Title: www.craigslist.org
Presented by Michael Matosic, Stephanie Rose,
Daniel Stefanis, Thomas Tandler Nico Vergara
2About the Firm
- What is Craigslist?
- an online network
- community-moderated and largely free
- comprised of local classified ads and forums for
450 citiesBeginnings - originally served as an email list of San
Francisco events - started as a hobby by Craig Newmark in 1995
(non-profit)Revenue? - established as for-profit in 1999
- administering fees for job ads in ten major
cities - - 25 in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New
York City, Portland, Sacramento, Seattle,
San Diego, Washington D.C. - 75
in San Francisco - administering fees for brokered apartment
listings in New York City
3The Industry of Craigslist
- Craigslist has contributed greatly to the
increase in online classifieds
- Craigslist has cost between 50 and 65 million
annually in lost revenues from employment ads for
San Francisco Area newspapers.
- about 30 million new classified ads appear each
month and more than two million new job listings
are received
4Utilization of Technology
- Craigslist operates by allowing the majority of
users to post free, classified ads - Low-tech approach - simple formatting of
site - Able to leverage their approach over other
companies - due to their network effects - Sensitive to user feedback
- Open-source software
5The Competitors
- Very few firms like Craigslist exist
- Those that do are not able to match Craigslists
rates - Not as reputable
- EBay has responded with Kijiji
- Very similar to Craigslist
- New to the US
- Much bigger overseas in places like France,
Germany and China
6Resources for Competitive Advantage
Assets Under Attack
- Scale
- site receives over two million new job listings
each month (making it one of the top job boards
in the world) - Network Effects
- established in approximately 450 cities in 50
countries, while employing a staff of just 24
members (EB)Long Tail - its enormous variety in products/services and
users makes it able to show and propaganda
uncommon things and still find an interested
group of buyers - Switching Costs
- people have such success on Craigslist that they
will not want to switch to a different provider
- Craigslists spectrum of variety has brought
about criticism. - The plethora of postings associated with this
variety have included - underage prostitute rings
- discriminatory ads
- fraudulent acts by individuals to obtain private
information about other individuals - contract killer ads
- burglary ads
7The Best of Craigslist Presents....
Other postings include BOX OF 60 DOLL
HEADS!!!!! Kissing lessons, Rant Person with
a wooden leg that lives above me, To the Drunk
Hottie who fell off my motorcycle, and Open
Letter to the Roaches in My Apartment.