Title: Helsebransjen i endring fokus p legemiddeldistribusjon
1 Helsebransjen i endring fokus på
legemiddeldistribusjon Presentasjon IT Tinget
22.september 2004 Helge Ranvik
2Holtung 2004
Omsetning Holtung 2003 2300 mill Omsetning
Allianceapotekene 2003 2490 mill Ansatte
Holtung 130 Ansatte Allianceapotekene 1500 E
ierstruktur Alliance UniChem Plc 100
3Alliance UniChem Plc 2004
Omsetning 2003 107 mrd NOK Ansatte 26000 D
istribusjonslager 222 (12 land) Egne
apotek 1100
4Holtung 2004
Markedsandel Legemidler (LM) 20 Markedsandel
Handelsvarer (HV) 30 Anlegg Et anlegg på
Langhus 10.000m2 Marked Hele landet innen 24
5Holtung 2004
Leveringskvalitet min. 97 Plukkfeil max.
0,3 Kategori LM,fast form eller flytende i
glass, temperaturfølsomt, handelsvarer og
6Holtung 2004
Kundestruktur - Egne Apotek - Andre Apotek -
Bandagister - Institusjoner / Sykehus - Andre
7Holtung 2004
Forretningsområder Apotekdrift og
distribusjon Bandagist-distribusjon
Institusjonsdistribusjon 3djeparts logistikk
Ompakking og spesialpakking
8Holtung 2004
Core Business -Logistikkpartner
Helse -Spesialpakking LM (Farmaka) -Spesialkompe
tanse -Effektiv drift (Europeisk topp nivå)
9Holtung 2004
- Outsourcing
- Transport Posten Lettgods
- IT delvis Interpharm
10Fremtidens logistikk verktøy?
11In the near future, every single object will be
connected to the Internet through a wireless
address and unique identifier
12- Auto ID centre founded at MIT in October 1, 1999
- School of Engineering, MIT (1999)
- European Center at Cambridge University, England
(2000) - Australian Center at University of Adelaide
(2001) - Japan China (late 2002) Latin America (2003)
13Current sponsors
- End users Johnson Johnson, Procter Gamble,
Gillette, Unilever, Kraft, International Paper,
Westvaco, Uniform Code Council, EAN
International, CHEP, Wal-Mart, Tesco, Metro,
Target, CVS, YFY Group, US Post Office, Kimberly
Clark, Dai Nippon Printing, Coca-Cola, Pepsi - Technology vendors Sun Microsystems, Motorola,
NCR, Savi Technologies, Invensys Controls,
Markem, JJ Cashs, Sensormatic, Checkpoint,
Alien Technologies, Rafsec, Flexchip AG, Flint
Ink, SAP, Philips Semi-Conductor, Thing Magic,
Accenture, PWC, Avery Dennison - Trade Bodies AIM Global, GCI, GMA, FMI, NACS,
14 Today
15 Tomorrow
- Tags Multi-functional, discreet, flexible,
applied in-line - Tags and readers everywhere
- Physical objects communicate in real time all
the time - Internet extends into everyday products
- People interact with things to accomplish daily
tasks - Silent Commerce enabled
16EPC What is it?
- Enhancement / replacement for UPC / EAN
- Smart chip (RFID) technology
- Identifies each unique pallet, case, or unit
- Building block that will enable things to talk
to things in the future
17EPC Why is it important?
- Current issue Resolution
- EAS theft protection
- Counterfeit problem
- Source tagging product I.D.
- Real-time demand visibility accuracy
- Increased sales via better retail in-stock
- Lower costs via inventory reduction
- Improved responsiveness
- New consumer insights
18EPC How it works
- Objects are tagged with a RFID tag
containing a unique EPC - Smaller than a grain of sand
- Included a tiny radio antenna
19EPC How it works
As the objects pass by readers, the tags
wake up and start broadcasting their
individual EPCs.
20EPC How it works
The reader sends a local computer system the
information it received from the tags.
