Title: P1254413684jmiOb
1Sector Skills Councils and 2012 Developing an
Olympic Workforce Stephen Studd CEO, SkillsActive
2The Skills for Business Network
- 25 SSCs covering 90 of the economy
- Employer-led organisations, licensed and
recognised by Government across UK - Increasing productivity through a demand-led
qualification system - Core responsibilities
- Labour market and skills analysis
- National Standards
- National Qualifications Framework
3Responding to the 2012 challenge - SSC Clusters
- Researching and Identifying the Skills Needs for
2012 - Communication and Co-ordination
- Creating an Action Plan for Delivery
- Maximising the Opportunity
4The London Challenge
Proportion of the working age population in employment Employment shortfall to London Employment shortfall to England and Wales
Greenwich 65.8 5,844 13,842
Hackney 56.0 19,974 27,611
Newham 58.7 18,559 27,413
Waltham Forest 62.4 11,451 19,721
Tower Hamlets 57.5 17,355 24,813
London proportion of working age population in employment 69.6
England and Wales proportion of working age population in employment 75.4
5 Borough Gap 73,813 113,400
5Key Outcomes of Cluster Work Programme
- London Employment and Skills Taskforce (LEST)
- Taskforce Proposals
- Connecting job seekers to Games Related job
opportunities - Extended outreach to support more integrated
brokerage and training services, to engage
hard-to-reach groups - An Employer Accord to provide leadership and
commitment - Pre-Volunteering Programme for excluded
individuals - Pre Employment Training for disengaged and
disadvantaged groups and Enhancing Skills and
Training in Games-related sectors - Employment and skills planning for young people
- Encouraging micro-enterprise
- Communicating the vision, the plans and the
6Key Outcomes of Cluster Work Programme
- What skills by when 2006-2021 Baseline and
Challenge Scenarios at construction,
implementation and legacy phases - Baseline scenario for 2012
- Increase 1.2m jobs 2006-2012 UK-wide (240k
London) - A further 1.8m jobs 2012-2021 UK-wide (440k
London) - Challenge scenario
- A further 55,000 jobs over baseline 2006-2012
UK-wide (27k London) - A further 54,000 jobs over baseline 2012-2021
UK-wide (28k London)
7Chart 1 Changes in London employment
8Chart 2 Changes in UK employment outside of
9What skills by when
- Meeting the Challenge 3 key assumptions
- Improved External Environment - new and
alternative transport routes (improved
availability of labour) successful regeneration
of the Lower Lea Valley (private investment, new
jobs, spending increase). - Community Benefits employment opportunities and
up-skilling of local residents. - Increased demand for skills increase in
tourism/tourist spending - 2006-2012 UK job increases above baseline
- Manufacturing (15,000), financial business
services (9,000), distribution, hotels catering
(9,000), construction (9,000), government other
services (6,000), and transport communications
(5,000). - 2012-2021 job increases above baseline
- Financial business services (13,000),
distribution, hotels catering (12,000).
10Key Outcomes of Cluster Work Programme
- Research reports
- 2. Skills needed to improve visitor experience
- Londons reputation
- Recruitment difficulties in past Games live
performers, chefs, catering managers, bus
drivers, elite coaching and supporting roles. - Identified skills currently lacking in the
workforce team working, customer service,
complaint handling, communication skills,
management skills. - New skills that will be required games
knowledge, cultural awareness, disability
awareness, language skills
11Key Outcomes of Cluster Work Programme
- Customer Service Project
- Analysis of customer service training in the UK
- Development of a 2012 specific Gold Standard
training programme for those working in
Hospitality, Leisure, Travel, Tourism, Retail,
Transport, Security, Cultural and creative,
Public services - Flexible qualification to support learner and
employer needs
12SkillsActive Priorities
- Increasing participation in sport and physical
activity - Creating a stronger infrastructure to deliver
legacy for the sports sector - Sector Skills Agreement Themes
- 1. Improve the Quality and Range of Services
- 2. Improve Recruitment and Retention
- 3. Professionalise and Upskill the Existing
Workforce - 4. Match Supply to Demand
- 5. Redirect Funding for Training
- 6. Increase Sector Investment in our People
- Result increased employment, better qualified
people, increase in volunteering.
13Olympic Focus
- Implications for the Sports Sector
- More coaches in the community (levels 1-3) with
new skills e.g. communication/customer
care/engaging the hard to reach - Improved technical skills and support from NGBs
(UKCC) - Competitive and International Coaching (levels
4-5) - UK Coaching Framework - Support for athlete development - Advanced
Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence - More volunteering
- Games Delivery
- Officials higher level skills and new sports
- Facility Management customer care, sponsorship
management - Stewards - cultural awareness, customer service,
language skills - Pre Volunteer Programme leading to Games
14SkillsActive Developments
- Responding to Employer Demand
- National Skills Academy
- Skills Passports (including volunteers)
- Sector Qualification Strategy
qualification reform - Qualification and Credit Framework - populated to
meet employment needs - 14 19 Diploma
- Foundation Degrees
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17The Challenge for Skills from the London 2012
A presentation to the Skills for Business network
and external partners Saxon Brettell, Cambridge
18th May 2007
18Objectives of study
- Identify the skills gaps that employers are
currently facing and shortages in the workforce
that may have a negative impact on the staging
of a successful Olympic and Paralympic Games - Identify the qualification levels that are
required to host a successful Olympic and
Paralympic Games and the lessons on this that can
be drawn from previous Olympic and Paralympic
Games and other relevant events - Identify the categories of employment that
people will / can move onto after the Games
19Method of study
- Review of previous work
- Assessing the need
- Modelling scenarios baseline and challenge
- Interviews and workshops to test understanding
20Taking advantage of opportunities - the Baseline
and Challenge Scenarios
- The Baseline Scenario
- committed Olympic Games expenditures as at
submission - other contracted infrastructure projects as of
start of project - The Challenge Scenario
- higher spending captured with the Games
- new direct spending estimates
- enhanced tourism offer
- infrastructure projects triggered by the Games
- Crossrail
- Thames Gateway success
- enhanced legacy effects
- tourism offer enhanced through better skills
- more responsive labour market in London
supporting FBS - more investment in North East London
- enhanced overall London competitive global offer
21Projections of Skills Demand
- Projections of employment by occupation
- expansion demand
- replacement demand
- 9 aggregate occupation categories
- 12 countries and regions of the UK
- SSC footprints
- 2006-2021
- Skills
- measured by 5 qualifications levels
- Significant albeit relatively small gains to be
made from skills enhancements taking advantage of
the opportunities generated by staging the Games
in all regions - challenge scenario change is 12 above baseline
change for London by 2012 and 7 by 2021 - proactive policy can generate gains in other
regions - The legacy effects can be secured
- regeneration of North East London offers clear
benefits to Londons labour supply and image - upskilled workforce available for next generation
of jobs - direct benefits for hospitality-related services
and transport communications readily providing
spill over benefits post 2012 - providing a focus and incentive for skills uplift
for all sectors of the economy
23- SSC involvement to date
- Olympic Objectives/links to key
partners/LEST/PVP/Accord - Current projects
- Research
- Creating a stronger infrastructure to deliver
legacy for the sports sector - Passports
- Volunteers
- SSA priorities