Title: Diapositiva 1
1Status of D analysis
Elena Bruna, Massimo Masera, Francesco
Prino University of Torino and INFN
ALICE Physics Forum, CERN 11 Oct 2006
- D? K-pp in Pb-Pb
- Motivations
- Selection strategies
- Preliminary results
- Results scaled to lower multiplicity scenario
- Preliminary results for D? K-pp in pp
- Perspectives for D azimuthal anisotropy
measurements in Pb-Pb - Conclusions
3 D in ALICE
- Physics motivations (for all the open charmed
mesons) - Measurement of D yield, together with D0 and Ds,
and their relative yields, can provide
information on the hadronization mechanism - Necessary to reduce the systematic error on the
absolute cross section - Open charmed mesons as probes of the medium
(RAA,v2,) - Advantages
- D has a long mean proper length (ct 312mm
compared to 123 mm of the D0) - D fully reconstructable from a 3-charged body
decay (Kpp) - Possibility to exploit the resonant decay
through Kbar0 to enhance S/B - Drawbacks
- Kpp channel larger combinatorial background (3
decay products instead of the 2 of the D0 ? K-p) - Kpp channel smaller ltpTgt of the decay products
( 0.7 GeV/c compared to 1 GeV/c of the D0
decay products) - D less abundant than D0 (factor 3 due to D
4D in Pb-Pb
5Selection strategy
- General lines common for all the open charmed
mesons in the barrel. - Additional information given for the case D?Kpp
- Selection invariant mass analysis of fully
reconstructed topologies coming from displaced
vertices. - Cuts on single tracks (pT, d0).
- D case cuts on Kp candidate pairs of tracks
displaced from the primary vertex are also
applied. - Build triplets (or pairs or quadriplets) of
tracks with the right combination of charge
signs. - Compute the vertex (i.e. the D.C.A. of the pairs
for D0,). Require a good pointing of the
reconstructed D momentum to the primary vertex. - Use combined PID information (ITSTPCTRDTOFHMPI
61st step single track cuts
- Cuts on pT and d0 of all tracks
- If PID information is used
- Reject p, deutons, e and m
- Different pT cut for p and K
Perfect PID is assumed
Working point (to preserve enough statistics at
low pT)
72nd step combining Kp pairs
- K and p have opposite charge sign
- Cut on the distance between the DCA point of the
2 tracks and the primary vertex - Build the triplets starting from two selected Kp
Accepted pairs with distgtdistcutMIN
distcutMIN (mm)
83rd step Combining the Triplets
- Single track cuts applied
- Cut on both the 2 Kp vertices in the triplet
displaced from the primary vertex applied
d0K x d0p2
d0K x d0p2
d0K x d0p1
d0K x d0p1
selection based on the products of impact
parameters of the two Kp pairs
When (d0K x d0p1)lt0 (d0K x d0p2)lt0 empty
region due to the kinematics of the decay
94th step Secondary Vertex Finder on the Triplets
Cut on the quality of the Vertex. Sigma
BLACK signal RED BKG Kpp Triplets
track 3
track 1
track 2
Accepted triplets with s lt sMAX
BLACK signal RED BKG Kpp Triplets
BLACK signal RED BKG Kpp Triplets
sMAX (cm)
sMAX (cm)
10Possible cuts on the Triplets
- Quality of the vertex Sigma (prev. Slide)
- Distance between primary and secondary vertices
BLACK signal RED BKG Kpp Triplets
- Cut on the cosine of the pointing angle defined
by the PT of the D and the line connecting
primary and secondary vertices
The signal is peaked at 1
11Starting point for the analysis
- Statistics used for this analysis
- SIGNAL 106 reconstructed triplets
- half of the sample produced on the grid
- BACKGROUND 1750 hijing events
- out of 20000 produced on the grid
- Analysis done for 2 different PID selections
- Perfect PID
- ? Combined PID in progress
- ? No PID in progress
12Preliminary results in D pT intervals
- Multi-dimensional matrices SijkNsigcut-ijk and
BijkNbkgcut-ijk counting triplets passing the
cuts defined by each cell - Selection variables in the matrix
- Distance prim-sec vertex
- Pointing angle
- min pT of the 3 tracks
- Easy to expand to new selection
2ltpTDlt3 GeV/c
Max. Significance S/v(SB) normalized to 107 MB
Distance prim-sec (mm)
13Additional cut on s?i1,2,3 d0i2
s ?i1,2,3 d0i2 d0K2d0p12d0p22
SIGNAL triplets
- Already applied cuts
- single track cuts
- Kp displaced pairs
- quality of the vertices (?)
