Funkcn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kter funkcn vlastnosti rostlin spojen s jejich vytrv v n m ve spolecenstvu ... develops axially or apically, are usually dormant and need. vernalization to re-grow. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Funkcn

Funkcní vlastnosti rostlin
Ekologické funkce rostliny (Weiher et al. J.
Veg. Sci. 1999)
konkurencní schopnost plasticita udržení
prostoru získání prostoru odpoved na
disturbanci vyhnutí se disturbanci
Doporucené funkcní vlastnosti (Weiher et al.
nadzemní biomasa výška SLA life
history klonalita vegetativní regenerace zacátek
  • Které funkcní vlastnosti rostlin spojené s jejich
    vytrváváním ve spolecenstvu jsou nejcasteji
    používány ve studiích zamerených na odpoved
    vegetace na pastvu a kosení?

celkový pocet studií 22, celkový pocet vlastností
Výška malá (lt 40 cm) 12 12 Výška velká (gt 60
cm) 12 11 Raunkiaer hemikryptofyta 11 10 Archite
ktura rozeta 11 10 Raunkiaer geofyta 11 4 Arc
hitektura bez rozety 10 10 Life
history jednoletky 10 9 Raunkiaer chamefyta 10
8 Raunkiaer terofyta 10 8 Life history
trvalky 10 8 Raunkiaer fanerofyta 9 1 Taxono
mie jednodeložné 8 8 Architektura
polorozeta 8 5 Výška strední 7 5
pocet studií
CGO, jeho role, rocní prírustek, pocet
dcerinných rostlin, cyklicita prýtu, persistence
BB, pocet, sezonalita, vertikální distribuce
vegetativní regenerace
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
This presentation will help you to understand
the data stored in CLO-PLA3
Contents (1/2)
1.1 Structure of output data
1.2 Explanation of traits
1.2.1 Whole-plant traits
1.2.2 Bud bank traits
1.2.3 Clonal growth traits Examples
1.2.4 Additional data
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
This presentation will help you to understand
the data stored in CLO-PLA3
Contents (2/2)
2.1 List of traits and variables
2.2 Description of CGO types
2.3 Description of bud bank types
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
The output table consists of five blocks,
marked with different colours. The output form
for Fragaria viridis is used as an example.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.1 Structure of output data
Whole-plant traits
Bud bank traits
Clonal growth traits
additional data
Additional data
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2 Explanation of traits
A brief explanation of traits follows on next
slides. For morphological terms see glossary
(accessible from the main menu).
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2 Explanation of traits
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.1. Whole-plant traits
Does primary root survive over entire plant
How does the plant reproduce? (literature data
Does the plant develop a storage organ not
utilized for clonal growth?
At which age the plant flowers for the first
What is the life-span of the genet?
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.2. Bud bank traits
Bud bank includes all buds on a plant which are
at disposal for vegetative regeneration.
Vertical distribution of buds in five layers.
Categorized numbers of buds per shoot and layer
in well developed plants assessed from the
number of nodes or leaves.
Types of the bud bank derived from the mode of
perennation of bud-bearing organs.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits
Types of CGO (clonal growth organs) are delimited
using plant morphology origin of CGO (stem,
root, leaf), its placement relative to soil
surface (above-ground, below-ground), its
storage function. This classification of CGOs
includes 17 categories (numbered 1 to 17). For a
detailed description see section 2.2.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits
Clonal growth traits are evaluated for
particular CGO separately, one plant may
have more CGOs (see examples on next two
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits Examples (1/2)
Growth of Fragaria viridis, a species combining
necessary and additive clonal growth organs. The
short epigeogenous rhizome ("a" in the figure) is
a necessary clonal growth organ (CGO) and
above-ground horizontal rooting stem (stolon) is
an additive CGO. The epigeogenous rhizome is
formed by perennial stem bases of sympodial
shoots. The rhizome growing at the soil surface
has shortened internodes and is gradually pulled
below the soil surface by roots. Its youngest
parts bear green leaves at the nodes. During the
current year (t0), the shoot consists of a leaf
rosette (thick arrow). Its apical meristem
develops an inflorescence in the second year. In
the same year an offspring rosette arises from
the axil of the uppermost leaf of the rosette.
