Title: Scriptural Organization of the Church
1Scriptural Organization of the Church
Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ,
To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in
Philippi, with the bishops and deacons
Phil. 11 NKJV
General Assemblies
Men make their own rules and laws
3I. False ways of Organizing
Pastor System
- Preacher minister elder
- Overseer
- Ruler of the church
4What is a Pastor ?
- Acts 2028 - overseers
- Titus 15-7 - bishop / elder
- Eph. 411 pastors
- feed, tend a flock
- presiding officer, manager
- director of any assembly
- overseers of Christian assembly
5I. False ways of Organizing
Deacon System
- Deacons only
- No elders
- No record of a church with deacons and no
6II. God's Way Of Organizing
Christ is the Head
Col. 118 And he is the head of the body, the
church Eph. 122, 23 ...gave him to be the
head over all things to the church, Which is his
7Each local church is self-governing
Autonomous Make decisions and act on them as a
free and independent body Doesnt need authority
from another congregation to act Never
independent from the law of Christ
8Oversee Feed Watch
- Acts 1130
- Qualifications 1 Tim. 31-7
- Acts 2028 overseers
- Tit. 15-7 bishops
- Eph. 411 - pastors
9- Appointed a plurality of elders in every single
church! - NOT one elder over one church
- NOT one elder over many churches
- NOT an eldership over many churches
- TWO OR MORE elders over one church
- Phil. 11
- Qualifications 1 Tim. 38-13
- Not the same as elders
Serve Minister to Wait on
- Saints Phil. 11
- Preacher - minister- evangelist
- Bible class teachers
- Song leaders
- All other members
- Gal.326-29
12III. Questions Often Asked
Should every congregation have elders ?
Yes ! Acts 1423 in every church Tit. 15 in
every city
13Suppose there are no qualified men ?
Cannot appoint Better to be scripturally
unorganized than unscripturally organized !
14Must a congregation obey its elders ?
Yes - Heb. 1317 Some not qualified discourage
appointment Members must submit
15Is it Necessary to appoint elders ?
Is he an elder when he does the work of an elder?
In N.T. they were appointed Qualifications
16What does it mean Desire the office ?
1 Tim. 31 If a man desire Desire to reach
out after, to stretch forward to, to wish for Not
like a political office
17Scriptural Organization of the Church
Many want to ignore Gods laws about
organization Just as binding as any other
law Gods plan is Best
18Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ
515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 evan
scoc_at_bellsouth.net www.evansgachurchofchrist.org S
unday Evening Dec. 7, 2008