Accepted Kpp triplets
sgtsMIN (mm2)
BKG Kpp Triplets
BLACK signal RED BKG Kpp Triplets
sgtsMIN (mm2)
Cut on sMIN3.5x105 mm2 looks promising
sgtsMIN (mm2)
s (mm2)
14Preliminary estimate for dNch/dy 2000
- dNch/dy 6000 ? Ntracks7000 reconstructed
tracks in the barrel - S/ev0.001
- B/ev0.004
- dNch/dy 2000 ? Ntracks 1/3 x 70002500 doing a
rough extrapolation, neglecting the different
tracking efficiency - S/ev 0.001
- B ? (Ntracks)3 ? B/ev 1/20 x 0.004 2x10-4
- S/B 5
- S/?(SB) 90
- Larger significance in a lower multiplicity
scenario. - Only BKG has been scaled
- Signal was not scaled not clear if the ccbar
production is correlated with the multiplicity
15D in pp
16D in pp collisions
- Work in progress!
- MC EVENTS from pp production at ?s14 TeV with
TPC parametrized - produced in April 2006 on Italian grid (CNAF,
LNL, TO) - reconstructed in LNL in August 2006 with
v4-04-Release - GOALs
- Tune selection cuts for pp events
- Less combinatorial background with respect to
Pb-Pb - Worse resolution on the primary vertex due to low
multiplicity - Prepare analysis tools in view of PDC06 events
17Physics Run example (107 events)
18Statistics used in this analysis
- Pre-analysis
- 1.5 106 events in the physics run proportions
- 3 105 events with charm in the barrel forced to
decay hadronically (4 bins of pthard) - Used to increase the number of signal triplets to
have enough statistics to tune some of the
selection cuts - CAVEAT the background triplets are biased by a
larger contribution from charm events
19Analysis strategy
- First analysis apply same selection strategy
developed for Pb-Pb events - Single track cuts
- Cut on displaced Kp pairs
- Quality of the 3-track secondary vertex
- Cuts on the candidate triplets
- Differences with respect to Pb-Pb
- Primary vertex recalculated for each triplet
excluding the 3 candidate D tracks
201st step single track cuts
- Cuts on pT and d0 of all tracks
- For pT use the same values as Pb-Pb
- PT p gt 0.5 GeV/c
- PT K gt 0.7 GeV/c
- For impact parameter use a less severe cut than
in Pb-Pb - d0 gt 50 mm (instead of 95 mm used for Pb-Pb)
- No PID information
- parametrized PID could be introduced for these
working point
212nd step combining Kp pairs
- K and p from D decay have opposite charge sign
- Cut on the distance between the intersection of
the 2 tracks and the primary vertex - Build the triplets starting from two selected Kp
pairs - Cut on the correlation between d0K x d0p1 and d0K
x d0p2
cut value
Accepted pairs with distgtdistcutMIN
distcutMIN (mm)
223rd step Secondary Vertex Finder on the Triplets
- Cut on the quality of the vertex
- s track dispersion around the secondary vertex
Accepted triplets with s lt sMAX
cut value
sMAX (cm)
234th step cuts on the Triplets
- Selection variables
- Distance between primary and secondary vertices
- Cosine of the pointing angle
cos ?point
dist. prim.-sec. (mm)
- Very preliminary result based on a physics run of
1.5106 events (with correct proportions) - Significance normalized to 109 pp events
cos ?point
dist. prim.-sec. (mm)
25v2 of D mesons
26What to learn from v2 of D mesons?
