Rumore termico e sistemi di raffreddamento - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rumore termico e sistemi di raffreddamento


Si chiama dark current perch corisponde ad una corrente ottenuta senza ... and cooled to pressurize, circulate, and adsorb a working fluid such as hydrogen. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rumore termico e sistemi di raffreddamento

Rumore termico e sistemi di raffreddamento
Corso di Rivelatori per lo Spazio
  • Dr. Emanuele Pace
  • Giugno 2006

Dark current
  • La dark current è la corrente di perdita dei
    fotorivelatori, i.e., la corrente non indotta da
  • Si chiama dark current perché corisponde ad una
    corrente ottenuta senza illuminare
  • Limita la dinamica dei fotorivelatori
  • Riduce lampiezza del segnale
  • Introduce un rumore (shot) non eliminabile con
    densità spettrale
  • Può variare molto da punto a punto in un
    rivelatore dimmagini causando il fixed pattern

Calcolo della corrente di buio
  • La corrente di buio non può essere determinata
    analiticamente o usando strumenti di simulazione
    può essere determinata solo sperimentalmente
  • Per comprendere gli effetti di alcuni parametri
    sulla corrente di buio, si può derivare
    unespressione per la corrente di buio dovuta ai
    difetti di bulk (non necessariamente la sorgente

Calcolo della corrente di buio
  • Partiamo dallequazione di continuità
  • Con portatori minoritari fotogenerati
  • costante di diffusione (cm2/s)
  • rate di fotogenerazione
  • rate di ricombinazione
  • Supponendo R(x) trascurabile, di misurare la
    corrente di buio e di essere in uno stato
    stazionario, si ha

Calcolo della corrente di buio
  • La soluzione generica è
  • con condizioni al contorno
  • al contatto ohmico
  • al bordo della regione di svuotamento
  • Si ha perciò
  • La densità di corrente di lacune è
    quindi data da

Dark current e temperatura
  • La corrente di buio cresce con la temperatura,
    poiché la concentrazione di portatori intrinseci
    aumenta in modo proporzionale a

Rumore termico
  • Il rumore termico è generato dal moto degli
    elettroni indotto dalla temperatura in regioni
  • ha valor medio nullo, banda spettrale larga e
    piatta, distribuzione dei valori gaussiana
  • e densità spettrale

  • La corrente di buio e il rumore termico dipendono
    fortemente dalla temperatura.
  • Per ridurne il contributo è necessario e
    sufficiente raffreddare il sensore.
  • La temperatura di raffressamento dipende dalle
    caratteristiche strutturali ed elettriche del


Raffreddamento passivo
  • Passive coolers require no input power. There are
    two types
  • Radiators. Radiators are panels radiating heat
    according to Stefan's Law and are the workhorse
    of satellite cooling due to their extremely high
    reliability. They have low mass and a lifetime
    limited only by surface contamination and
    degradation. It is important, however, to prevent
    the surface from viewing any warm objects and the
    device must therefore be carefully designed
    taking the vehicle's orbit into account. They
    also have severe limitations on the heat load and
    temperature (typically in the milliwatt range at
    70K). Multiple stages are often used to baffle
    the lowest temperature stage, or patch, and it
    has been shown that efficiency is nearly
    optimized with three stages, although two is
    often enough. In this case the first stage
    consists of a highly reflective baffle (e.g. a
    cone), to shield the patch from the spacecraft,
    Earth or shallow-angle sun-light.
  • Stored cryogens. Dewars containing a cryogen such
    as liquid helium or solid neon may be used to
    achieve temperatures below those offered by
    radiators (heat is absorbed by either boiling or
    sublimation respectively). These provide
    excellent temperature stability with no exported
    vibrations but substantially increase the launch
    mass of the vehicle and limit the lifetime of the
    mission to the amount of cryogen stored. They
    have also proved to be of limited reliability.
  • Passive coolers have been used for many years in
    space science applications due to their
    relatively high reliability and low vibration

