Title: KRONOS 5'1
Adding, Updating and Deleting Schedules
- After reviewing this presentation, you will be
able to - Add a schedule for a New employee.
- Update/Change the schedule of an Existing
employee. - Delete an incorrect schedule
3 Adding a Schedule
4Step 1 Go into the Employees Timecard and
5Step 2 The Schedule Editor opens
6Step 3 Right click on the Employees nameAdd
PatternShift or Pay Code
7Step 4 The Pattern Editor window opens
8Step 5 Fill in the Work Start Date and
Pattern Start Date with the day the schedule
takes effect
9Step 6 Click on Insert Pattern
10Step 7 The Select Pattern window opensSelect
the appropriate patternHighlightClick OK
11Step 8 Click Yes
12Step 9 Click OK
13Step 10 Click Save (The gold bar at the top
should disappear once the info is saved)
14 Updating/Changing a Schedule
15Step 1 Go into the Employees Timecard and
16Step 2 The Schedule Editor opens
17Step 3 Right click on the Employees nameEdit
PatternShift or Pay Code
18Step 4 The Pattern Editor window opens
19Step 5 Click on Insert Pattern
20Step 6 The Select Pattern window opensSelect
the appropriate patternHighlightClick OK
21Step 7 Check off Override other patterns
22Step 8 Click Yes
23Step 9 Click OK...Fill in the appropriate Work
Start Date and Pattern Start DateClick OK
24Step 10 Click Save (The gold bar at the top
should disappear once the info is saved)
25 Deleting a Schedule
26Step 1 Go into the Employees Timecard and
27Step 2 The Schedule Editor opens
28Step 3 Right click on the Employees
nameDelete PatternShift or Pay Code
29Step 4 The Delete Pattern window opens
30Step 5 Click DeleteClick OK
31Step 6 Click Save (The gold bar at the top
should disappear once the info is saved)
32 For a list of schedules currently existing in
KRONOS please review the Excel document titled
Current Schedules in KRONOS. This can be
found on the Payroll Websitehttp//www6.miami.edu
/payroll/ under Electronic Timekeeping
Website. If you are unable to find the schedule
you need, please contact the KRONOS administrator
so that it can be created.
- You may print these instructions for future
reference by selecting the File Print Option. - THANK YOU FOR USING KRONOS Schedules
PAYROLL OFFICE 760 Gables One Tower Locator
2976 305-284-6787
Adding, Updating and Deleting Schedules in KRONOS