Title: Diapositiva 1
1Assessing competitive advantages in SMEs and
Employers Associations. Using Technology Watch
Reports to improve regional competitiveness
IRE Network Bilbao, 29th 30th January 2008
21. Diagnosing the situation
3The importance of Benchmarking exercises in
assessing innovation policies impact at Regional
There exist many sources of innovation
indicators OECD (Country Statistics
Publications), European Commission (Trendchart
Innovation Policy), COTEC Foundation (Annual
Reports), Madrid System, Innobarometer of the
Community of Madrid
- It is necessary
- To collect selected indicators available,
reliable, coherent for all regions - To compare ongoing innovation policies focused on
SMEs and Associations - To extract conclusions and assess impacts a
picture of the Innovation environment - Using the electronic developed, estimate impacts
in other regions - To define, deploy innovation policies and then,
assess real impacts in the regions
According to this procedure, Madrid Region has
been performing from 10 years ago this exercise,
helping to define innovations policies
InnoWatch Tool will help greatly to perform this
sequence and to compare impacts in different
4Main results of the Madrid Region Innovation
- Strengths
- High concentration of RD Institutions
- Large amount of Small and Medium Enterprises
- Many and well supported Innovation Agents
- Most sectoral employers associations located in
- Weaknesses
- Competence from emergent economies
- Stronger quality and environmental regulations
- Low Technology Transfer rate and Entrepreneurship
Culture - SMEs representing most of the entrepreneurial
tissue - Low abilities to define future scenarios in
5The importance of Technology Watch and Strategic
In this context it is of highest interest for
both companies and Business Organizations to have
updated and relevant information on technological
developments affecting
- Productivity
- New Product or Process Development
- Design and Quality requirements
- Environmental regulations and recycling
- Research Groups in Madrid and in Spain
- Patents and Intellectual Property Protection
activities - Access to New Markets
in order for them to face globalization and
increase competitiveness
6The above has defined a Regional Innovation
Strategy based on the following main lines of
1. Support Basic and Applied research in
Institutions and Companies 2. Favour the
improvement of Research and Technological
Innovation infrastructures
3. Facilitate the access to strategic
information 4. Promote networking activities
5. Promote innovative spirit 6. Drive the
creation of New Technology Based Firms 7. Promote
new ways for financing innovation 8. Spread
Madrids image as a Region with strong knowledge
capacities and infrastructures 9. Transparency in
Management, Continuous Evaluation, Participation
and Consensus and Co-ordination
7Some Indicators influencing the diagnosis and
selected innovation policies
Not all indicators selected in the InnoWatch Tool
would similarly influence this analysis and then,
it is important to know those affecting the
implementation of a concrete policy
In this case, the indicators selected for
comparison between regions and the influence in
the selected policies (in red) would be, between
- Public RD Expenditure the capacity of the
Region to generate new scientific and
Technological knowledge, to be transferred to
companies - Private RD expenditure the capacity to generate
new innovative knowledge in cooperation with the
research sector and to implement the results to
increase competitiveness - Number of Innovative companies, able to take
advantage of Public and private RD expenditure - Number of Patents applied by both the Academia
and the Enterprises, as a reflect of new usable
82.An example of Innovation Policy to be assessed
Technology Watch Actions
9A specialised policy to provide Companies and
Business Organizations with Strategic and
Technology information
Office for knowledge transfer
Technology Transfer Technology Asessment Technolog
y watch (Innovation Circles) Innovative clusters
Office for Technology-based business creation
Ideas identification Institutional Strategies
Training Advnced services Business Angels
Network - madrid
Office for the European Research Area
Training in european projects management Researche
rs mobility (ERAMORE) Facilities in Madrid and
10Innovation Circles
- Ellaborate information to Business Associations
in order for them to provide SMEs with strategic
knowledge affecting their competitiveness and
productivity - Consolidation of knowledge structures in SMEs in
order for them to facilitate the decision making
process - Collaboration between research institutions and
business associations - Creation of a sectoral cooperation space among
research and business at regional level - Boosting participation in RD and innovation
CEIMs Commissions of Industry, Environment
CEIMs Commission of Innovation New Technologies
CEIMs Department of de Innovation New
123. Characteristics of the Services
13Four Technology Watch Areas
Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Agrifood Managed
by National Council of Scientific Research,
Polytechnic University of Madrid and Scientific
Park of Madrid
Energy, Environmental Sciences Biotechnology,
Life Sciences, Agrifood Managed by University
King Juan Carlos, University of Alcalá and
Energy, Environmental and Technological Research
New Materials, Nanotechnology, aerospace
technologies Managed by University Carlos III and
National Institute for Aerospace Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies Managed
by Polytechnic University of Madrid
14Main Services in Technology Watch (I)
- Sectoral Technology Watch Reports
- Client a Business Association, who defines the
topic in accordance with its affiliated
companies. - Dissemination Compulsory to the sector in order
to reach as much companies as possible - Publication Only is clients are interested or
the topic has an horizontal interest - Company Technology Watch Reports
- Client a company interested in a specific topic
acquisition of new equipment, application to RD
Projects, patent applications - Dissemination Under clients permission
- Publication Restricted
- New Technology Based Companies Reports
- Client a NTBF to assess technology and market
viability in order to apply for funding,
technological or commercial partnership or other
services - Dissemination Restricted
- Publication Restricted
15Main Services in Technology Watch (II)
- Personalized Alert System
- To provide updated information to companies or
Associations concerning technology, markets,
regulations - Other services
- Sectoral Events Organization, support for
technology internationalization and fairs
organization, search for partners, funding
Characteristics of TW Reports
- Costs
- Free of charge for companies, NTBF and
Associations - In-company time and human resources
- Between 2-3 months from de initial contacts to de
final report - Intermediate reports are required for evaluating
objectives and contents - Companys or Association RD manager, CEO of
person in charge of innovation activities
16(No Transcript)
174. Number of Actions and Impacts on Companies and
18Some Figures and results of the activity (I)
1 Specially NTBFs 2 Technologu Bulletins and
Special reports
19Some Figures and results of the activity (II)
20Some Figures and results of the activity (III)
215. Assessing the impact of the Technology Watch
22Assessment of the expected results
- The initial selected indicators for assessing
this concrete Innovation Policy - Public RD Expenditure
- Private RD expenditure
- Number of Innovative companies
- Number of Patents applied
- According to its design and deployment,
modifications in the ratios and figures would be - An increase in the number of Innovative
companies a higher number of SMEs, and also
large companies, have an improved information on
the most strategic areas of RD to invest in - An increase in the private RD expenditure
companies, by themselves or via Association
information, have an improved capacity to define
RD areas and who to cooperate with to carry them
out - An increase in the number of patents applied for,
as a direct results of the RD cooperation and
the increased effectiveness of the RD design
23Thank you for your attention
Daniel de la Sota Rius dsota_at_ceim.es Director of
Innovation New Technologies CEIM Confederación
Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE