Title: APOG
2Homologous recombinationand plants
- There is no gene replacement as in budding yeast
or mammals.
3Plants and light
4What makes a good screen?
5What makes a good screen?
- A phenotype with interesting biology
- Ease
- Precision-not too broad or too narrow
- Phenotypic followup
- Luck!
6(No Transcript)
7The Hartwell screen- perfect from the outset, or
0-20weak blue _at_60 strong blue light
9The first step is to make an inbred strain. Why?
10The first step is to make an inbred strain. Why?
To make sure all of the parts are EXACTLY the
11The second step is to find mutants
- What is the spontaneous rate of mutations per
12The second step is to find mutants
- What is the spontaneous rate of mutations per
gene? - Looking at a single gene, 11/1,000,000 gametes
have a mutation - We use mutagens to increase that 100 to 1000 fold.
13Common mutagens
14Common mutagens
- Transposons/T-DNA
- Ionizing radiation
- UV
- Spontaneous mutations
- DEB/Psoralen/ENU
How do these affect DNA/genes?
15Common mutagens
- EMS/MMS/NSG G to A transitions
- Transposons/T-DNA insert into gene
- Ionizing radiation breaks in DNA
- UV thymidine dimers
- Spontaneous mutations
- DEB/Psoralen/ENU gene-sized deletions of
Most of time, any G can be changed to an A in
either strand
18Does every mutation result in a change in amino
acid sequence?
19Does every mutation result in a change in amino
acid sequence?
- No
- Synonomous changes UCX-Thr
- 3rd base wobble in codons
20Does every change in an amino acid kill the
Serine UCX Threonine-ACX
21Does every change in an amino acid kill the
- No, single base pair changes often lead to a
change in a similar amino acid
22What kinds of mutations do you want?
23What kinds of mutations do you want?
- Nulls
- A variety of missense changes that might tell you
about the roles of domains within that protein
24What kinds of mutations produce nulls?
25What kinds of mutations produce nulls?
- Early stop codons
- Frameshifts
- Splice site mutations
- Missense changes in key residues
- insertions
26What is the best molecular test for a null?
27What is the best molecular test for a null?
- No protein
- No mRNA
- Part of coding region missing
28Nomenclature A
- Nonesense
- Missense
- Frameshift
- Knockout
- Null
- Which inactivate proteins
- How?
- Which do you want?
29Nomenclature B
- Amorph
- Hypomorph
- Hypermorph
- Neomorph
30Which G-A changes (from EMS/MMS can produce stop
31Tryptophan and Glutamine (CAG) the cyanide
capsules within many proteins
32How do you know the phenotype is due to only one
33How do you know the phenotype is due to only one
- Segregates as a single nuclear recessive
34Determining the number of genes picked up by your
35Determining the number of genes picked up by your
36Determining the number of genes picked up by your
- Complementation test
- Does it ever fail?
37Non-allelic non-complementation
- Alpha and Beta tubulin
- Interacting proteins at synapses
- Heterodimerizing transcription factors
38Avoiding failure
39Avoiding failure
- Sequencing mutations
- Mapping mutants
40Going from mutant to the gene in Arabidopsis
- Tagging
- Map-based cloning
- Confirmation by reverse genetics
41(No Transcript)
42How do you determine the location of your gene
with closely linked markers and few recombinants?
43How do you know when you are getting all possible
components in your screen?
44How do you know when you are getting all possible
components in your screen?
Poisson distribution
45How did they prove CAV1 is NPL1?
46Proving CAV1 is NPL1
- Genetic complementation test
- Sequence mutations
- They could have performed a different kind of
complementation test-rescue mutant with the
wild-type gene.
47(No Transcript)
48cav1 mutants still have weak blue light
accumulation Response This response is mediated
by NPH1 and NPL1.
49Logic and Rationale
Comprehensive all components Systematic ident
ify genes and understand their roles Precise mu
tate one component at a time Powerful remove
one and only one component (and observe the
consequences for function Certain if approach
is systematic and biology permits Valid I
ntrinsic logic-examine the roles of genes and
how they relate to one another, self-referenti