Local Computer
21EPC How it works
Using the Internet, the computer sends the
information to an Object Name Service (ONS)
database, which matches the EPC to the address
of a PML (Physical Mark-up Language) server,
containing extensive information on the object.
Once identified, all information of what, where
and how many of the object is available.
Local Computer
22ePC Benefits
23Field Test Status
- PHASE I Pallet Level Tracking October 2001
- Sams Club - Tulsa, OK
- Bounty Towels - 15 Roll (First SKU)
- Gillette Mach III Razors Unilever Liquid All
followed - Off the shelf tags and readers
- PHASE II Case Level Tracking April 2002
- Expand to WalMart SuperCenter (Tulsa)
- Forklift portal solutions at DCs and retail
- Bentonville Test Lab operational
- JJ, Kraft, Coke and Kimberly Clark to
participate - PHASE III Item Level Tracking August 2002
- Install low cost tags (Alien) and readers (MIT)
- Demonstrate anti-theft and shelf in-stock
functionality at retail and automatic inventory
application at DC
24Field Test Objectives
- Demonstrate the power potential of the EPC
- Test MIT Auto-ID Center infrastructure and open
standards - Develop business case
- Create excitement that will lead to development
of low cost chips, readers, smart shelves, and
other smart applications for stores, distribution
25Phase I First Shipment10/1/01 (Pallet test
Bounty 15 Roll)
450 Smart Chip tagged CHEP Pallets
26Wired 1 Outbound Dock Door 2 Antennae Per Side
27First Shipment Bounty Picked and Loaded 2 Wide x
2 High
281st Shipment out of PG and into Sams Club was a
29- EAN and UCC announce joint venture in September
2003 - To oversee the development of worldwide standards
for ePC. - EAN and UCC have more than 1m members across 140
countries - ePC Global in start-up mode
30- Wal-Mart on 30th April 2004 launched ePC trial at
7 stores for 21 products. - Eight manufacturers in pilot Gillette,
Hewlett-Packard, Johnson Johnson,
Kimberley-Clark, Kraft Foods, Nestle, Proctor
Gamble and Unilever - Top 100 suppliers to tag pallets and cases from
1st January 2005
31- HDMA strongly supporting FDAs recommendations
for combating counterfeit drugs using ePC
technology. - McKesson, Cardinal and AmerisourceBergen all
actively participating in ePC forums
32- European Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Working
Group set up in October 2003. - A small task force set up with meetings held in
December 2003, February and June 2004. Next
meeting 28th September. - Participants Industry, Prewholesale, Wholesalers
and pharmacists.
33- Summary
- ePC is a reality but is taking longer than
expected to implement. - We must be fully engaged in order to assess
the impact both positive and negative on our
Infrastruktur 3 største i Europa/Norge (LM,
kosttilskudd, sykepleie, velvære)
Kompetanse-Menneskelige ressurser-Effektivitet-Kv
alitet (LM)
Teknologi IT-struktur 99 elektroniske
ordrer, e-handelsløsning, infrastr.
Fornøyde kunder
Innkjøp Stordrift, rask vareflyt,
lageromsetning 21? 16 dager
Styrket markedsposisjon
Logistics In
Logistics Out
- Ledetid leveranser
- Prognose kontroll
- Ordre-mottak
- Effektiv plukk
- Intern-logistikk
- Posten integrert
- Forsendelse
- Track Trace
- Temperatur-kontroll
- Sikkerhet
- Oppfølging kunder
- Tilgjengelighet
- Returer
- Sortiments-utvikling
35Trender for fremtiden
Legemidler Mindre industri og mer
pasientrettet 40 av nye prod. biologisk
basert Tid Må raskere gjennom
verdikjeden Verdikjeden Vil den endres mot
nåværende? Kommunikasjon On-line, integrert men
36Norske utviklingstrender
Flere pasienter blir pleiet hjemme 5,6 mill
innbyggere i Norge 2050 660.000 pensjonister
innen 10 år Generelt sterkere fokus på helse
(livs-stils sykdommer)