Title: Diapositiva 1
1Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc IN2P3 -
MICINN meeting Madrid, 12 January 2009
2Map of LSC
3Experimental halls A, B and C
600 m2 (40x15x12)
Hall A
150 m2 (15x10x7)
Hall B
Depth 800 m
Muons 0.47 m x 10-2 m m-2 s-1
Hall C
Ventilation 11.000 m3/h
4Status of the reparation works
- January 2007 Signs of rocks instability
- March 2007 Rock fall in hall A
- August 2007 End of short range consolidation
works (UZ) - January 2008 Agreement on the project for
safety improvement works - February 2008 UZ sends project to GA for
supervision - July 2008 LSC Director requests to UZ,
including - Report on the status of the reparation works as
done, and convergence measurements - Programme of the future works including
organisation, milestones and times - December 2008 GA sends final supervision to UZ
Create a world-class underground
multi-disciplinary laboratory with experiments
and observatories leading in
- Dark matter searches
- Neutrino nature (Majorana vs. Dirac) and mass
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Physics of system near absolute zero
- Extreme low background techniques
- Sub-surface geo-dynamics
- Environmental ultra-low background studies
- Life under extreme conditions
Consider options for long range development
A. Bettini. LSC
6External building
Headquarters Administration Safety and Quality
Assurance 16 offices for scientific users 7
offices for LSC personnel 4 specialised
laboratories Mechanical workshop storage
room Meeting room Library Conference
room Exhibitions room 2 apartments
Surface 1.821 m2 (2.115 m2 built) Project
completed December 2008 Building completed
Autumn 2010 Cost of the building
Managed by 14 staff
8Scientific ProgrammePhysics
- - Approved experiments on proposal of the
International Scientific Committee. - 3 years running. Milestones defined. Two referees
appointed to each exp - EXP-01-2008 (ANAIS) Dark Matter (NaI, Annual
modulation) - Direct check of DAMA/LIBRA result
- EXP-02-2008 (ROSEBUD) Dark Matter (Scintillating
bolometers) - Integrated in the European EURECA project
- EXP-03-2008 (BiPo) 0??? decay (extra-low surface
background meas.) - Ancillary to Super-NEMO
- EXP-04-2008 (ULTIMA) Super-fluid 3He physics
- To be screened by muon background
- EXP-05-2008 (NEXT) 0??? decay (Enriched 136Xe
TPC) - Majorana vs Dirac neutrinos
- CUP Consolider approved
- EoI-02-2005 (ArDM) EoI on Dark Matter (Liquid
Argon TPC) - In risk analysis phase
9Dark Matter
- 95 of the Universe mass-energy is dark
- Status of the art. Calorimetric approach target
of dark particles detector - sensitive detector mass M several kg
- best background bO(103 kg1keV1 d1)
- To explore theoretical range need MO(1t) and bO
(105 kg1keV1 d1) - This levels may be reached in the next few years
by noble liquids - 10-100 kg Xe and Ar modules operational / under
construction at LNGS - Xe and Ar complementary, both in physics and
technique. Both should be done - Do not forget other techniques. Hunting for dark
matter is extremely difficult - Strong competition world wide
- DAMA positive evidence can be confirmed/rejected
only by an annual modulation sensitive experiment
with Iodine nuclei
10EXP-01-2008 ANAIS
Search for the annual modulation Confirm/refute
DAMA evidence
Work on a series of prototype performed in the
old LSC using 14?10.7 kg NaI crystals stored
underground since 1988
- Contribution to background of internal
contamination at 2-6 keV - UTh lt 1/ (keV kg d) OK
- 40K several/(keV kg d) too large
- New crystals required
- Funded about 100 kg by MCINN Program
- Additional NaI procurementwith LSC funding under
11EXP-02-2008 ROSEBUD
Develop cryogenic temperatures bolometers with
heat and scintillation light readout, focussing
on prototypes for EURECA (next-generation
European project for DM search with bolometers)
12EoI-02-2005 ArDM
Ar two-phase TPC Tests on 1 t prototype going on
at CERN Preliminary LSC risk analysis stage
13Neutrino-less Double beta decay
- Unlike the other particles neutrinos may be
matter and antimatter at the same time - Two approaches calorimetric and tracking
- Status of the art of calorimetric approach (two
experiments _at_ LNGS) - Exposure O (100 kg yr)
- Background bO(102 kg1keV1 y1)
- Complementary tracking approach necessary, on
different isotopes, with similar sensitive masses - Due to limited overburden of LSC ? tracking
approach (calorimetry already covered by CUORE
and GERDA) - SuperNEMO _at_ 100 kg does not fit in LSC
