Title: Diapositiva 1
1DSpaceEvolution from an Intelligent Design
Andrea Bollini Bergen 2006
DSpace User Group Meeting Federico Meschini
Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5
2DSpace Made in Italy
University of Parma http//dspace-unipr.cilea.it8
Tuscia University http//dspace.unitus.it
National Institute of Geophysics and
Vulcanology http//www.earth-prints.org/
University of Torino http//dspace-unito.cilea.it/
University of Milano http//armida.unimi.it/
3Open Access in Italy 1
Messina Declaration 4-5 November 2004 Italian
Declaration supporting the Berlin Declaration on
Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and
More than 70 Universities (90) have subscribed
the declaration, thus supporting and adopting
Open Access
What is the situation 531 days after?
4Open Access in Italy 2
- Pleiadi Service Provider (http//www.openarchives.
it/pleiadi) - Number of repositories harvested 15
- Number of documents harvested 5553
- Average documents/repository 370
The average is higher if we consider only
disciplinary and hybrid repositories
Earth-Prints (http//www.earth-prints.org/),E-ms
(http//e-ms.cilea.it/), E-Lis
April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs
out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire,
stirring Dull roots with spring rain. T.S.
Eliot The Wasteland
Only documents in Italian.
Why DSpace?
Basically it's a matter of complementary
"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win
out at the expense of their rivals because they
succeed in adapting themselves best to their
environment." Charles Darwin
Robert Tansley ... DSpace -- a more modular,
flexible version into which different modules of
functionality can be plugged in to suit different
needs and would allow different approaches to the
digital preservation problem to be tested
Currently librarians in Italy are the most
enthusiastic about OpenAccess
- Advantages
- Strong bibliographic skills (and requests. God
bless input_forms.xml!)
- Drawbacks
- Lack of technical skills
- Limited academic influence
- Not the content producers
7What about the Authors?
Authors are reluctant in depositing their papers
in the repository, mainly because they're worried
about their careers.
- Is it possible encourage them? And how?
- Use of the visibility given by repository, such
as the search engines ranking. - Extension of some particular functions, in
particular the metadata management.
Currently there are several paper registers, both
on a local and a national level, all having
different purposes but (more or less) the same
information, therefore requiring multiple and
repetitive submissions.
Only one submission (metadata and full text) in
DSpace with the possibility of a granular export.
How? WebServices!
Possible future use with other framewoks, as the
National Interest Research Programs.
Handles can be used with OAI-PMH to obtain more
granular information
Tax Code as unique Identifier for ePerson in
Automatic loading from personnel registry
database to DSpace database 1 to 1 relation
between eperson and university staff.
- Advanced selection functions during submission
phase - current user as main author
- quick link to previous co-authors
- pulldown list and research form for other
Next Step transformation of this feature in a
New tables added to DSpace DB Schema
Send to a new Servlet (org.dspace.app.webui.servle
t.ControlledNameServelt) integrated in the
submission process.
Selected Authors
Quick links to previous co-authors
Dropdown menu with list of departments and
During submission and workflow the only author
metadata memorized is contributor.authorCF
(author Tax Code)
A Java Class (it.cilea.aepic.ExpandMetadataInfo)
is called during Ingest Process (from
ItemInstaller) and use contributor.authorCF and
the date.issue to retrieve the other author
information from the DB (name, affiliation,
scientific sector, ...) and store them as
metadata in the item.
Integration of DSpace with University global
authentication LDAP.
No possibility of direct access to LDAP.
Necessity of an intermediate step.
The solution is the use of a WebServices,
provided by local University IT Services, for the
access of the LDAP data.
17Acquisition of published papers
An important issue is the acquisition in the
repository of the previously published papers.
Starting point of this process are the
(heterogeneous) bibliographic databases of the
University Library.
Records are converted in XML by librarians and
submitted in DSpace using the Import/Export tool.
These (metadata) items are put in the author's
workspace, and both author and co-authors are
notified by email, in order to encourage the
full-text submissions and avoid redundancy.
During the submission (author) and workflow
(librarians) the metadata undergo through a
refinement process.
A general trend is only one installation of
DSpace per University, both for research papers
and learning objects and with several communities
and collections for the various Faculties.
Delegate Admin Role same features of the global
administrator, but limited to a single community.
Patch implemented for DSpace 1.2.2, adaptation in
progress for 1.4.
19Faceted DSpace
Automatic mapping of a single item on several
collections using the metadata of the item (as
author or subject).
Different views of the same Repository.
Code written following the new DSpace
architecture, and available as Plug-in.
Internal use faceted browsing and evaluation
purposes (http//www.earth-prints.org/community-l
External use harvest by specialized service
provider, such as Metalis (http//metalis.cilea.it
Notication service for specific subject and from
DSpace 1.4 possibility of use with RSS feed.
20Faceted DSpace
Java Class AutoMapperManager (org.dspace.app.autom
apper) is the Deus ex Machina of this process.
In dspace.cfg are listed all the classes
implementing the abstract class AutoMapper,
invoked by AutoMapperManager. These classes using
the properties and metadata of an item, determine
in which collections the item should appear.
... AutoMapper plugin.sequence.org.d
org.dspace.app.automapper.MetaDataMapper automapp
er.metadata.root.1 2 automapper.metadata.separat
or.1 automapper.metadata.type.1
subject.INGV ...
Example http//www.earth-prints.org/handle/2122/7
21Faceted DSpace
Why not during the break?