Title: Diapositiva 1
1UNIDO approach for reducing poverty through
sustainable industrial growth in Africa Special
focus on UNIDOs activities promoted by
Italy Rome, 25th of June 2009
2"Friends, together, we can achieve a new phase of
globalization - one that creates inclusive and
sustainable markets, builds development and
enhances international cooperation. We each have
a responsibility in moving our agenda
forward Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the
United Nations
- UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United
Nations system that works towards improving the
quality of life of the worlds poor by helping
countries achieve sustainable industrial
development. - UNIDO views industrial development as a means of
creating employment and income to overcome
poverty. - UNIDO helps developing countries and economies in
transition to produce goods they can trade on the
global market. It also helps provide tools,
training, technology and investment to make them
competitive. At the same time, it encourages
production processes that will neither harm the
environment nor place too heavy a burden on a
countrys limited energy resources.
- UNIDOs task is to enable African nations to
harness their resources in order to speed up
their industrial growth and subsequent
integration into the world economy. We are
convinced that industry, and particularly
agro-industries, can play a key role in this
process by creating jobs and private wealth. - Kandeh K. Yumkella Director-General of UNIDO
(Industrious Africa September 2008)
4UNIDO and Africa
- In many African countries, UNIDO has helped
countries to take the first steps in their
transformation from local, small-scale,
semi-artisanal producers to competitors on the
world market. - A major objective of UNIDO is to work in concert
with African governments, institutions, CBOs and
the private sector to achieve sustainable
industrial development. - Special attention is given to strengthening
productive capacities and promoting the use of
renewable and more environmentally-friendly
UNIDOs database includes details of 3,956
completed projects for the African continent as a
whole, totaling over 520 million in investment.
(Industrious Africa September 2008)
- UNIDO has 173 Member States and has it HQs in
Vienna, Austria. -
- Our organization is represented by
- designated Country or Regional Offices
- a Network of Investment and Technology Promotion
Offices (ITPO) financed by the host Countries - National Cleaner Production Centers, established
jointly with the United Nations Environment
Programme. - International Technology Centers
- Subcontracting Exchanges (SPX)
- Special Programs/Projects
Network of UNIDO ITPOs
The UNIDO ITPO Network provides a unique
combination of value-added services to client
institutions and entrepreneurs from developing
countries and countries with economies in
transition which want to forge new alliances in
international industrial investment and
technology transfer
- Disseminates the latest information on legal and
economic conditions, investment financing and
opportunities for industrial cooperation
Identifies and promotes specific investment
opportunities - Provides expert advice at all stages of the
business creation cycle - Facilitates business contacts between project
sponsors and potential foreign investors - Maintains extensive data banks of companies
interested in industrial partnerships in
developing and transition economies
In 1987, UNIDO and the Italian Government signed
an agreement for the creation in Italy of the
Italy aimed at supporting industrial cooperation
with companies in developing countries, supplying
an array of services along the path of investment
projects, from the scouting of industrial
partners, to the supply of technical assistance
to promising industrial projects. The Office is
especially active in the host country but also
elsewhere, through other UNIDO networks UNIDO
Representatives, other ITPOs, National Cleaner
Production Centers, etc.
UNIDO ITPO Italy has been involved in industrial
cooperation projects in many in development
countries Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt,
Ethiopia, India, Mongolia, Mexico, Senegal,
Serbia, Tunisia, Uganda, and Uruguay, among
8The Delegates Programme is operational in all
UNIDO ITPO offices and represents an essential
tool in carrying out their activities and
imparting knowledge of UNIDO methodologies.
Coming from public institutions, banks, or
industrial associations of developing countries,
the Delegates are hosted for short-term periods
at UNIDO ITPOs, where they experience UNIDO
methodologies and techniques at first hand. They
present to a host country enterprises a portfolio
of selected investment opportunities.
Delegates Programme
When delegates return home, they contribute to
the creation of an international network of human
resources and become an important contact for
UNIDO ITPOs and host-country industries.Since
1988, 45 delegates were hosted at UNIDO ITPO
Italy, and the African continent was represented
by delegates coming from Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Ivory Coast, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal,
Tanzania, Tunisia, and Uganda.
9UNIDO ITPO Italy and Africa
In recent years, UNIDO ITPO Italy has enhanced
its support to the economic development of
Sub-Saharan Africa, a critical area for the
creation of economic partnerships and the
promotion of foreign investment. It is also a
priority region for Italy, the UN System, and
UNIDO itself. In 2007/8, the intense joint
promotional activities of ITPO Italy and the
Delegates from Côte dIvoire, Ethiopia,
Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda allowed major
Italian business institutions to get acquainted
with the new African investment climate and
orient the interest of their associated companies
to a continent offering huge investment
opportunities. The promotional work in favor of
Ethiopia and Tanzania focused on agribusiness and
leather and footwear and for Côte dIvoire,
Senegal, and Uganda, on food processing. Regardin
g Senegal, 16 Senegalese SMEs grouped in three
export Consortia were assisted by ITPO Italy in
the identification of potential
industrial/commercial partners in the Italian
agribusiness sector. During 2007, UNIDO ITPO
Italy, in collaboration with the University of
Rome- La Sapienza, started researching on
investment of Italian SMEs in Africa, as well as
an analysis of investment opportunities and
10UNIDO ITPO Italy Projects under Promotion in
Sub-Saharan Africa By sector
By country
11Millennium Cities Initiative - UNIDOs
- The Millennium Cities Initiative (MCI) is
assisting selected mid-sized cities across
sub-Saharan Africa in their efforts to achieve
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). - Economic growth required for eradication of
poverty and the achievement of the other
associated MDGs depends on capital accumulation
(investment) and technical change going hand in
hand. - UNIDO supports the MCI by identifying, together
with national counterparts, investment
opportunities using its tools and methodologies
including the project appraisal and analysis
software COMFAR III Expert - www.unido.org/comfar.
- Promotion of investment opportunities is achieved
through UNIDOs ITPO network.
AFRICA Environment, Energy, Agribusiness
- As to sustainability and environmental concerns,
UNIDO is collaborating with other members of
UN-Energy, the coordinating mechanism for UN
system-wide coordination, chaired by UNIDOs
Director General, Kandeh Yumkella, in all issues
dealing with energy, from household energy to
access to modern, commercial energy for
productive purposes. Many ITPO host countries
also fund environment programs through the ITPOs.
UNIDO, as well as ITPO Italy within their
Environment Programs intend also to help African
countries and sub-regional groups to access some
of the major carbon-finance resources being
deployed to arrest climate change, especially in
the carbon sinks/sequestration areas where a
number of African countries could be major
players, in the sequel to Kyoto, namely all those
with important forests or reforestation potential
(Congo Basin, West-African coastal
forests/treecrops plantations, Eastern Southern
Savanna countries). Finally, UNIDO further
reinforce its focus on Agri-business in Africa
and proposes to collaborate with the NEPAD on
matters of joint concern.
- Value Chains (National/Regional/Global)
- Multi ITPO coordinated intervention in one
country/region - Renewable Energy Initiatives
- Localities Initiatives (MCI and others)
- Supply Chains
- Pilot projects/Innovative business models
- Upgrading and Modernization Programs (EPA)
- Promotion of domestic investment (EDIP)
- Responsible Investments (CSR)
- SME Clustered Investments / Export Consortia
14 Thank you for your attention
- Via Paola, 41
Phone 39 06 679-6521 - 00186 Rome, Italy Fax 39 06
679-3670 - www.unido.it e-mail roma_at_unido.it