Title: The eyes of ANTARES
1The eyes of ANTARES
- Pascal VERNIN
- From Jean-Pierre SCHULLER
- VLVnT workshop, Amsterdam, 5/10/2003
- Detector Design
- The optical modules
- Requirements
- PMTs
- Accessories magnetic shielding, base and so on
- Assembly and final checks
- Optical module in sea water
- Conclusions
3The 0.1 km2 Detector
Shore station
Acoustic beacon
Electro-optic submarine cable 50km
350m active
Electronics containers
Junction box
Readout cables
12 lines 1 instrumented line
4Optical modules - Requirements (1)
- Hemispherical photo-cathode
- Sensitive area as large as possible
5Optical modules - Requirements (2)
- Limiting factors for the size
- Mechanics housing high pressure sphere 17
- Noise (proportional to surface) reconstruction
efficiency - Spread of transit time time measurement
But, ageing!?
6Optical modules - Requirements (3)
Duration of the test eq. to gt 10 years of Antares
7Optical modules - Requirements (4)
- Energy measurement capability
- Clear spe spectrum
- Lower limit on peak/valley ratio
- Resolution of multi-hit
- Constraints in signal timing
- Reconstructions efficiency
- Upper limit on dark count
- Upper limits on fake signals
8Optical modules PMTs Specs
To summarise
- Sensitive area ? 500 mm2
- (quantum ? collection) efficiencies gt 16
- Amplification 2. 108 for HV lt 2500 V
At working point (? amplification 5. 107)
- Transit time spread lt 3.6 ns (FWHM)
- Dark count (_at_ 0.3 spe) lt 10 kHz
- Peak/valley gt 2
- Shape of signal tr lt 5 ns tw lt 12 ns and tf lt 15
ns - Pre, late and after pulses lt 1 , 2, 10
in the window .1, 16 ms after
in the window 10, 100 ns after
in the window -100, -10 ns before the true pulse
9Optical modules PMTs Selection
- Commercially available PMTs (97)
- E.T.L. 8
- Hamamatsu 8, 10, 15, 20
- Photonis 9
- Proposed developments
- E.T.L. 11
- Hamamatsu 13
- Photonis 12
10 Hamamatsu
10Optical modules - Systematic checks
- 900 tubes delivered
- Control of specs on all PMT
- Scanning of photo-cathode (for some)
11Optical modules - Systematic checks
- 900 tubes delivered
- Control of specs on all PMTs
- rejection lt 2 always due to P/V ratio 1.9 or
1.85 instead of 2 ! - very constant quality
One batch 100 PMTs
Rectangular box rms
- Scanning of photo-cathode (for some)
12Optical modules - Magnetic shielding (1)
- Earth magnetic field influences the trajectory of
photo-electrons especially between photo-cathode
and 1st dynode - Effect on collection efficiency
- depends on PMT orientation w.r.t. field
- increases of the non-uniformity of the response
over the sensitive area
? Magnetic shielding needed
13Optical modules - Magnetic shielding (2)
- Foil of ?-metal excluded !
- cage
- Size of mesh and wire diameter
- compromise between field reduction and shadowing
- Cage ?-metal wire
- ?R ? 105
- ? 1.08 mm
- Mesh 68 mm x 68 mm
Reduction factor of transverse field components
gt 3
Prod. by ITEP-Moscow
Improvement on uniformity cf. previous slide
14Optical modules - Magnetic shielding (3)
- Improvements on the P/V ratio and TTS
Rem this TTS includes the 1 ns width of the
light source!
15Optical modules - Bases (1)
- Passive base cascade of resistors
- Consumption of 3 W too large
- Active base Cockcroft-Walton cell
- Main (common) characteristics
- Power supply 48 V
- 800 V (fixed) between PK and D1
- Pilot voltage 0 to 1.5 V (0 to 1500 V between D1
and last dynode) - Output for anode, last dynode and last but 2
dynode - Noise lt 5 mV pp on output
- Consumption ? 300 mW
16Optical modules - Bases (2)
17Optical modules - Time calibration (1)
- Motivation
- the transit time is one of the components that
give the signal timing - It is related to the true high voltage applied to
the PMT
18Optical modules - Time calibration (2)
- Question 1
- TT is measured with uniform illumination of all
the photo-cathode - This system illuminate only the central part of
the photo-cathode - The results are comparable ?
shift 0.3 ns ? OK
- Question 2
- How the Al coating thickness is reproducible ?
- On the same tube
- Ok within a factor 2 (in light transmission)
- (measured o.d. ? 4)
- For ? tubes
- very similar
- (systematic measurements on the way)
VAD vs. TTV - TTVref (ns)
19Optical modules - Assembly (1)
20Optical module - Assembly (2)
21Optical module - Assembly (3)
22Optical modules - Final checks
- Before an optical module is declared good, simple
functional tests are done - Spe amplitude
- LEDs response
- Environnemental tests (to simulate transportation
and sea operations) - Vibrations
- Temperature cycling
23Optical properties of sea water
Water transparency
24Optical background in sea water
- On 10 PMt
- 60 kHz from 40K - b- decay bacteria (_at_ .3 spe
threshold) - MHz bioluminescence bursts (rise time few ms,
duration 1 s) - ? Dead time lt 5
25Conclusions and future
- 900 tubes delivered
- Exhibit good performances and constant quality
level - Production of optical modules started smoothly
26F I N E
27The Sector Line
Optical Module
Local Control Module
Optical module frame
Junction Box
InterLink cable
to shore station
28The Mini Instrumentation Line
Mechanical Cable
- Current profiler
- ADCP 300 kHz of RDI
- Orientated downwards
- Current profile for 150 m
- Resolution 0.5 cm/s
- RS232 interface
- Temperature/Salinity
- Modèle 37-SI MicroCAT
- Resolution 10-4 C, 10-4 S/m
- RS232 interface
- Transmissionmeter
- CSTAR of Wetlabs
- Measures over 25cm
- Analog response
Sound Velocimeter
Electro Mechanical Cable 3 fibres for DAQ
Acoustic Positioning Modules (receivers)
Optical Beacon
Electro Mechanical Cable 2 fibres for DAQ, 1 for
LASER Beacon
Acoustic Positioning Modules
2 fibres for DAQ 1 for clock
29Sphere Implosion Test
Pascal COYLE Les Houches Jan 2002
- Stored potential energy in sphere at 2600m
V?P 1 mega Joule !! - Risk of accidental implosion provoking a
catastrophic chain - reaction (a la SuperKamiokande)
Tests (June 2000) Two storeys 12m apart, 1
sphere weakened, implosion occurred at a depth of
- -Neighbouring spheres on same
- storey also imploded
- Electronics in LCM destroyed
- Upper storey intact
- Mechanical cable unbroken
30Installations in La Seyne sur Mer
Detector Assembly Hall Foselev Marine
La Seyne sur Mer
Land Cable ( Fibre optics )
Power Hut Les Sablettes
Submarine cable (Fibre optics power )
Shore Station Villa Michel Pacha
31Degradation of light signal glass sphere
For q gt 90º transmission loss lt 1.5 in 1 yr
(and saturates)