ASP'NET Introduction, Creating a Site, Debugging - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ASP'NET Introduction, Creating a Site, Debugging


HTML is used to create static content. Dynamic Web pages are created in ... Response.Write(' b Referrer URL: /b ' Request.UrlReferrer.Host ' br/ ') End If ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ASP'NET Introduction, Creating a Site, Debugging

ASP.NET Introduction, Creating a Site, Debugging
  • David Turton
  • Conestoga College
  • Institute of Technology Advanced Learning
  • http//
  • Doon 1D17 x3610

  • Static vs dynamic web pages
  • HTML controls
  • HTML Server controls vs. ASP.NET controls
  • ASP server-side processing
  • Request/Response
  • QueryString, ServerVariables, Redirection
  • Page events
  • Event-driven programming
  • Creating a site web pages in VS.NET 2008
  • Hello World! yes, there are tricks
  • Debugging Code

Static and Dynamic Web Applications
  • HTML is used to create static content
  • Dynamic Web pages are created in response to user
  • Shopping carts
  • Patient/customer/membership records
  • Online orders with inventory checks
  • Keyword search into records
  • Personalized web sites
  • Appointment books

Server-side Programming
  • Create dynamic Web pages
  • Populate controls from a database
  • Create/modify HTML content on the fly
  • Processing occurs on the server
  • Hides process code from users nasties
  • Sends static HTML to the browser
  • Site becomes browser-independent
  • Active Server Pages (ASP)
  • Microsoft's implementation of dynamic web pages
  • .NET framework provides control elements
  • Speeds web page development
  • Example build a lttablegt vs populate a .NET grid

Processing Web Pages with ASP
  • Client requests a page
  • ASP engine retrieves
  • HTML template
  • Code behind the page
  • Does global processing
  • Adds user controls (server-side includes)
  • Executes the code behind the page
  • Modifies page contents
  • Renders an HTML page as a response to the browser

ASP.NET Web FormTwo logical parts
  • HTML template
  • User interface or presentation layer
  • Content
  • Controls (HTML elements)
  • How page is formatted
  • Controls
  • HTML elements
  • HTML Server controls
  • ASP.NET controls
  • Filename extension .aspx
  • Code Behind the Page
  • Server program
  • Separate file
  • Queries modifies controls on page
  • ASP.NET compatible language
  • Visual Basic .NET, C, Perl, Java, COBOL, etc.
  • Filename same as Web Forms
  • file extension identifies the language
  • .vb - Visual Basic .NET
  • .cs C

Not recommended
HelloWorld.aspx ? HelloWorld.aspx.vb
HTML Server Controlscan be made accessible by
your code
  • HTML Server controls
  • Add attributes runat "server" and id "someId"
  • HTML control
  • ltinput type"text"gt
  • HTML Server controls
  • ltinput type"text" runat"server" id"userName"/gt
  • ltinput typeradio runatserver valueYes
    id"visa"/gt Visa
  • Server-side programs can interact with server
  • Identified by the id property
  • Rendered into a plain HTML control
  • Sent to the browser
  • Controls can be eliminated from the form sent to
    the browser
  • userName.Visible False

ASP.NET Controls
  • Microsofts version of most HTML controls
  • Are rendered into HTML code
  • So any browser can handle the results
  • Are organized as
  • Form Controls
  • Data Validation Controls
  • User Controls
  • Data Controls
  • Identified by the prefix asp
  • Followed by the name of the control

ltaspButton id"btnShow" runat"server"
Text"Show message." /gt
HTML Server Controls vsASP.NET Server Controls
  • Different properties
  • HTML Server controls values vary by type
  • lblProductName.InnerHTML "Product"
  • txtFirstName.Value"David"
  • ASP server label control value usually .Text
  • lblProductName.Text "Product"
  • txtFirstName.Text "David"
  • Hint let intellisence in VS.NET help you
  • Start typing will show you similar control
  • VB type "me." first
  • Place period after control name
  • Will display properties methods available
  • Pick most likely property or method
  • Will describe parameters, if any

PostbackOnce the HTML is rendered, the program
code is dropped,all variables are flushed,
database result tables are lost
  • "Maintaining State"
  • Retaining information between web requests
  • Retain data on form, including data from
    invisible controls
  • Does not retain program variables
  • "Postback"
  • sending user data to the server.
  • __ViewState
  • Hidden encrypted field on page ltinput
    typehidden /gt
  • Servers scratch pad
  • Browser holds scratch pad, not server
  • Example web site with 10 requests a second
  • 90 are not serious queries
  • Why would you hold info about each request?
  • How long do you hold it?
  • Would you want to manually code the data
    retention routines?