- Extrapolates NEMO3 technology. However, much RD
needed - First steps BiPo and its prototypes
- Liquid Xe TPC. EXO 200 kg in the US
- Gas TPC with novel RD techniques
- Much RD needed. NEXT
14EXP-03-2008 BiPo
?EFWHM/E _at_ 1MeV NEMO3 14-17 Best prototype so
far 8 Design figure 4 _at_3 MeV
Contamination of the (large) source foil BiPo
detectors for requested sensitivity 208Tl lt 20
µBq/kg ? lt2 µBq/kg 214Bi lt 300 µBq/kg ? lt10
15The ultimate background 2b?n
Case of 136Xe assuming T1/2(????)?1021 (measured
lower limit)
High pressure TPC Strong RD effort needed
EXO achieved
16EXP-05-2008 NEXT
- High pressure gas TPC with enriched 136Xe
Complementary to EXO - Status. Initial RD phases. CUP Consolider
(mainly NEXT) approved (5 M) - Avoid charged background from surfaces by
eliminating surfaces, based on 100 active,
completely closed virtual fiducial surface - Obtain fine topological information (unlike EXO)
- Tag signal by topology 2 balls at the end of the
spaghetti - Expected reduction of (dominant) gamma background
gt 100 - FWHM resolution O(1) appears feasible with
latest TPC R/O techniques - Montecarlo evaluation of the tolerable
radioactive contaminants in materials screening
starting now
17EXP-04-2008 ULTIMA100 µK superfluid 3He detector
Density of quasi-particles determined directly by
measuring the damping of micro vibrating wire
Originally proposed for dark matter direct search
via spin-dependent coupling Detector sensitive
mass very small (grams) The super-fluid phase of
the 3He-4He mixture might be observable at these
temperatures Signal is confused by cosmic muons
interference on the surface
18Possible location of the experiments
Laboratory space is almost full
19Strategic Plan 2010-2013
- Due by all the Spanish ICCs by 31/12/2008
- Built on the basis of the approved multi-annual
LSC funding - Invest in infrastructures residuals 2006-2008
- To be presented tomorrow
20Scientific ProgrammeGeodynamics, Environment
- - Presented at the Scientific Committee,
preliminary stage of discussion - Canfranc Nuclear Astrophysics facility (CUNA)
- New dedicated hall Accelerator (5 MeV, to be
funded separately) - Develop synergic program with INFN LNGS
- Dedicated scientific Workshop in Barcelona 19-20
Feb 2009 - Geodynamic facility (GEODYN)
- Integrate in the TOPO-IBERIA Consolider
- Integrate with LSC rock stability monitors
- Ultra-Low Level Lab for Environmental
Radioactivity Monitoring (ULLERM) - Groundwater, rainwater, air (inside outside)
and soil characterisation - Integrate in the general purpose
ultra-low-background service
21The astrophysical S-factor
Extrapolations by orders of magnitude not always
safe (resonances)
- First Laboratory for Nuclear Underground
Astrophysics (LUNA) at INFN LNGS. 1995.. - LUNA1 50 kV LUNA2 400 kV
- Beautiful measurements of the cross sections of
nuclear reactions relevant for the Sun and stars
d(p,?)3He, 3He(???)7Be, 14N(p,?)15O,
25Mg(p,?)26Al - Many other cross sections await for measurement
- 12C(???)16O, 13C(??n)16O, 22Ne(??n)25Mg
- (??n) on 15N, 14N, 18O
- Next phase requires higher energy (3-5 MeV)
accelerator - Needs separate hall due to neutron production
- LUNA3 proposal at LNGS 3-4 MeV
- Develop European program with two complementary
sources - Build a dedicated hall and associated facilities
at LSC
- LSC is located underground in one of the most
seismically active areas in Europe - Ideal position for an advanced geodynamic
observatory with - two perpendicular LASER strainmeters
- borad-band and strong motion seismometers
- CGPS stations on the surface
- Integrate in the TOPO-IBERIA Consolider project
- Local phenomena
- measure seismic phase velocity
- Slow earthquakes
- Strain seasonal changes (charging and discharging
of the aquifer,..) - Tectonic deformation
- Global phenomena
- Siesmic core modes
- Free oscillations of the Earth
- Free core nutation
24GIGS. Fast and slow quakes
Local normal quakes
1.5 µm
Michelson interferometer with asymmetric arms.
Longer one is 90 m
Quake at Giava superposed to a slow local quake
Slow (aseismic) quake
0.5 µm
25Dark Life
- Microbiology
- How deeply in the earth does life extend?
- What makes life successful deep under the
surface? - What can life underground teach us about how life
evolved? - Status of art. Studies made by Henderson DUSEL
project in US - 2 new Phyla discovered at Henderson
- Cross-disciplinary work between biologists and
geologists - Do bacteria enter into the genesis of minerals
and rocks?
No proposal yet
26Thank you