Title: Diapositiva 1
Scientific classification
kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Erinaceomorfa
Family Erinaceidae
Genus Erinaceus
Species E. Europaeus
2Good morning! Im Figaro, the hedgehog of the
second class. What have you got? A large head
and a small and pointed snout Hard quills on a
grey back, a belly with brown coat.
3Small, round dark lively eyes. Large short
rounded ears Four short legs with strong toes
and claws . Short tailed Squat body What am I
doing? Im sleeping because I'm hibernating now.
4The female is bigger than the male. I'm a mamma
(I suckle my babies) I live in woods, gardens and
parks. Im 25/30 long. I eatinsects,
earthworms, slugs frogs, reptiles, eggs and
fruits too.
5Hedgehogs wash themselves too! Hedgehogs take
the green peas and preserve it to the winter
They wrap themselves up to defend themselves.
The young that arent able to curl up in a ball,
are victims of predators .Hedgehogs have
sensitive hearing and developed sense of smell
too. Hedgehogs have sensitive hearing and a
developed sense of smell too. They say hedgehog
eat apples with pleasure ...
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