Title: Diapositiva 1
1CoSTePA Correlated Solar-Terrestrial Polar
E. Amata M. Candidi(1), M.F. Marcucci(1), S.
Massetti(1), P. Francia(3), U. Villante(3)
(1)Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio
Interplanetario (IFSI), INAF, Rome,
Italy (3)Dipartimento di Fisica, Università
dellAquila, lAquila, Italy
2The study of the polar and auroral ionosphere and
the related ground based measurements (radars,
magnetometers, all sky cameras, riometers) is
essential to achieve a better understanding of
Sun-Earth relations CoSTePA aims at - the
installation (by January 2008) of two SuperDARN
radars at Dome C, to complete the southern
hemisphere SuperDARN MLT coverage of the auroral
Ionosphere - the coordinated study of data from
such radars, the italian all-sky camera at Terra
Nova Bay, the italian ground magnetometers at
Terra Nova Bay and Dome C, the two italian
northern hemishere all sky cameras of Ny Alesund
and Daneborg - the development of an italian
national web portal with two main objectives 1)
support the data exchange in the national
community, 2) provide an education and outreach
tool towards the public at large.
3SuperDARN, All Sky Camera and ground magnetometer
data are all relevant to both themes hereafter
dealt with. Some examples are detailed, one per
theme. IPY theme 3. The completion of the
SuperDARN Southern hemisphere network will allow
a better description of the auroral and polar
ionospheric convection, aiming at the real time
nowcasting of the cross polar cap potential. IPY
theme 5. Entry mechanisms of upstream waves in
the magnetosphere or/and local generation and
propagation of ULF waves. Monitoring of the
position and extension of the cusp (seasonal,
solar wind related effects). Extension of
magnetospheric substorms into the polar cap.
4SuperDARN radars (ionospheric convection)
- IFSI participation to the Kerguelen radar (PI
J.-P. Villain, LPCE-CNRS) - - IFSI participation to the 2 Dome C radars
(PIs E. Amata J.-P. Villain).
5IFSI runs the ITACA2 al sky cameras at Daneborg
and Ny Alesund and the AURORA all sky camera
(with ENEA) at MZS
The French- Italian Concordia base at DOME C
(DMC) CGM lat 89S MLTUT-0855
The University of LAquila runs high resolution
triaxial search-coil magnetometers with 1s
sampling at Dome C and MZS.
The Italian Mario Zucchelli Station at Terra Nova
Bay (TNB) CGM lat 80S MLTUT-0811
6The geomagnetic storm of October 2003 (maximum K
index9) as recorded by LAquila (AQU) and Mario
Zucchelli Station (TNB) observatories.
For the same storm the panel on the left shows
the arrival of two simultaneous wave packets at
AQU and TNB related to the global oscillation
modes of the magnetospheric cavity.
7A comparison between TNB (??80) and DMC (??89)
power in the Pc3-4 range during November 16-22,
Quiet days the power detected at TNB peaks
around noon, when the station approaches the
cusp, and does not appear at DMC, in the deep
polar cap both DMC and TNB observations show a
general trend for a power decrease with
decreasing solar wind speed. Storm days
similar power enhancements appear at both
stations (the cusp shifts at lower latitudes and
also TNB stays in the deep cap) enhancements
correspond to solar wind density peaks.
De Lauretis et al., JGR, 2005
8An example of SuperDARN ITACA2 coordinated study
Ny Alesund
Geographic (dotted lines) and Corrected
Geo-Magnetic CGM (solid lines) coordinates
Geographic (black) and Corrected Geo-Magnetic CGM
(red) coordinates
9December 19, 2002 a double cusp observed by
ITACA2 interpreted through SuperDARN data
- From 945 UT onwards, the dayside convection
suggests that the cusp is shifted towards dusk in
the Northern hemisphere and towards dawn in the
Southern hemisphere (By gt 0).
- At the same time two auroral spots are observed
in the Northen hemisphere by the ITACA2 twin all
sky cameras.
- We interpret the spot around 13 MLT as due to
precipitation of particles from the Northern
hemisphere cusp.
- The spot around 11 MLT needs more extended
study, and large statistical coverage.
10Can we carry out the same studies in the southern
Not yet.
But, there is already an all sky camera (IFSI
ENEA) at MZS...
... And IFSI is constructing (for the end of
2007) the two SuperDARN radars at Dome C.
11Dome C magnetometers GPS.
MZS magnetometers, riometers, Ionosonde, GPS, All
sky camera.
A significant scientific contribution can be
provided by the italian community to ICESTAR and
Thank you