Liquidi refrigeranti
  • Sistemi ad elio liquido permettono temperature di
    funzionamento a 3K e a 4.2K. Esistono anche dewar
    a diluizione che consentono temperature di
    funzionamento intorno a 1K, ma sono utilizzati
    per lo più in esperimenti a bordo di palloni
  • Sistemi ad azoto liquido permettono temperature
    di funzionamento maggiori o uguali a 77K
  • Sistemi misti con preraffreddamento ad azoto
    liquido e raffreddamento ad elio liquido. Questi
    sistemi permettono una durata maggiore
    dellesperimento in quanto il refrigeratore
    principale, lelio, evapora più lentamente e dura
    quindi di più.

Esempio ASTRO F
ASTRO-F satellite consists of a cryostat and a
bus module. A telescope and scientific
instruments are stored in the cryostat and cooled
by liquid Helium and mechanical coolers. The bus
module takes care of house keeping of the
satellite, attitude control, data handling, and
communication with the ground system. The height
and weight of the satellite are 3.7 meters and
952 kg, respectively. The cryostat and the bus
module have independent structures so as to
decrease heat inflow into the cryostat.
Esempio ASTRO F
  • 170 liter of superfluid liquid Helium (at launch
    time) is loaded into the tank of the cryostat and
    cools the instruments and the telescope down to a
    very low temperature.
  • Two sets of Stirling-cycle mechanical coolers are
    incorporated in addition to the liquid Helium.
    The addition of the mechanical coolers extends
    the Helium life and reduces the quantity of
    Helium to be carried into space. ASTRO-F will
    make observations for one and a half years
    keeping a very low temperature using both liquid
    Helium and the mechanical coolers.

Riscaldamento della sonda
Solar radiation 1371 W/m2
Albedo blackbody emission 200 W/m2
Solar wind 2 x 105 K
Atmosphere 103 K
Rate di collisioni e riscaldamento trascurabili
Schermi termici
Criogeneratori per bassissime temperature
  • Adiabatic Demagnetization. Adiabatic
    Demagnetization Refrigeration (ADR), has been
    used on the ground for many years to achieve
    milli-Kelvin temperatures after a first stage
    cooling process. The process utilizes the
    magneto-caloric effect with a paramagnetic salt.
    These coolers are currently under development for
    space use.
  • 3He coolers. In addition to its use as a stored
    cryogen the properties of can be used to achieve
    temperatures below 1K with closed cycle "Sorption
    coolers" (above 250mK), and dilution
    refrigerators (above 50mK). The former are
    scheduled for use in the SPIRE and PACS
    instruments aboard the Herchel satellite whereas
    the latter will be used on the Planck mission.

Active coolers
  • Passive coolers are now joined by coolers
    requiring input power, so called active devices
    (also termed cryocoolers'). Active coolers use
    closed thermodynamic cycles to transport heat up
    a temperature gradient to achieve lower cold-end
    temperatures at the cost of electrical input
    power. The first long-life active cooler system
    successfully operated in space was a cluster of
    four rhombic-drive, grease lubricated Stirling
    cycle machines launched in 1978 aboard DOD 1-78-1
    developed by Phillips and cooling two gamma ray
    detectors. Although these showed significant
    performance degradation on-orbit they operated
    sufficiently well to keep the payload operating
    until it was destroyed during a successful test
    of an anti-satellite interceptor in 1985. Since
    this first generation the flexibility and
    reliability of active coolers have proved major
    contributors to the success of many missions.

