Title: Folie 1
1Maritime Cluster Schleswig-Holstein
2(No Transcript)
31.500 companies 45.000 employees
4Aims of the Maritime Cluster
Building a sustainable network for maritime
industry and science Development of joint
strategies and positions Generation of project
proposals Technology transfer Search for
synergies Public relations
5Networking Evening events (100 people)all over
Potential Analysis Tsunami WG Offshore Oil
Gas Introduction to ger.- norw. Chamber of
commerce IT and Maritime Industry Wind Community
and Maritime Industry
6Networking Workshops (20 people)
Ocean Monitoring System Gashydrates with GMT
Legal questions in cooperative
projects Transport and logistics Cluster
strategies Preparation of Stavanger
fair Professional diving education centre in
Kiel? Maritime Treasures in Schleswig-Holstein Gro
wth in the North-Elbe region (WIN) New
generation of research vessels
7Synergies Cluster - Cooperation
Intermare C, Schiff / KERN IT - Cluster,
WTSH Windcomm, IB Wachstums Initiative
Norderelbe (WIN) Exzellence cluster CAU The
Future Ocean .....
8Making contact Visits to Companies
ECONNEX AG, safety systems IfM-GEOMAR, medication
from the sea IHK-Lübeck Workshop fuel cells
Lindenau Potential Analysis, harbours, future
oceanographic vessels Mittelmann-Werft, Baltic
Sailing Sailing boat for schools Friedrich-Werft
Living on Water Min. Interior IKZM and
Maritime Cluster DUAG, IB Aquaculture, mar.
Industrial areas Windcomm Offshore Wind Zöllner
GmbH, Ship horns FSG, Schip design, Container
logistics Tradav port logistics ............
9Getting to know you Public Relations
- Maritime Data Bank and Yearbook
- 30.8. 2.9.In Water Tec Maritime Cluster and
Ocean Monitoring System - 23.11. Financial Times
- WNO-Articles, KERN-Newsletter, several newspapers
- Mar. Conf., Hanse-Office, Brussels, BMBF, BMWI,
Berlin, Senate HH, Rotary Club, Maritime Forum,
Nautical club Kiel - Poster-exhibitions IfW, WiMi, IHK Kiel, IHK
Flensburg... - Internet www.maritimes-cluster.de
- 17.2. KPKR Brest
- 9.3.06 Parlament. Evening Berlin
- 21.-24.3.06. Oceanology, London
10Projects, Technology Transfer
Project coaching North Sea Monitoring
System Project generation Legal questions /
Marketing Logistics / Transport chain Gashydrate
Research and Technology Projekt Workshop with WIN
/ IB Development of priority criteria
11What is needed?Strategy Workshop Jan. 17. 2006
- Identified Priorities
- 1. Networking (20)
- Building a sustainable network for maritime
industry and science (7) - Strengthen the maritime consciousness in the
region (6) - Improve the information flow (5)
- Build information, trust, cooperation (2)
- 2. Generation of project ideas and proposal in
the Maritime sector (11)
12- Partners
- Chambers of Commerce Kiel, Flensburg
- Business Development and Technology Transfer
Corporation of Schleswig-Holstein - Investment Bank Schleswig Holstein
- Raytheon Anschütz GmbH
- Schiff-gmbh
- GHyCoP
- Metropolitan area Hamburg?
- Operated by Technologie-Region K.E.R.N. e.V.
- Financed by the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Transport of Schleswig-Holstein
13 Thank you!