Title: Kein Folientitel
1Oracle Portal (Part of the Oracle Application
Server 9i)
Gregor Graf (2001,2002)
2First of all What is Oracle Portal?
Oracle9i Application Server Portal (Oracle9iAS
Portal) is a browser-based software environment
for building and deploying company portals
How powerful is Oracle Portal?
Enhance the possibilities by
3The Portlet Technology
A Portlet is a reuseable interface component that
provides access to web-based resources.
What is a provider in connection with Portlets?
Applications (Portlets) communicate with the
portal and the database through the Provider
4Creating Portlets
The declarative approach
Wizards assist your work. With this approach
there is no coding needed (respectively possible)
The programmatic approach
You can code your own procedures and functions
(using PL/SQL or JSPs) to enhance the
5Portal Pages The Layout
These steps are required to build up a page
- Give the page a name (which is used internally
and also for the page-title)
- Select the layout style you would like to use
- Define the regions and add the wanted portlets
to them.
- Set the appropriate user-privileges (e.g. who
has access to the site?)
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8Content Areas
It can be best described as a storage place for
all your content you want to publish
Key components of a content area are
- Folders they contain the content
- The content itself (also called the items)
- Styles which define how the content should look
- The security system. It lets you define
privileges for the whole content area, for
folders and also for single items.
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11Publishing Services - Components
- Form Component (Single Form, Master-Detail-Form)
- Further Possibilities (Calendar, Hierarchy, Menu)
12Portal Architecture, Deployment and Administration
All operations are done via a Web browser
- Major components of Oracle9iAS Portal
gt see image on next slide ...
13Portal Architecture / Request flow
14Projekt eSV elektronische Sozialversicherung
- Implementierungsbeginn Mitte August 2001
- In der 1. Ausbaustufe (Start 1. Mai 2002) sind
- 4 Träger vertreten
15eSV Komponenten
Eine öffentliche Seite pro Träger mit
Publikationen und (trägerspezifischen)
Eine Wartungsseite pro Träger mit Portlets für
die Stammdatenwartung und die Dokument - Einpflege
Eine Content - Area zur Strukturierung der
Dokumente und für die Zugriffsteuerung im
- Mediendatenbank
- zentral für alle Träger
- realisiert als Content Area
16eSV Aufbau eines Dokuments
Allgemeines Dokument
Information bei...
Zusätzliches Dokument
17eSV Dokumenteinpflege 1
18eSV Dokumenteinpflege 2
19eSV Dokumenteinpflege 3
20eSV Aufbau der öffentlichen Seite
- Anzeige
- Dokumente
- Applikationen (z.b. Terminkalender,
- Bestellungen, Shop, etc.)
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25Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit
5. April 2002