Title: County Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment
1County Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment
CPA 04-08 To the Future Land Use Map 2020
2CPA-04-08 Location Map
Preservation to Rural/Ag (GLADSTONE)
3St. John River Water Management District
Old Gainesville to Orange Heights Road
SR 26
CPA-04-08 Aerial
Preservation to Rural/Ag (GLADSTONE)
St. John River Water Management District
4(St. John River Water Management District)
(St. John River Water Management District)
CPA-04-08 Existing Future Land Use
Preservation to Rural/ Ag (GLADSTONE)
5St. John River Water Management District
St. John River Water Management District
CPA-04-08 Zoning Districts
Preservation to Rural/Ag (GLADSTONE)
6St. John River Water Management District
St. John River Water Management District
CPA-04-08 Proposed Future Land Use
Preservation to Rural/Ag (GLADSTONE)
7St. John River Water Management District
St. John River Water Management District
CPA-04-08 Existing Land Use
Preservation to Rural/Ag (GLADSTONE)
8CPA 04-08 View north along access to property
9CPA 04-08View west along SR 24 (CR 222)
10CPA 04-08View east along SR 24 (CR 222)