Title: Bild 1
1The Role of Workplace Initiatives OECD, March 1
Jan Rudling, TCO Development, Sweden
2TCO Development
- We are part of TCO the Swedish confederation of
professional employees - TCO - 17 tradeunions,1.3 million members
- Untraditional way of trade union work
- Involvement and participation a factor for
success The Workplace Checker - A voluntary approach The TCO-label for displays
and IT-equipment - Ca 50 of displays produced in the world are
4(No Transcript)
5Several respond alternatives
Space for writing comments
6The TCO assessment model
Yellow OK. You are not systematic enough and not
enough attention to success factors
Red Stop. Look at this area. You are breaking the
Green Very well. You meet regulations and work
well with success factors. Ready for external
7Workplace checker
- Principles Participation and involvement
- Systematic approach Plan, Do, Check, Act and
involvement with all employees - Factors for success Participation, systematic
and precautionary approach, dialogue, active
participation from management
8 Conclusions for OECD - suggestions
- Workplace initiative experiences
- Involve the user at the workplace
- A continous dialogue and a systematic approach
- Prepare the assessment as important as the
assessment itself. - Involve the co-workers in the analysis
9TCO-label of IT-equipment
- Work started in the 1980s when computers entered
the workplace - Background strain injuries, vision problems,
EMFs controversial worker complaints - Issues difficult to handle for authorities
- The TCO approach - demand shaping process with
the user in focus led to TCO label 1992 - Co-operation with other stakeholders
10In co-operation with
12A holistic approach
Ergonomics Ecology Energy Emissions
13Values behind the TCO-label
- Requirements complement to legislation
- Continous improvements of requirements and test
methods - User perspective and stakeholder approach
- Open process to create requirements, transparency
- Measureable reqs high quality in testing
- Holistic approach working environment as well
as ecological issues - International co-operation and representatives
14 Conclusions for OECD - suggestions
- Voluntary labelling program experiences
- Complement to legislation and standards
- Always involve the users and workers
- Involve other stakeholders co-operation
- Transparency and openness
- Marketdriven labelling can be more efficient
than official programs to make a change