, in particular in what refers to
    triple-A levels, has corrupted the ultimate sense
    and purpose of credit rating.
  • Triple-A is a thin and blurred line, understood
    but by a few, that in the financial world
    separates heaven from hell. Such a line should
    not be used as an instrument for regulatory
  • Data shows that the refinement of CRA analysis in
    the upper part of the rating scale is no more
    than an illusion and the product of models that
    produce thin results out of gross hypothesis
  • The financial system is wasting resources dancing
    around a notion of total absence of credit risk
    which neither logic nor reality sustains.
  • Triple-A requirements benefit some, because
    resources are distributed in their favour, but
    damages all by introducing instability in the

Standard Poors RatingsDirect on the Global
Credit Portal May 17, 2010
(No Transcript)
ABS SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities SP Default Probabilities
1 0,000 0,001 0,006 0,062 0,493 1,246 12,595 100,000
2 0,003 0,019 0,041 0,266 1,939 4,086 21,179 100,000
3 0,008 0,042 0,088 0,488 3,259 6,987 27,086 100,000
4 0,021 0,083 0,155 0,822 4,490 10,013 32,503 100,000
5 0,043 0,144 0,269 1,255 5,704 13,073 37,767 100,000
6 0,073 0,218 0,405 1,699 6,942 15,963 40,832 100,000
7 0,116 0,315 0,576 2,203 8,296 18,599 43,803 100,000
ABS Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table Moody's Loss Default Table
Term\Rating Aaa Aa2 A2 Baa2 Ba2 B2 Caa2 Ca
1 0,0000 0,0007 0,0060 0,0935 0,8580 3,9380 14,3000 55,0000
2 0,0001 0,0044 0,0385 0,2585 1,9085 6,4185 17,8750 55,0000
3 0,0004 0,0143 0,1221 0,4565 2,8490 8,5525 21,4500 55,0000
4 0,0010 0,0259 0,1898 0,6600 3,7400 9,9715 24,1340 55,0000
5 0,0016 0,0374 0,2569 0,8690 4,6255 11,3905 26,8125 55,0000
6 0,0022 0,0490 0,3207 1,0835 5,3735 12,4575 28,6000 55,0000
7 0,0029 0,0611 0,3905 1,3255 5,8850 13,2055 30,3875 55,0000
5. The Spanish ABS information framework (1/2)
  • The ABS market started in Spain in 1993 and it is
    regulated by law
  • Each ABS has to be structured by means of a SPV
    (Fondo de Titulización (FT)) and approved for
    registry by the CNMV
  • FTs are represented and administrated by
    management companies (Sociedades Gestoras de
    Fondos de Titulización (SGFT)).
  • There are 7 active SGFTs, with control of all the
    ABS transactions issued under Spanish legislation
    since the origin of the market in 1993.
  • SGFT functions
  • Loan-level monthly control of loan servicer data
    (typically on monthly basis)
  • Portfolio and bond information to supervisors and
    market on regular basis
  • Track performance of SPV contracts and rating
    compromises. Watch for any breach of contract,
    act accordingly to demand responsibilities if any
    and take the necessary steps to substitute
    counterparties if required.
  • Responsibility to liquidate the FT in favour of
  • Spanish ABS require rating and external audit of
    the portfolio

5. The Spanish ABS information framework (2/2)
  • The ABS information framework is well established
    In Spain and applies to all underlying portfolios
    without distinction of asset type.
  • However, as of today, loan-level information
    doesnt satisfy the standards of the ECB
    template, in particular in what refers to
    debtors data.
  • The Spanish ABS market, by means of the role
    played by SGFTs, is well positioned relatively to
    other EU markets to accomplish with the ECB
    information requirements.
  • The SGFT have in their data systems all the
    information on a loan by loan basis of all the
    Spanish ABS now in the market.
  • The Spanish SGFT in conjunction with the official
    market AIAF, where all ABS are listed, are
    proposing the ECB to create a unified web portal
    for Spanish ABS, to give investors access to
    whatever bond and loan information is required.

6. Securitisation versus covered bonds (1/2)
  • Transferring credit risk by means of
    securitisation and consequently reducing capital
    consumption has become more difficult.
  • Derecognising securitised assets has been
    increasingly difficult even before the crisis, at
    least in what refers to Spanish banks due to the
    supervisory practices of the Bank of Spain.
  • Expected new regulation to align issuers and
    investors and disincentive originate-to-distribute
    strategies, by requiring some form of tranche
    retention by originators, will also amount to a
    reduction in risk transfer, and consequently make
    securitisation less attractive for issuers.
  • Rating agencies have modified their criteria
    giving more importance to counterparty risk and
    commingling risk. This increases the cost of
    securitisation, in particular to those issuers
    which do not have maximum short-term rating level.

6. Securitisation versus covered bonds (2/2)
  • The SEC amendment to Rule 17 g-5 complicates ABS
    rating processes and increases its costs.
  • Requirements of information for accounting and
    supervisory purposes have increased dramatically
    for ABS as compared to CB.
  • Investors penalise the complexity of pass-through
    structures, typical of securitisation, in
    relation to the simplicity of CB.
  • SIVs had close to 60 of the outstanding volume
    of European ABS. It is very unlikely that these
    vehicles or other similar alternative play the
    same role in the future to sustain the ABS
  • The lack of homogeneity of ABS, even within the
    same class of collateral, reduces the possibility
    of liquidity.
  • The ECB discount facility penalises
    securitisation given both the double triple-A
    requirement, the higher haircut compared to the
    rest of discountable bonds and the opacity of the
    ABS valuation criteria.

7. The Future of Securitisation
  • If securitisation has been reduced to a funding
    tool and no longer can be used to optimise
    capital, why not use covered bonds instead?
  • The benefit of matching cash flows within the
    originating bank can not be the only
    justification for securitisation.
  • The concept of secured loan, which is the covered
    bond concept, can be easily expanded to all types
    of assets.
  • Bank funding should concentrate in high rated
    bonds, with simple financial characteristics
    that is, adequately secured bullet bonds. Issued
    in ample and potentially liquid markets, where
    investors are concerned by and properly informed
    about the cover pools, but do not require
    loan-level information to evaluate market risks.
  • Risk transfer and capital optimisation, could be
    left to illiquid markets, where specialised
    investors will demand high information quality.
  • This could be the future of securitisation
    transfer of risk by means of illiquid
    transactions where funding is not the issue, and
    a tool for (non-banking) future flows

José Antonio Trujillo Chairman and CEO
jtrujillo_at_imtitulizacion.com Carmen Barrenechea
General Manager cbarrenechea_at_imtitulizacion.co
m Manuel González Escudero General Manager
mgonzalez_at_imtitulizacion.com Borja Sáez -
Director bsaez_at_imtitulizacion.com Mónica
Hengstenberg - Director monicah_at_imtitulizacion.co
Plaza Pablo Ruíz Picasso 1, Torre Picasso, planta
23, 28020 MADRID Tel. 34 91 432 64 88 Fax 34 91
597 21 75
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