Postback Data__ViewState Hidden Field
  • lt!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "http//
  • lthtml xmlns"http//"gt
  • ltheadgtlttitlegt
  • Untitled Page
  • lt/titlegtlt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • ltform name"form1" method"post"
    action"logonForm.aspx" id"form1"gt
  • ltdivgt
  • ltinput type"hidden" name"__VIEWSTATE"
    id"__VIEWSTATE" value"/wEPDwUJNzgzNDMwNTMzZGSR4n
    g5EwWlrtoppSaTbbuyqunw" /gt
  • lt/divgt
  • ltdivgt
  • ltspan id"lblName" style"width70pxtext-
  • ltinput name"txtName" type"text"
    id"txtName" /gt
  • ltbr /gt
  • ltspan id"lblPassword" style"width70pxt
    ext-align right"gtPasswordlt/spangt
  • ltinput name"txtPassword" type"text"
    id"txtPassword" /gt
  • ltbr /gt
  • ltinput type"submit" name"btnLogon"
    value"Logon" id"btnLogon" /gt

Page Class Events
  • Page Class
  • variety of methods, functions, and properties
  • can be accessed within the code behind the page
  • When a page is requested by a client
  • page events occur
  • Page_Init event
  • Initializes the page control hierarchy
  • Only run once, when the page is first requested
  • Page_Load event
  • loads server controls into memory
  • occurs every time the page is executed

Page Class Event Cycle
Sub Page_Load(s As Object, e As EventArgs)
lblMessage.Text "Welcome!" End Sub
You work with these
Event-Driver Programming
  • Programs do nothing except in response to an
  • Page is loaded
  • User clicks a button
  • User changes a text box or drop-down selection
  • This fires the appropriate Event Handler
  • Control is passed back to server
  • Instructions executed sequentially in the event
  • No event handler
  • Event ignored
  • Control not passed to server
  • Page_Load event doesn't fire

Events for Controls on Page
  • The user clicks the button
  • ltaspButton ID"btnLogon" runat"server"
    Text"Logon" /gt
  • The "click" event for the button fires
  • And calls the event handler for it
  • Private Sub btnLogon_Click(sender as object, e
    as EventArgs)
  • btnLogon.Text "you clicked me!"
  • End Sub

Sample Event Handlers
  • event page is loaded
  • Private Sub Page_Load(sender as object, e as
  • lblMessage.Text "Go ahead ... you know you
    want to."
  • End Sub
  • event user clicks button
  • Private Sub btnClick_Click(sender as object, e as
  • if (lblMessage.Text.Substring(0, 2) "Go")
  • lblMessage.Text "Hello World!"
  • else
  • lblMessage.Text "Only once, please.
  • EndIf
  • End Sub

id of a label on the form
(yes, there's a logic fault in this code)
Built-in ASP.NET Objects Objects built into the
Web Server
  • HTTPRequest
  • Information about the browser, fields on the
    form, cookies, digital certificates, etc.
  • Sent with each page request
  • HTTPResponse
  • To send information to the browser
  • To redirect it to another page
  • Session
  • To hold data for the duration of the connection
  • Similar to cookies

Page.Request Information
  • properties
  • Request.TotalBytes
  • total bytes in the request
  • Request.PhysicalPath
  • Request.UserHostAddress
  • Request.UrlReferrer.Host
  • Request.Browser
  • Request.Version
  • Request.Platform
  • methods
  • Request.BinaryRead
  • retrieve data sent as part of a POST request
  • collections
  • Request.ClientCertificate
  • fields on the client digital certificate
  • Request.Cookies
  • cookies the client received from this server
  • Request.QueryString
  • variables in the query string following the page
  • Request.ServerVariables
  • environment variables.

Request.QueryStringretrieving data from the URL
Query String
  • retrieves variables in the URL query string
  • Values following "?
  • Use procedures to parse the string
  • http//
  • Request.QueryString full string after "?"
    in URL
  • Request.QueryString.Count variables in
    query string
  • Request.QueryString.Get("firstName") value of
    field by this name
  • returns a comma-delimited string if field has
    several values (like "hear")
  • Request.QueryString.GetValues(hear).GetValue(0)
  • If field hear has several values, this returns
    the 1st one (index 0)

Request.ServerVariablesenvironment request
header information
  • HEADER_headername value stored in the header
  • HTTP_headername same, but "_" in headername
    searched as "-"
  • HTTPS returns ON if channel secured by SSL, OFF
    if not
  • LOCAL_ADDR IP address of server receiving the
  • LOGON_USER account user is impersonating on web
  • REMOTE_ADDR IP address of remote client
  • REMOTE_PORT client TCP response-port
  • REQUEST_METHOD method used to send request GET,
  • SERVER_NAME name of the server handling the
  • SERVER_PORT port number request was sent to on
    the server
  • SERVER_PORT_SECURE 1 if request handled by secure
    server port
  • URL base portion of the URL
  • etc...