Stirling cycle
  • The major types of active cooler are
  • Stirling cycle. These coolers are based on
    causing a working gas to undergo a Stirling cycle
    which consists of two constant volume processes
    and two isothermal processes. Devices consist of
    a compressor pump and a displacer unit with a
    regenerative heat exchanger, known as a
    regenerator'. Stirling cycle coolers were the
    first active cooler to be used successfully in
    space and have proved to be reliable and
    efficient. Recent years have seen the development
    of two-stage devices which extend the lower
    temperature range from 60-80K to 15-30K.
  • Pulse tube. Pulse tube coolers are similar to the
    Stirling cycle coolers although the thermodynamic
    processes are quite different. They consist of a
    compressor and a fixed regenerator. Since there
    are no moving parts at the cold-end reliability
    is theoretically higher than Stirling cycle
    machines. Efficiencies approaching Stirling cycle
    coolers can be achieved and several recent
    missions have demonstrated their usefulness in

  • Joule-Thompson. These coolers work using the well
    known Joule-Thomson (Joule-Kelvin), effect. A gas
    is forced through a thermally isolated porous
    plug or throttle valve by a mechanical compressor
    unit leading to isenthalpic cooling. Although
    this is an irreversible process, with
    correspondingly low efficiency, J-T coolers are
    simple, reliable, and have low electrical and
    mechanical noise levels. A J-T stage driven by a
    valved linear compressor, similar to those used
    for Stirling cycle and Pulse Tube coolers, will
    be flown on the planned Planck telescope mission
    (expected to be launched in 2007).
  • Sorption. Sorption coolers are essentially J-T
    coolers which use a thermo-chemical process to
    provide gas compression with no moving parts.
    Powdered sorbent materials (e.g. metal hydrides),
    are electrically heated and cooled to pressurize,
    circulate, and adsorb a working fluid such as
    hydrogen. Efficiency is low but may be increased
    by the use of mixed working gases. Demonstration
    models have already been flown and they are
    expected to useful in long-life missions where
    very low vibration levels are required, such as
    the planned Darwin mission to image the
    atmospheres of extra-solar planets.

Reverse Brayton cycle
  • A Brayton-type engine consists of three
  • A gas compressor
  • A mixing chamber
  • An expander
  • In the original 19th century Brayton engine
    ambient air is drawn into a piston compressor,
    where it is pressurized a theoretically
    isentropic process. The compressed air then runs
    through a mixing chamber where fuel is added, a
    constant-pressure process. The heated,
    pressurized air and fuel mixture is then ignited
    in an expansion cylinder and gives up its energy,
    expanding through a piston/cylinder another
    theoretically isentropic process. Some of the
    work extracted by the piston/cylinder is used to
    drive the compressor through a crankshaft
  • Reverse Brayton. Reverse/Turbo Brayton coolers
    have high efficiencies and are practically
    vibration free. Coolers consist of a rotary
    compressor, a rotary turbo-alternator (expander),
    and a counterflow heat exchanger (as opposed to
    the regenerator found in Stirling or Pulse Tube
    coolers). The compressor and expander use
    high-speed miniature turbines on gas bearings and
    small machines are thus very difficult to build.
    They are primarily useful for low temperature
    experiments (less than 10K), where a large
    machine is inevitable or for large capacity
    devices at higher temperatures (although these
    requirements are quite rare). A recent
    application of this class of cooler was the
    Creare device used to recover the NICMOS
    instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope.

Esempio NICMOS
  • Cryocooler di NICMOS (HST)
  • These cryogenic coolers allow longer operational
    lifetimes than is presently possible with
    expendable cryogenic systems. It is expected that
    with the NCS installed on HST, NICMOS's
    operational life will be extended by at least
    five years beyond SM3B.
  • The NCS works using three fluid loops.
  • The first loop is the circulator loop. When
    installed in the HST, gas will be circulated in
    this loop between the cooling system and the
    inside of the NICMOS cryostat. This carries heat
    away from the cryostat and keeps the detectors at
    their operating temperature (73 Kelvin or -200
    C). For the HOST mission, the NICMOS cryostat was
    replaced by a simulator that contains an exact
    replica of the plumbing and interfaces in the
    NICMOS. This device is called the NICMOS Cooling
    Loop Simulator (NCLS).
  • The second loop is the primary cooling loop. It
    contains a compressor, a turboalternator, and two
    heat exchangers. This loop implements a
    reverse-Brayton thermodynamic cycle, and provides
    the cooling power for the entire system. It is
    the heart of the NICMOS cryocooler.
  • In generating this cooling power, a significant
    amount of heat is also generated (up to 500
    Watts). This heat is carried away from the
    primary cooling loop by the third loop in the
    NCS, called the Capillary Pumped Loop. This loop
    connects the main heat generating component, the
    compressor, with the external radiator, which
    radiates the heat into space. The heat is carried
    by evaporating ammonia on the hot end, and
    recondensing it at the cold end of the CPL.

