Title: Folie 1
1Cooperation between NCAs and national
courts Cooperation between the Commission and
national courts Novel questions
Anita Lukaschek
2Role of national courts in the enforcement of Art
81, 82 EC
- Recital 7 Reg. 1/2003
- National Courts have an essential part to play
in applying the Community competition rules. When
deciding disputes between private individuals,
they protect the subjective rights under
Community law, for example by awarding damages to
the victims of infringements. The role of the
national courts here complements that of the
NCAs. They should therefore be allowed to apply
Articles 81 and 82 EC in full. - Direct Application of Art 81, 82 EC in
administrative, civil and criminal proceedings - Private Enforcement
- - Practical Examples
3Application of Articles 81, 82 EC by National
- Powers of the national courts to apply
- Art 81, 82 EC
- Art 6 Reg. 1/2003
- Direct Applicability
- Obligation to apply Art 81, 82 EC
- Art 3/1 Reg. 1/2003 (parallel application of
national and EC competition law) - Supremacy of EC Law
4Who else is responsible for enforcing EC
Competition law under the system established by
Reg. 1/2003?
- European Commission
- concentrates its ressources on most serious
infringements - National Competition Authorities
- Art 35/1 Reg. 1/2003 Member States designate the
competition authority or authorities responsible
for the application of Art 81, 82 EC in such a
way that the provisions of its regulations are
effectively complied with.
5Austrian system of competition Law enforcement
- Prosecuting Authorities
- gt Federal Competition Authority (FCA)
- gt Bundeskartellanwalt (Federal Cartel
Prosecutor) - Judicial Authority
- Cartel Court
- National Courts
6Cooperation within the procedural framework
established by Reg. 1/2003
- European Competition Network (ECN)
- - Cooperation between Commission and NCAs
- - Cooperation between NCAs
- Cooperation between Commission and National
Courts - Art 10 EC, Art 15 Reg. 1/2003
- Cooperation between NCAs and National Courts
- Art 15/3 Reg. 1/2003 national legislation
7European Competition Network
- Case-handling within the Network
- - Information (about initiation,
investigations, closure of a case ) - - Case allocation
- Exchange of information
- Leniency
- Assistance
- inspections and other fact-finding measures
8Cooperation between national courts and the
Commission I
- Legal basis
- Art 10 EC, Art 15 Reg. 1/2003
- Types of assistance provided by the Commission to
national courts - transmission of information
- opinion on questions concerning the application
of EC competition rules, - both upon request by the national courts
(addressed to European Commission, Directorate
General for Competition, B-1049 Brussels
comp-amicus_at_cec.eu.int) - submission of observations to the national courts
by the Commission, acting on its own initiative. - Opinions or obervations submitted by the
Commission have no binding effect on national
9Cooperation between national courts and the
Commission II
- National courts assisting the Commission with the
enforcement of EC competition law - trasmission of documents necessary for the
assessment of a case in which the Commission
would like to submit observations - transmission of judgements applying Art 81, 82 EC
- Commission inspections
10Information requests to the Commission (Art 15/1
Reg. 1/03)
- What about?
- documents, information on pending cases, ect.
- Procedural issues
- one-month-period for reply (para 22 Comm-Notice
on cooperation) -
11Information requests to the Commission II
- Obligation of the Commission to provide the
requested information (Art 10 EC) - gt Exeptions
- Information covered by professional secrecy
- (Art 287 EC para 23ss Comm-Notice on
cooperation) - gt national court has to offer a guarantee that
it will protect the confidential information - - Need to safeguard the interests of the EC or
to avoid any interference with its functioning
and independence, in particular by jeopardising
the accomplishment of tasks entrusted to it (para
26 Comm-Notice on cooperation, i.e. in context
with leniency). -
12Request for the Commissions Opinion (Art 15/1
Reg. 1/2003)
- What about?
- questions concerning the application of EC
competition rules economic and legal
clarifications as well as factual information - National courts shall first seek guidance in
- - Commission regulations, notices and guidelines
- - Case law of the Community Courts (ECJ, CFI)
- - Commission decisions
- - Annual report on competition policy
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/competition/index_en.h
tml http//europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/search/sear
13Request for an Opinion II
- procedural issues
- 4-month-period for reply
- Commission will not hear parties before
formulating ist opininion - Commission will not consider the merits of the
case - without prejudice to the possibiltiy or
opligation for the national court to ask the ECJ
for a preliminary ruling (Art 234 EC)
14Submission of observations to a national court
(Art 15/3 Reg. 1/2003)
- by NCAs
- where the coherent application of Art 81, 82
so requires by the Commission - written observations on issues relating to the
application of Art 81, 82 EC (oral observations
only upon approval of national court) - National courts shall transmit documents
necessary for assessment of case - Procedural framework national procedural rules
15Parallel or consecutive application of Art 81, 82
EC by the Commission and national courts (Art
16/1 Reg. 1/2003)
- Whereas the initiation of proceedings by the
Commission for the adoption of a decision under
Reg. 1/2003 relieves NCAs of their competence to
apply Art 81, 82 EC on a case (Art 11/6 Reg.
1/03), national courts and Commission may act in
parallel or consecutively. - However, national courts must avoid adopting a
decision - that would conflict a decision contemplated by
the Commission, - that would run counter to an already adopted
decision of the Commission regarding the same
agreement, decision or practise.
16excursus Informal guidance relating to novel
questions concerning Art 81, 82 EC (guidance
- Commission assumes that in a vast majority of
cases undertaking are able to assess their
agreements with Article 81 EC, i.e. legal
certainty is given (paras 3ss of the Comm-Notice
on guidance letters). - Cases which give rise to genuine uncertainty
because they present novel or unresolved
questions - Art 10 Reg. 1/2003 finding of inapplicability,
where the Community public interest so requires - Guidance letter (recital 38 Reg. 1/2003)
17excursus Informal guidance relating to novel
questions concerning Art 81, 82 EC (guidance
- Objectives
- legal certainty v. effective enforcement
- Conditions I
- (para 8 Comm-notice on guidance letters)
- novel or unresolved question question of
application of Art 81, 82 EC for which there is
no clarification in the existing EC legal
framework including the case law of the Community
Courts, nor publicly available general guidance
or precedent in decision-making practice or
previous guidance letters.
18excursus Informal guidance relating to novel
questions concerning Art 81, 82 EC (guidance
- Conditions II
- clarification of the novel question has to be
useful, taking into account - gt the economic importance from the point of view
of the consumer of the goods or services
concerned, - gt the extend to which the agreement or practice
corresponds to more widely spread economic usage, - gt the extent of investments linked to the
19excursus Informal guidance relating to novel
questions concerning Art 81, 82 EC (guidance
- Procedural Issues
- no further fact-finding by the Commission
- NCAs can get involved
- where no guidance letter is issued, the
Commission shall inform the applicant - publication of a non-confidental version on the
website of the Commission - Effects
- gt no binding effect on Commission, NCAs and
- national courts
20Thank you for your attention!anita.lukaschek_at_bwb.
gv.at Tel 43 1 245 08/325Fax 43 1 587 42