Generations of the shoots overlap and the plant
flowers every year (t0 and t1 the dotted
flowering shoot was formed in spring and died in
autumn of the t0 year). The above-ground rooting
stem consists of several generations of
offspring shoots which arose during one season.
Their first internodium is always long and is
followed by several short internodes. The spacer
between offspring rosettes splits in winter.
Offspring plants grow several years (t1, t2, t3)
as rosette shoots and produce their first stolons
in the fifth year (t4), sometimes from the second
year already. The offspring flowers usually in
the fifth year of its life (t4).
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits Examples (2/2)
Growth of Geranium sanguineum, a species with
necessary and regenerative clonal growth organs
(CGO). The hypogeogenous rhizome is an necessary
CGO (a), adventitious sprouting from injured
roots functions is a regenerative CGO (b). The
hypogeogenous rhizome is formed by perennial
bases of sympodially growing shoots (a). The
bases are parts of shoots growing horizontally
below the soil surface and bearing scale leaves.
Above-ground parts of the shoots are non-rosette
and annual, flowering every year (t0 and t1 the
dotted shoot was formed last spring and died last
autumn). Size of sprouts originated on root
fragments are similar to those of seedlings. The
shoots are replaced by sympodially growing new
ones every year, producing hypogeogenous rhizomes
with short increments. It takes several years
(t1, t2, t3) before the new shoots flower for
the first time.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (1/6)
If all adult plants in all populations develop a
clonal growth organ (CGO), its role is
considered as necessary. If CGO is not needed
for flowering and ovewintering of a plant and
its is absent in some plants or populations, its
role is considered as additive. If a CGO
develops after an injury, its role is considered
as regenerative.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (2/6)
Persistence of connection, such as stolons or
rhizomes, between parent and offspring ramets.
Monocyclic / dicyclic / polycyclic shoots. Cycle
length corresponds to the life-span of a shoot,
starting by sprouting of a bud, followed by
vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting, until
shoot death.
Rate of clonal multiplication.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (3/6)
Dichotomous branching results in two equal
branches. Indefinite vegetative growth of apical
meristem with flowers produced on side branches
is called monopodial. If apical meristem
terminates its growth by producing generative
organs and its growth is taken over by lateral
branches, plant growth is sympodial. This
concept is applicable only to stems, not to
adventitious sprouting from leaves and roots.
Increment of clonal growth organ in horizontal
direction. Some water plants form turions or
tubers which can be dispersed independently of
the parent plant.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (4/6)
In some plants are roots initiated on clonal
growth organs of stem origin concentrated at
distal or proximal part of the clonal growth
organs (CGO), or are distributed regularly along
the CGO. Not applicable to the following CGOs
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Offspring tillers may grow either vertically
within sheath of subtending leaf (intravaginal
growth) or horizontally, breaking through sheath
of subtending leaf (extravaginal growth). Both
types are sometimes combined in one species.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (5/6)
Leaves are either regularly distributed along
the stem (no rosette) or partly concentrated at
plant base (semirosette) or middle and upper
cauline leaves are missing and all leaves
develop at shoot base near the ground (rosette).
This trait is for monopodial plants defined for
flowering shoots only. Dicyclic shoots bearing a
rosette in the first year of plant life and tall
leafy shoot in the second year are classified as
semirosettes even if rosette leaves decay at
the time of flowering already.
Clonal offsprings of plants are either about as
large as parent ramets or considerably smaller.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.3. Clonal growth traits (6/6)
When in ontogeny clonal type of clonal growth
organs are formed before, after, or at the time
of generative reproduction.
Shoot generations of sympodially growing plants
may but need not overlap. In monopodially
growing plants shoot generations always overlap.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.4. Additional data (1/2)
Filled only if the investigations were made on
living plants by the authors of the database.
Geographical coordinates.
Type of data.
Name of the person who identified the studied
plant material.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
1.2.4. Additional data (2/2)
Link to photographs of the herbarium specimens
used in the study.
Link to photographs of the studied plants.
Geographical area from which the data originated.
Link to a BW ink drawings of the studied plants.
