Title: Diapositiva 1
1Grupo SantanderCompetition policy and financial
market integration
European Parliament Financial Services
ForumBrussels 15 June 2005
2Whats wrong with Europe?
- Why does Europe grow at 1 and the US at 3?
- Europe has lagged the US in productivity growth
- The US has a strong focus on productivity
How can Europe generate a new wave of
productivity growth?
3Integration of financial services as a powerful
tool to boost productivity growth
- Productivity growth has traditionally focused on
non tradable sectors
We have freedom of movement for capital, for
workers now we need a fully integrated market
for financial services
- Significant potential to boost productivity in
service sectors such as banking
- Banking is part of the national value chain-
with global competition intensifying, Europe can
afford no weak links
4Why does an integrated financial services market
create value?
- Fosters financial development
- Generates economies of scale
- and allows for efficiency
- Increases competition / improve pricing
Estimates of 0,5-0,9 EU GDP p.a.
5Letting best practice travel- in terms of
technology, products. Why it is important How
exporting best practice creates value
Important to improve productivity- and
productivity improvement means having banks that
can provide better products or services at
cheaper prices.
- 1. Better products and better service
Productivity improvement
- 2. Better efficiency cheaper prices
6Abbey significant potential to improve the
commercial efficiencyAbbey has a strong customer
franchise and provides a platform to evolve in
the long run from a mortgage bank into a
universal bank
Universal Bank
Mortgage Bank
18 million customers, 13.3 million active
Low market shares in other areas
Market Share
With the exception of Scottish Provident, Abbey
has failed to grow its market shares in other PFS
areas, despite its customer franchise and brand
7Transfer of IT and product innovation SGC Sale
of treasury products to SMEs
Other countries
Know-how and IT transfer
8Abbey significant potential to improve the
operational efficiency
Grupo Santanders proven track record
Abbey / UK Banks Cost / Income ratio
Based on most recent results and management
estimates of the PFS components of the peer group
- We run Abbeys with lower costs and generate
20 revenue per front employee
9Why Santander buying Abbey is good for stake
holder?We can introduce innovation, choice, and
price competition into the Market
SAN opening jaws
Abbey closing jaws
IT is key
Free market works Cross border consolidation not
about egos- but about productivity, efficiency,
consumer choice and market discipline.
10So financial sector integration has the
potential to boost productivity growth Why is
it not happening?
11There are barriers to integration of financial
services market why does it matter?
- Obstacles to cross border MA
- Legal / Regulatory burden
- Legal structure
- Ownership / voting limits
- Different accounting / disclosure needs
- Lack of tax coordination
- Restrictions on the kinds of offers that can be
executed - Differences on data protection
- Un-coordinated supervision
Limits strategic options / potential
Extra costs
12Why less, not more regulation is important
- Regulation is high cost
- Compliance risk
- Limits competition
- Regulation has a significant impact on banks
strategies and behaviour - It does not substitute sound management practices
- De-regulation should be market driven
- Need for co-ordinated supervision
- Europe has all the ingredients (capital,
skilled labor and market size) to become the
most competitive area in the world - but we are not taking the opportunity
- More not less financial integration is key for
European competitiveness - Financial services integration fosters
innovation, choice, and price competition t - For instance, by buying Abbey Santander brings
more competition and innovation to the UK market - Regulatory barriers are keeping the European
financial sector from realizing its full
potential - the consumer gets less for his money
- Protectionism is just delaying the unavoidable
- Need for more co-ordinated financial
supervision - Letting market discipline reign
As long as regulation and protectionism keep
best practice from travelling, it will be
difficult for Europe to compete with the US