Title: St. Michael
1St. Michael
the Archangel
2Who is St. Michael?
- WHEN God created the angels, those beautiful
spirits of light and love which surround His
heavenly throne in great numbers, He gave them
wonderful gifts of holiness, beauty and wisdom.
3- One of the greatest of the archangels was
Lucifer, whose name means "bearer of light." He
was proud of his power and wanted to be
worshipped instead of worshipping God, his
Creator. He cried out loudly, "I will not serve
4- Another great archangel set up his battle cry of
love and obedience "Michael - Who is like God"
In a great battle, the good angels, led by
Michael, cast the bad angels into hell.
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6- In reward for his love and obedience, God made
Archangel Michael prince of all the heavenly
7- From the beginning of time, St. Michael was the
leader of God's chosen people. In the New
Testament he is the guardian angel and the
protector of the Catholic Church.
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19With Our Lord and Our Mother let St. Michael
protect you
St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in
battle. Be our protection, Against the malice and
snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, We
humbly pray. And do thou O Prince of the Heavenly
Host, By the divine power, Cast into hell, Satan,
and all the other evil spirits, Who roam through
the world, Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.