Type of the habitat from which the data
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
All variables in the output form are
categorical. The Fragaria viridis output form
is used as an example.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.1 List of traits and variables
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (1/17)
Clonal growth organ rooting in the soil and
providing connection between offspring plants or
formed by a creeping axis of a plant nodes on
the stem bear leaves, internodes are usually
long, the stem serves as a storage organ and a
bud bank vegetative spreading may be fast and
persistence of the horizontal above-ground stems
differs considerably among species.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (2/17)
Detachable over-wintering buds of water plants
composed of tightly arranged leaves filled by
storage compounds the turion develops axially
or apically, are usually dormant and need
vernalization to re-grow.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (3/17)
Small vegetative diaspores produced in axils of
leaves on stems above-ground depending on the
location of storage within the buds they are
called bulbils (storage located in scale leaves)
or stem tubercules (storage located in the stem
part) they soon fall down from the parent
plant and immediately start to grow, having no
dormancy young plants regenerating from bulbils
and tubercules resemble seedlings in their
morphology and size.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (4/17)
A meristem which would normally develop into a
flower, forms a vegetative bud (plantlet,
bulbil, root or stem tubercule) and may be soon
detached from the parent plant alternatively
the whole inflorescence lays down and plantlets
root at the soil surface offspring morphology
and size is similar to seedlings.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (5/17)
Detached parts of shoot with rooting ability.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (6/17)
Plant formed by a small frond (e.g. Lemna) an
extremely reduced plant body of aquatic plants
its growth results in the production of similar
structures which are soon detached from parent
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (7/17)
Small vegetative diaspores produced in axils of
leaves on stems above-ground according the
location of storage within the buds they are
called root tubers (storage located in an
adventitious root) they soon fall down from the
parent plant and immediately start to grow,
having no dormancy young plants regenerating
from tubercules resemble seedlings in their
morphology and size.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (8/17)
Adventitious buds on leaves formed after
shedding or detaching of leaves from the parent
plant on bare wet soil they develop into
plantlets resembling seedlings in their
morphology and size.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (9/17)
Perennating stem-originated organ formed
above-ground (Serebrjakov and Serebrjakova
1965) its distal part is covered by soil and
litter or pulled into the soil by the
contraction of roots nodes bear green leaves,
the internodes are usually short the rhizomes
bear roots and serve as a bud bank and storage
organs vegetative spreading is usually slow (up
to a few cm . year-1), persistence of
epigeogenous rhizomes differ considerably among
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (10/17)
Perennating stem-originated organ formed
below-ground (Serebrjakov and Serebrjakova
1965) the rhizome usually grows horizontally
at a species-specific depth and after some time
it becomes orthotropic and forms above-ground
shoots the horizontal part of the rhizome bears
bracts, a few roots developed at the nodes, and
has long internodes vegetative spreading is
often fast, up to several meters . yr-1
persistence of the hypogeogenous rhizome differs
considerably among species.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (11/17)
Plant develops only one perennial tuber
(usually formed by the hypocotyle), no offspring
tubers are produced in senescing plants tubers
may start to decay from their center resulting
eventually in plant fragmentation.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (12/17)
Below-ground, usually short-lived storage and
regenerative organ of shoot origin offspring
tubers are attached to a parent tuber or
produced at the end of a hypogeogenous rhizome
the parent plant dies back in autumn, except for
the stem tuber(s) which bear one dominant bud,
each utilised for spring regrowth in summer old
tubers decay and new ones are formed in
addition some plants produce smaller tubers
and/or tubercules plants growing from them
resemble in morphology and size seedlings.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (13/17)
Storage organ consisting of storage leaves and a
shortened stem base the bulb is formed by
organs produced within a single season or in the
course of several seasons by itself it
represents one renewal bud in addition, some
plants produce smaller bulbs and/or bulbils
plants growing from them morphologically and in
size resemble seedlings.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (14/17)
Plant possessing a primary root system without
adventitious roots and buds senescing tap root
of old plants decays from the root center, in
some species causing plant fragmentation an
old individual genet disintegrates into ramets
bearing parts of the main root and one or a few
shoots vegetative spreading is poor the tap
root serves as a storage organ and vascular
link between shoots the bud bank is situated
on the perennial bases of shoots (caudex).
