Title: The Savannah River Site
1The Savannah River Site
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
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2The Savannah River Site
- 198,334 acres, or about 310 square miles
- Fourth largest DOE site in the United States
(behind Nevada Test Site, Idaho National
Laboratory and Hanford Site) - About the size of the District of Columbia
- SRS workforce Approximately 11,000
- Prime contractor (about 55 percent)
- Other contractors
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
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3Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC
Partner companies Fluor Corporation Northrop
Grumman Corporation Honeywell International,
Inc. Began Management Operations of Savannah
River Site 8/1/08 Total number of employees
6,650 Procurement Commitments Fiscal Year to Date
July 09
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
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4The Recovery Act Is At Work At SRS
10th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Small
Business Conference
- Received over 10,000 job applicants
- Procurements at Work
- Approximately 100 million in contracts placed
through the Recovery Act thus far - New procurement actions coming to accelerate
small business subcontracts - New subcontracts targeted to spark employment
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
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5Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC
Fiscal Year-to-Date Achievements for FY09
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
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6 10th Annual U.S. Department of
Energy Small Business Conference
The Recovery Act Is At
Work At SRS
- Excavation/Consolidation and Cover Systems
- Decontamination Decommissioning
- Demolition and Construction
- Soil Redemption
- Reactor Disassembly, Stack Removal, and Grouting
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
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Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP
710th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Small
Business Conference
How do I contact Savannah River Nuclear Solutions?
supplierdevelopment_at_srs.gov Small Business
Manager Small Business Liaison Sharon
Campbell Norris Rouse (800) 888-7986 (803)
952-8756 (803) 952-6463 (803) 952-6092 Fax
Please visit the Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions Exhibit Booth 107 for a listing of
upcoming opportunities.
Small Businesses Leading the Way to Recovery and
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Presenters Name Veasey Wilson, VP