Title: Heating Systems Issues, Status, and Plans
1Heating Systems Issues, Status, and Plans
- David Swain
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN,
USA - FIRE Engineering Meeting
- June 24, 2003
This research was sponsored by the Office of
Fusion Energy, U. S. Department of Energy, under
contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with Oak Ridge
National Laboratory managed by UT-Battelle.
2Summary of status and work to do (from Nov. Eng.
mtg) with comments on status at this meeting
- Ion cyclotron
- Reasonable shape for heating
- Current drive marginally OK need to revise
requirements, obtain self-consistent solutions,
do design study with 4 straps/port - Still have requirements issues (see next VGs)
- Looked at 4 straps/port but it doesnt look very
attractive if antenna is contained in the
confines of in the port - However, 4-strap keyhole antenna looks
promising (discussion later) - Lower hybrid
- Reasonable shape for heating and current drive
- Need to check scenarios for consistency, review
CD calculations, compare with more detailed
computations - I think were in good shape here primarily a
physics issue - Kessel?
3Summary and comments (cont.)
- Electron cyclotron (for NTM stabilization)
- May be large problem in source availability for
high frequency ( 170 GHz) - How aggressive do we want to be in our
assumptions? - Need definition of requirements, operating
scenarios - Determine frequency (operating range in B0, r/a),
power required - Chose 170 GHz
- Power requirement is still a question. - Need to
be realistic (170 GHz system will be mucho dinero
per watt) - Begin conceptual design
- Very pre-conceptual design, invoking launcher
designs for ITER, putting in same port as LH
launchers - Need to do thermal and stress analysis (mainly IC
and LH) - Need Prad, Pfusion for different operating
scenarios - Need B(t) and heat loads for disruption scenarios
- Manpower and funding are limiting factors
- No thermal or stress analysis has been done.
- Reassess port allocations vis a vis H CD system
needs. - Port allocation (Ken Young 1/2003) shows 4 ports
for ICRF (in a row), two more ports for LH/EC.
Looks OK to me.
4Issues from Meade outline
- Frequency range (my addition)
- FWCD 4 strap option concept (future work?)
- Generic port design ?
- Availability of sources
- Launcher feasibility
- Frequency, source availability
- Launcher geometry
- Engineering and Physics Issues are tied together
5ICRH Frequency Wish List is not compatible with
present antenna
- Desired frequencies and modes of operation
- Heat ions
- 10 T gt 100 MHz 2nd Harmonic T
- 6.5 - 7 T gt 100 MHz 2nd harmonic D (with
maybe H minority) - Drive current
- 10 T gt 115 MHz just below 2nd harmonic D
resonance, hits 2nd harm T at r -a/2. Get some
absorption by T, but CD requirement (lt 300 kA)
met - 6.5 T gt 75 MHz same scenario as above
- 7.0 T gt 80 MHz
- ITB Formation (minority ion CD at r/a 0.5, both
high and low-field side) - 10 T gt 115 MHz and 88 MHz He3 or 2T resonance
- 6.5 T gt 75 MHz (He3 or 2T resonance) and 88 MHz
(H resonance) - 7.0 T gt 80 MHz (He3 or 2T resonance) and 94 MHz
(H resonance) - Bottom line Need 75 to 115 MHz frequency range
to cover all bases.
6Present antenna design is simple, reliable but
has a limited tuning range
- Antenna characteristics
- Two current straps
- Straps grounded at each end (violin antenna)
- good mechanical strength
- Each strap fed by 2 coax feeders
- Driven out of phase
- Optimized for 100 MHz
- Low-voltage operation near optimal frequency
- Limited frequency range
Antenna seen from plasma
Side cut
7Cant fulfill all the desirables with present
antenna design
Antenna power for 35 kV max vs. freq.
- Extending frequency range will require different
antenna design - Can we operate with less frequency range?
- Do we need 115 MHz operation?
- Can we use 7.0 T instead of 6.5 T?
Resonances (R) for 6.5 and 10 T
Max. V on rf system vs. freq
8ICRF status for PVR
- We need to EITHER
- Reduce requirements
- Forget about 115 MHz CD OR
- Operate at 7 T instead of 6.5 T for AT modes
- OR start on new antenna design.
- Will do some quick looks at different electrical
configurations with broader frequency response
between now and PVR. - Aside from that, electrical operating
characteristics are fairly well-defined and
should meet the mission. - Disruption effects not analyzed
- No disruption analysis done, and none likely
before PVR with limited resources - However, antenna with current straps grounded at
each end is intrinsically strong. - Earlier analyses for high-field machines (CIT,
BPX) indicated that antennas could be built to
withstand disruptions, so well rely on existence
proof at PVR.
9Lower-frequency range option
- Giving up 115 MHz operation will allow operation
at 75 MHz - For this case, can deliver 20 MW over 72 to 100
MHz frequency range, assuming that everything in
rf system can handle 35 kV
Antenna power for 35 kV max vs. freq.
