Title: Yasuwo Fukuyo, WESTPAC
1WESTPAC/IOC/UNESCO expecting further
cooperation on capacity building and other
related activities on oceanography
UNESCO-IOC Regional Secretariat for the Western
Pacific 92 Phaholyothin 7 Rd., Samsennai,
Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 Tel 66 2 298
2637, E-mail z.wenxi_at_unescobkk.org http//westpac
- Yasuwo Fukuyo, WESTPAC
- The University of Tokyo
2WESTPAC Member States
reduction of the impacts of natural hazards
2) Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation
of climate change and variability
3) Safeguarding the health of ocean
ecosystems 4) Management procedures and
politics leading to the sustainability of
coastal and ocean environment and resource 5)
Scientific knowledge and innovation
4WESTPAC (2005-2008)
- Enhancing the Participation and Support
- Restructuring and Refining WESTPAC Activities
- Implementing the WESTPAC Workplan (2005-2008)
- Improving Regional Capability in Marine Science
- Strengthening Regional Cooperation
- Facilitating the Implementations of IOC Activities
5 Implementing the WESTPAC Workplan (2005-2008)
- Seventh WESTPAC International Scientific
Symposium, 21-25 May, Sabah, Malaysia - Wider participation (367 participants from 19
countries) - Global Regional issues oriented
- Established indispensable regional platform
6 Implementing the WESTPAC Workplan (2005-2008)
- WESTPAC-Harmful Algal Bloom
- (TTR1 Cyst Mapping) two cooperative field
surveys - (TTR2 Characterization of HAB)
- project formulation meeting
- (TTR3. ELISA for PSP
- Monitoring) project formulation
- meeting August 2006, Vietnam
- Ocean Remote Sensing Programme
- The NGSST demonstration operation
- regional high-resolution SST digital data
continuously provided - NEAR-GOOS WG on NGSST,
- Kick-off meeting Nov.2006
- Ocean Color Project regional bio-
- optical dataset (YOC-2007 common
- dataset) and the Yellow/East China
- Sea Case-2 algorithms
7 Implementing the WESTPAC Workplan (2005-2008)
- North East Asian Regional GOOS
- The 10th,11th, 12th Sessions of Coordinating
Committee held - Kick-off meeting of WG on DM, NGSST held in June
2006 - 8th IOC/WESTPAC Training Course on NEAR-GOOS Data
Management - Joint training course on Remote Sensing Data
Analysis - Strategic Plan of NEAR-GOOS at its second phase
- South-East Asian Regional GOOS
- (not yet in fully operational, but)
- Operational Guidelines finalized
- Consultant identified Pilot projects identified
Strategic Plan under development - Several member of CC nominated
8 WESTPAC New Projects (2008-2010)
- Coral Reefs under Climate and Anthropogenic
Perturbations - Coastal Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in
the Western Pacific. - Response of Marine Hazards to Climate Change in
the Western Pacific - Enhancing the Capability on Oil Spill Response
and the Restoration of Marine Ecosystems in the
Western Pacific - Fluvial Sediment Supply to the South China Sea
- Marine Hazards Forecast and Mitigation in the
Western Pacific - WESTPAC E-Bulletin
9Most projects plan trainings for capacity
building WESTPAC may prefer TTR than TC
TTR Training through research, it has component
of cooperative field survey, sample and data
analysis, and data presentation at international
scientific meeting and in scientific journals
TC field and laboratory technical
training Evaluation criteria Number of
presentations and publications
UNESCO-IOC Regional Secretariat for the Western
Pacific 92 Phaholyothin 7 Rd., Samsennai,
Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 Tel 66 2 298
2637, E-mail z.wenxi_at_unescobkk.org http//westpac
10WESTPAC is now trying to reform its structure
Advisory Group Project structure (project
steering com.) Project Implementation
guidelines etc.
These reformation/revitalization started just
recently. (It may be too early to discuss
substantial cooperation, but WESTPAC encourages
all project leaders to seek possibility for
cooperation with PEMSEA)
UNESCO-IOC Regional Secretariat for the Western
Pacific 92 Phaholyothin 7 Rd., Samsennai,
Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 Tel 66 2 298
2637, E-mail z.wenxi_at_unescobkk.org http//westpac
11WESTPAC Advisory Group
- providing advice to the Chairperson and the
Sub-Commission, including scientific and
technical review of Project Proposals submitted
for adoption as WESTPAC Projects and on the
development, planning and implementation of the
activities - one of the steps to revitalize the Sub-Commission
through rectifying the present deficiencies,
improving communications and interactions and
ensuring a comprehensive programme in line with
the IOCs High Level Objectives.
12Regional Network of Training Research Centres
on Oceanography in the Western Pacific
Dr. Zhang Zhanhai China Chairperson
Dr. Yasuwo Fukuyo Japan First Vice-Chairperson
Dr. Nor Aieni Binti Hj Mokhtar Malaysia Second
14THANK YOU hoping to work together
UNESCO-IOC Regional Secretariat for the Western
Pacific 92 Phaholyothin 7 Rd., Samsennai,
Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400 Tel 66 2 298
2637, E-mail z.wenxi_at_unescobkk.org http//westpac