Title: Word Columns
1Word - Columns
- David Turton
- Conestoga College
- Institute of Technology Advanced Learning
- http//www.conestogac.on.ca/dturton
- Doon 1B43 x3610
2Why use Columns?
- To keep the text from looking too wordy
- create brochures, newsletters, advertising
materials - and other strangely-folded things
- Eye-scan ease
- its easier to read narrower columns because
theres less eye movement and strain - less waste space
- consider a phone book with only 1 column.
3Splitting a report into columns
4Result full-page columns (in page view)
Note gutter column width adjustment
5Changing Existing Documents
- Position the cursor somewhere in the document and
select the number of columns you want - the whole document will be affected regardless of
where the insertion point is.
6Formatting Pre-existing documentNote formatting
applied to whole document
Can drag to resize column gutter
Line option in format/columns
7But I dont want it all columns!
- By dividing your document into sections, you can
format each section differently - sections can have different column layouts or
even different paper orientation.
8Desired Result
91st section banner area from columns area
dont want the section to cause a page break
102nd - format columnar area
113rd - Section off bottom thingy
124th - format bottom section
13Balancing Columns
- sometimes, columns end unevenly on the last page
- force to be more balanced
- move to the very end of the last column
- choose Insert / Break
- add a continuous section break
- the document thinks a new section is beginning
- balances the text in the preceding section