Max. V on rf system vs. freq
10Capacitor-tuned option
- Wider frequency band, tunable over 75-115 MHz
- Capacitors in vacuum will require tuning remotely
between shots - how? - End of current strap is free, transmits
disruption forces to capacitor - can it stand it? - More real estate taken up by HV rf in vacuum,
more chance for breakdown - Less shielding
- Cost more
Bottom line About the only advantage is it will
operate over wider freq. range
11For the future (FY04?)...
- Look at 4-strap keyhole antenna?
- More power per port
- Factor of 2 better CD efficiency
- Requires recess in vessel
- Mechanical design (vacuum seal, installation) may
be difficult - Look at broadband antenna in more detail?
1230 MW lower hybrid system
- 5 GHz needed to drive current in AT modes (must
keep f gt 2 fLH).
- Waveguide array for 5 GHz
- Choose RF power flux 53 MW/m2,
- Need 0.57 m2 of WG area for 30 MW
- Each waveguide opening is 5.7 cm high x 0.65 cm
toroidally - Need 1500 waveguides
Thanks for help from Stefano Bernabei
13LH launchers in two ports deliver 30 MW
- For each port, put array as shown.
- 96 toroidally x 8 poloidally.
- LH launcher contour must conform very closely to
the plasma contour for good coupling. The taller
the coupler, the greater the constraint on the
plasma outer separatrix shape. - Geometry flexibility precludes filling entire
port with LH launcher, so need 2 ports for LH
system. - Good news
- Can put EC launchers above and below LH antenna
14Source availability at 5 GHz is an issue, but
- Is a 1 MW, long-pulse, source available at 5 GHz?
- Not exactly.
- But A 3.7 GHz, 750 kW, 1000 s klystron (TH2103
C) is presently available from Thales Electron
Devices (in EU was Thomson-CSF) - Thales did a cost estimate for ITER in 1998
- 64 to 72 klystrons at 5 GHz, 1 MW CW
- 16 to 18 High-voltage power supplies, each 80
kV/100A - 64 to 72 RF amplifiers
- The result was an estimate of 1.15 /W, for the
sources and HV supplies only. (I dont know if
any RD costs would have to be added). - Requested info from CPI (US vendor), but no
response so far.
15Electron cyclotron system
- Needs to be absorbed at particular r/a to
stabilize NTMs - Assume midplane launcher with steerable optics to
aim launched power at particular location on
(almost) vertical resonance surface - r/a range that can be reached depends on location
of resonance surface
Need steerable launcher that can change direction
in vertical and toroidal direction launch waves
so toroidal when reaching resonance region if
good CD is needed.
16EC launcher off-midplane, use similar to ITER
upper launcher?
- ITER upper launcher
- Steerable mirrors. Beams reflected by four
mirrors through a vertical slot at the front
shield. - Poloidal RF beam steering capability ( 5)
- Accurate focussing of the RF power on the m 2
and m 3/2 plasma flux rational surfaces is
ITER midplane EC launcher
ITER upper EC launcher
17Frequency of EC sources is significant issue
- Requirement
- Be able to reach r/a 0.6 to stabilize NTMs at
rational q-surface locations - Questions
- How much power is needed?
- How much current must be driven?
- For what magnetic fields will NTM stabilization
be needed? - As B0 increases, required operating frequency
- Gyrotron availability
- US and Russian tubes at 1 MW level for f 120
GHz - Proposed development of 170 GHz tubes for ITER
(JA, US, RU) - will require significant RD effort
- 200 GHz? Fuggedaboutit! (major development
effort would be needed)
NTM control range
18Proposal for EC system design frequency (fm. Nov.
- Pick f 170 GHz for design study
- Allows penetration to r/a 0.6 at B0 7 T
- Allows penetration to r/a 0.25 at B0 6.5 T
- Compatible with ongoing EC source development
work (we get it for free) - Consider higher-frequency operation (and
consequent development of higher-frequency
source) as an upgrade that could be done - after initial operation with 170 GHz
- or if it becomes evident it will be needed
19ECH power requirements and cost
- Cost info from ITER cost estimate
- US has just completed a cost estimate for the
ITER EC system - 170 GHz
- 20 MW
- Long-pulse/CW system
- Cost estimate for sources HV supplies is gt x/W
(not counting RD) - Cost estimate for launchers, transmission lines,
etc. is (0.6 x)/W - (I could tell you what x is, but then Id have to
kill you) - (But its a lot.)
- Issue What is a realistic power?
- How much do we need to stabilize NTMs?
- How much can we afford?
20Stress and thermal analysis needed by
PVR?(from November Engineering Meeting)
- We need information to do the analyses
- Normal operation scenarios
- Prad(t) - radiated power (UV, soft x-rays) to
midplane port - Pfusion(t) - neutron flux at outer midplane
- Pulse length
- Disruptions
- B(t) in front of midplane port
- Power to wall from disruption
- Time is of the essence
- We have funding and manpower limitations
- If we want serious engineering analysesby the
PVR, then input needed by Jan.(?) - Probably dont have the resources(i.e., funding)
to do much will need to prioritize.