Title: Walk the Talk: Leadership and Creativity
1- Walk the Talk Leadership and Creativity
- Thursday 12th October 2006
- Christie Centre Brisbane
- Nigel Paine
- Nigel_at_nigelpaine.com
2Leadership Paradigm
Extra-ordinary Leadership Innovation and
creativity Connectivity Diversity
Far from Agreement
Ordinary Management Managing the
money Performance management Support core
business processes Structures that work
Near to Agreement
Near to certainty
Far from certainty
3Emerging Futures Innovation in Teaching and
Learning in VET
4The Love Respect Axis (Tom Peters)
51. Staff Matter
The critical difference is between an engaged
workforce and an indifferent one
62. Knowledge Needs to be Shared
Play from all your strengths
7Tacit Knowledge
If HP knew what HP knows, we would be three times
as profitable. Lew Platt former CEO
83. People Respond to Being Treated Well
This needs to be reviewed constantly
94. Leaders need reality checks
An isolated leader has only temporary relief
from reality
105. Go for significant presence
This is not a function of being seen around, it
is a function of listening and engagement
116. Dont have all the answers
Asking questions and interacting can yield rich
127. Keep close to front line staff
They will tell you things!
138. Be an acclaimed leader
Live the role do not take the role
14Social Networking
- MySpace
- You Tube
- Face Book
- Gum Tree
- Flickr
- Friends Reunited
- Linkd In
- Etc. etc. etc.