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (15/17)
Plant roots (main root including the hypocotyle,
and adventitious roots) form adventitious buds
spontaneously or after an injury when buds are
formed on horizontal roots they may enable an
extensive clonal growth persistence of the
roots with adventitious buds considerably
differs among species.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (16/17)
Below-ground storage organ in some plants it
serves as a regenerative organ of root origin
bearing a bud or buds of stem origin in that
case the plant dies back in autumn, except for
the root tuber(s) with the buds, later utilised
for spring regrowth in summer old tubers decay
and new ones are formed.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.2 Description of CGO types (17/17)
Below-ground, usually short-lived storage and
regenerative organ of shoot origin offspring
tubers are produced at the end of a horizontal
rooting aboveground leafy stem.
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.3 Description of bud bank (BB) types -
seasonality of buds in different layers in
relation to the soil surface (1/2)
Buds on plant organs persisting for less than 2
years form a seasonal BB.
The ability to form adventitious buds on leaves
or roots implies a potential BB.
Buds on bud-bearing organs persisting for 2 and
more years form a perennial BB.
If there are both perennial and sesonal
bud-bearing organs in one layer, the bud bank
is classified as perennial combinations of
perennial BB with potential BB, and seasonal BB
with potential BB, are possible.
bud bank
gt10 cm 10 to 0 cm 0 cm 0 to -10 cm lt - 10 cm
bud bank seasonality in individual
layers (perennial - 1/ seasonal - 2/ potential -
3/ 13 / 12)
Guide to traits used in CLO-PLA3
2.3 Description of bud bank (BB) types - numbers
of buds in different layers in relation to the
soil surface (2/2)
Bud numbers on stem plant parts were assessed
according to nodes, leaves or leaf-scales. Bud
count was thus indirect and numbers are
bud bank
gt10 cm 10 to 0 cm 0 cm 0 to -10 cm lt - 10 cm
numbers of buds in individual layers 0, 1-10, gt10
How to use CLO-PLA3
This presentation will show you how to use
1.1 Data selection
1.2 Sending data to your computer
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (1/14)
click here to see a scrollable list of genera
that you can select (see next slide)
... or click here to see a scrollable list of
species that you can select
... or click here to see a scrollable list of
species for which BW drawings are in the
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (2/14)
select a genus, several subsequent genera (using
shift key and left mouse button) or several
genera which are not subsequent (using ctrl key
and left mouse button)
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (3/14)
submit the selection to see a scrollable list of
species that you can select
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (4/14)
select a species, several subsequent species
(using shift key and left mouse button) or
several species which are not subsequent (using
ctrl key and left mouse button)
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (5/14)
submit the selection to see a list items that you
can select (slide XY)
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (6/14)
To speed up the selection, you may press first
character of the genus after the list is focused
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (7/14)
Supplementary info (see next slide)
Select the items you you are interested in (...
continue on slide no. 9)
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (8/14)
Click here to see BW drawings
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (9/14)
Show all items in the list
Show checked items
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (10/14)
this item was not checked
this item was checked
this item was not checked
this item was checked
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (11/14)
Add selected items into cart
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (12/14)
Show cart content
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (13/14)
Note that ........
You may remove checked items from cart
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.1 Data selection (14/14)
Note that ........
You may go back to modify your last selection
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (1/6)
Note that ........
After checking detail and clicking Show,
you will see the data as they will be sent to you
by e-mail (next slide).
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (2/6)
Detailed view of the cart
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (3/6)
Write down the e-mail address to which the data
in the cart should be sent.
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (4/6)
... and then click this button. The data will
be sent to your computer (columns are
TAB-delimited). Such data can be imported into
spreadsheet programs, such as Excel.
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (5/6)
When your selection includes too many (hundreds)
items, manipulation with data may slow down
considerably. You may use several carts with
lower number of items, to avoid this problem.
How to use CLO-PLA3
1.2 Sending the data on your computer (6/6)
If your mail box is size-limited, the data may
not get through.
How to use CLO-PLA3
2. How to cite
Klimešová J. Klimeš L. Clo-Pla3. -
For references of papers in which CLO-PLA data
were utilised, see Publications in the main menu
How to use CLO-PLA3
3. Feedback
- Your experience with the CLO-PLA3
- Contribution to the database by
submitting your own data
- References of papers in which CLO-PLA3
was utilized
are welcome
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