Page.Request Accessing information about the
request the requester
Private Sub Page_Load(sender as object, e as
EventArgs) Response.Write("ltbgtPhys Path
lt/bgt" Request.PhysicalPath "ltbr/gt")
Response.Write("ltbgtUser Addr lt/bgt"
Request.UserHostAddress "ltbr/gt") If
Request.UrlReferrer IsNot Nothing Then
Response.Write("ltbgtReferrer URL lt/bgt"
Request.UrlReferrer.Host "ltbr/gt") End If
Response.Write("ltbgtBrowser lt/bgt"
Request.Browser.Browser "ltbr/gt")
Response.Write("ltbgtBrowser vers lt/bgt"
Request.Browser.Version "ltbr/gt")
Response.Write("ltbgtUser O/S lt/bgt"
Request.Browser.Platform "ltbr/gt")
Response.Write("ltbgtServer Variable AUTH_USER
lt/bgt" Request.ServerVariables.Get("AUTH_USER")
"ltbr/gt") End Sub
The ASP.NET Page.Response Property
  • Sends information to the browser
  • Identifies the server and server properties
  • IP address of the server
  • Name and version number of the Web server
  • Cookies collection
  • Sends cookies to the browser (to store or just
    hold for session)
  • Status code
  • Request was successful or encountered an error

Note ../updatePart.aspx is a relative address
that backs up 1 folder http//
art.aspx is an absolute address
  • Going to a page the browser didn't ask for
  • In response to a button click
  • To an error page
  • To a logon page
  • Server can't just go to another page
  • Asks the browser to redirect its request to
    another page
  • Redirect to another page (addressed relative to
    the current page)
  • Response.Redirect(updatePart.aspx)
  • Redirect, passing values in a QueryString
  • Response.Redirect(updatePart.aspx?partId789667"

querystring being used to pass a field to next
Web Services
  • To access Future Shops catalog from your site
  • You could post a link
  • Also known as sending your user away
  • You could scrape their web site
  • Extracting data from the HTML they send
  • They could provide a Web Service to their catalog
  • Web Services create business-to-business
  • Exposes some of your programs over the Internet
  • Source file has the extension .asmx
  • Used like classes
  • Public registry (UDDI)
  • Registered public Web Services
  • URL, what data they expect, what data they
  • Third party Web Services are at

Creating Web PagesCreating Hello World!
  • David Turton
  • Conestoga College
  • Institute of Technology Advanced Learning
  • 1D17 X3610

  • A project
  • A complete web site or application system
  • HTML templates, code, images, databases, etc.
  • Contained in a folder named after the project
  • Special projects Class libraries
  • Centralised collection of classes (utilities)
  • Referenced by multiple projects
  • A solution
  • Information about one or more projects
  • Location, last forms you had open, etc.
  • Disposable stuff
  • Default location My Documents\Visual Studio 2008

New ASP.NET Project (Web Site)Give it its own
home folder use Pascal notationEnsure the
language used will be Cnot on G ... Novell and
Microsoft don't get along
ResultProject folder initial files created
Delete Default.aspx ... We'll recreate it later,
using a Master Page for layout.
Project Folder Data Folder Default
ASP.NET web page C code file for above page
Note HTML source view or WYSIWYG design view
Adding Web Forms to a Project
Can add a folder, Web Form, HTML page, CSS, XML
file/style, user control, master page, etc New
or Existing
Hello World!
  • Drop a label and a button on the page.
  • Double-click the form
  • In Page_Load routine
  • put "Go ahead " message in label.
  • Double-click the button
  • In button's "Click" routine
  • If "Go ahead" is in the label
  • Change it to "Hello World!"
  • Otherwise
  • Change it to "Only once, please"

Yes, there's a trick to it
Things to notice
  • Control placement is clumsy
  • Use lttablegt to manage layout
  • Table rows push subsequent rows with them
  • Use ltdivgt to manage layout
  • With "float" and "width" style attributes
  • Use HTML like ltbr /gt and ltpgt
  • But we'll wean you off that...

Things to notice
  • You can't assign data directly to a control
  • lblMessage "Hello World!"
  • It's an "object"
  • It has methods (procedures, functions)
  • .Focus, .DataBind
  • It has properties (attributes, characteristics)
  • Which also have properties (.Length) and methods
  • What do you want to change? Its colour? Its
  • Specify the object the property to be affected
  • lblMessage.Text "Hello World!"
  • Or take a property and execute one of its
  • lblMessage.Text.SubString(0,2)

Viewing a Web Page
  • Right-click on it in Design View
  • Select view in browser

Things to notice
  • "only one click" never comes out
  • Always get "Hello World!" message
  • Use debug to explore this

Debug setup- declare breakpoints - program
will stop before executing these lines
Click in border to set break-points
(first time debug is run)
Debug at breakpoint- at each breakpoint, "F11"
to execute line-by-line- lines are highlighted
before they are executed- "F5" to just run to
the next breakpoint
Debugging the code
  • What you'll find
  • Page_Load fires on every visit to the code
  • Regardless of what event caused the visit
  • But
  • Want to change the label only on first load
  • Try controlling this
  • Boolean IsPostBack
  • True is a post-back from an existing page
  • False is initial load of the page

Alternate debugging method
  • Can throw comments out periodically
  • Just "I'm here" stuff
  • Or "the index is " gvCategory.SelectedIndex
  • Insert following in your code
  • System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("I'm here")
  • Displays in VS.NET Output panel
  • If running in debug mode
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