Title: Selective Visual Attention: The Spotlight Metaphor
1Selective Visual Attention The Spotlight Metaphor
2Questions to be answered
- How do we select a subset of available visual
information? - What happens to the information that is not
3Attention as an adjustable spotlight(LaBerge,
- Condition 1
- Participants categorise the central letter of a
five letter word (HOUSE). - Respond to probe as quickly as possible (_ _ _ 7
_) - Condition 2
- Participants categorise a five letter word
(SUSAN). - Respond to probe as quickly as possible (_ _ _ 7
4LaBerge (1983)
5The Attentional Spotlight
Visual Space
Attended Area
6Processing Outside the attentional Spotlight
- Semantic Interference
- Semantic Priming
7Semantic Interference - Stroop test
8Kahneman Henik (1981)
9Semantic Priming (Johnson Dark, 1985)
10Semantic Priming 2 - Prime
11Semantic Priming - Perceptual Clarification
12Semantic Priming - Perceptual Clarification
13The Attentional Spotlight and the Fovea (Posner,
Nissen, Ogden, 1978)
14The Attentional Spotlight and the Fovea
15What Kind of Spotlight ?
16Eagly Homa (1984)
- Ss fixate on central position.
- 2 letters appear (30-60msec).
- Ss name central letter report position of the
other letter. - Ss cued on position of 2nd letter
17Eagly Homa (1984) - 2
- Ss miscued letter will appear in the middle ring
- Letter appears in the inner ring
- What do we predict about response times?
18Perceptual Grouping (Neisser and Becklen (1976)
19Perceptual Grouping 2 Driver and Baylis (1989)