Effetto Peltier
  • Peltier effect coolers. Solid-state Peltier
    coolers, or Thermo-Electric Converters (TECs),
    are routinely used in space to achieve
    temperatures above 170K (e.g. the freezers aboard
    the Interational Space Station). These devices
    work on the same principle as the Seebeck effect,
    but in reverse the creation of a temperature
    difference between two dissimilar metals by
    application of a current.

Raffreddamento termo-elettrico
  • A thermoelectric cooler (TEC), sometimes called a
    thermoelectric module or Peltier, is a
    semiconductor-based electronic component that
    functions as a small heat pump. By applying a low
    voltage DC power source to a TEC, heat will be
    moved through the cooler from one side to the
    other. One cooler face, therefore, will be cooled
    while the opposite face simultaneously is heated.
    Consequently, a thermoelectric cooler may be used
    for both heating and cooling by reversing the
    polarity (changing the direction of the applied
    current). This ability makes TECs highly suitable
    for precise temperature control applications as
    well as where space limitations and reliability
    are paramount and CFCs are not desired.

Cella Peltier
  • A typical single stage cooler consists of two
    ceramic plates with p- and n-type semiconductor
    material (bismuth telluride) between the plates.
    The elements of semiconductor material are
    connected electrically in series and thermally in
    parallel. When a positive DC voltage is applied
    to the n-type thermoelement, electrons pass from
    the p- to the n-type thermoelement and the cold
    side temperature will decrease as heat is
    absorbed. The heat absorption (cooling) is
    proportional to the current and the number of
    thermoelectric couples. This heat is transferred
    to the hot side of the cooler, where it is
    dissipated into the heat sink and surrounding

Advantages/disadvantages of different types of
cooler technology
Some examples of missions using the above coolers
Ideal UV detector for space
Radiation hardness
High sensitivity
  • Very low noise

Large area
Solar blindness
Chemical inertness
Alternative diamond materials
Diamond is an appealing materials for XUV photon
detection. Their main properties are hereafter
  • Eg 5.5 eV ? dark current lt 1 pA
  • ? visible rejection (ratio 10-7)
  • ? high XUV sensitivity
  • Highly radiation hard
  • Chemical inertness
  • Mechanically robust
  • High electric charge mobility fast response
  • Low dielectric constant low capacitance

Why diamond

Higher performances No cooling Less
optics no filters No coatings No
radiation shielding Mechanical hardness
Low power Light system Long durability Clean
Diamond detectors
Detector technology
Dark current
Time response
Electro-optical performance
Quantum efficiency
1 Naletto, Pace et al, 1994 2 Wilhelm et
Minimum detectivity
l 210 nm EQE 300
NEP 5 x 10-11 erg s-1 cm-2nm-1
Fluxes Sensitivity
NEP 5 x 10-11 erg s-1 cm-2 nm-1
Diamond trackers
RD42 Collaboration, NIMA 436 (1999) 326-335
RD42 Collaboration, NIMA 434 (1999) 131-145
Particle detectors _at_ CERN ATLAS CMS
Diamond imagers
Synchrotron beam profiler
C. Schulze-Briese et al., NIMA 467468 (2001)
Electronic structures
Proposed devices
E. Pace et al., ESA Proceedings, SP-493 (2001)
311-314. E. Pace et al., SPIE Proc. 4498 (2001)
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