- Low/interm. pT (lt 2-5 GeV/c)
- Flow is the dominant effect
- Test recombination scenario
- Degree of thermalization of charm in the medium
- Large pT (gt 5-10 GeV/c)
- Energy loss is the dominant effect
- Test path-length dependence of in-medium energy
loss in an almond-shaped partonic system
? Armesto, Cacciari, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann,
? Greco, Ko, Rapp PLB 595 (2004) 202
other effects dominant
27Motivation and method
- GOAL Evaluate the statistical error bars for
measurements of v2 for D mesons reconstructed
from their Kpp decay in Pb-Pb collisions - v2 vs. centrality (pT integrated)
- v2 vs. pT in different centrality bins
- TOOL fast simulation (ROOT 3 classes 1
macro) - Assume to have only signal
- Generate ND(Db, DpT) events with 1 D per event
- For each event
- Generate a random reaction plane (fixed YRP0)
- Get an event plane (according to a given event
plane resolution) - Generate the D azimuthal angle (fD) according to
the probability distribution p(f) ? 1 2v2 cos
2(f-YRP) - Smear fD with the experimental resolution on D
azimuthal angle - Calculate v'2(D), event plane resolution and
28D statistics
- Nevents for 2107 MB triggers
- Ncc number of c-cbar pairs
- MNR EKS98 shadowing
- Shadowing centrality dependence from Emelyakov et
al., PRC 61, 044904 - D yield calculated from Ncc
- Fraction ND/Ncc 0.38
- Geometrical acceptance and reconstruction
efficiency - Extracted from 1 event with 20000 D in full
phase space - B. R. D? Kpp 9.2
- Selection efficiency
- No final analysis yet
- Assume e1.5 (same as D0)
29Event plane resolution scenario
- Event plane resolution depends on v2 and
Ntrack number of p, K and p in AliESDs of
Hijing events with b ltbgt
Hadron integrated v2 input values (chosen 2 ?
RHIC v2)
30v2 vs. centrality
2107 MB events
- Error bars quite large
- Would be larger in a scenario with worse event
plane resolution - May prevent to draw conclusions in case of small
anisotropy of D mesons
31v2 vs. pT
2107 MB events
32First conclusions about D v2
- Large stat. errors on v2 of D ? Kpp in 2107 MB
events - How to increase the statistics?
- Sum D0?Kp and D?Kpp
- Number of events roughly ?2 ? error bars on v2
roughly /v2 - Sufficient for v2 vs. centrality (pT integrated)
- Semi-peripheral trigger
- v2 vs. pT that would be obtained from 2107
semi-peripheral events (e.g. 6ltblt9 fm)
- D in PbPb
- The preliminary results show that the D ? K-pp
analysis in Pb-Pb is feasible with a pretty good
Significance. - The selection strategy based on multi-dimensional
matrices has been developed. - Results shown only for Perfect PID
- PID and NO PID case in progress
- D in pp
- First preliminary analysis on pp events with TPC
parametrized - Final tuning of the cuts and study in D pT bins
require higher statistics - To be done on PDG06 events
- D v2
- Large stat. errors on v2 of D ? Kpp in 2107 MB
events - How to increase the statistics?
- Sum D0?Kp and D?Kpp
- Semi-peripheral trigger
35D statistics (I)
- ALICE baseline for charm cross-section and pT
spectra - NLO pQCD calculations (? Mangano, Nason, Ridolfi,
NPB373 (1992) 295.) - Theoretical uncertainty factor 2-3
- Average between cross-sections obtained with
MRSTHO and CTEQ5M sets of PDF - 20 difference in scc between MRST HO and
CTEQ5M - Binary scaling shadowing (EKS98) to extrapolate
to p-Pb and Pb-Pb
36Worse resolution scenario
- Low multiplicity and low v2
Large contribution to error bar on v2 from event
plane resolution