Title: Chae Sub, Lee
1CJK NGN WG (Proposal for drafting groupon IPTV
- Chae Sub, Lee
- Chae-sub.lee_at_ties.itu.int
- Working Process of IPTV ad-hoc
- Deliverable plan of IPTV FG
- Priority for CJK Drafting
- Drafting Group
31. Working Process of IP-TV Ad-Hoc
Working Method of IP-TV ad-hoc Group
Status analysis
Identify Issues
Drafting Plans
IP-based Infra (Internet)
41. Working Process of IP-TV Ad-Hoc
Working Method of IP-TV ad-hoc Group
- Purpose of Drafting Activity in CJK IP-TV Ad-Hoc
- Common drafts based on ITU-T IPTV FG drafting
plan - Common contributions and/or Interoperability
agreements etc. - Drafting Procedure Same as NGN WG
1st IP-TV FG
2nd IP-TV FG
Draft a2
Draft a1
Draft b2
Draft b1
Draft c2
Draft c1
Draft a2
Draft a1
Draft b2
Draft b1
Draft c2
Draft c1
52. Deliverable Plan of IPTV FG
Working Document Status of ITU-T IPTV FG
63. Priority for CJK Drafting
Conditions for prioritization
- Framework and Infrastructural (FAI) SubjectsThis
should be the highest priority subjects to
maximize impacts of CJK inputs to ITU-T. This
category will return concrete firm infrastructure
to develop further IPTV related activities in CJK
and beyond. - Common Interesting (CI) SubjectsThis category
will contribute to maximize benefits for CJK
members in the IPTV standard activity and to
extend common understanding platforms. - Subjects for Urgent Study/Standards (USS)This
category will helpful to solve urgent issues by
collaborative way within members. Through this
category, participation and impacts to ITU-T
meetings of CJK members will strengthen and get
more importance.
73. Priority for CJK Drafting
Proposed analysis of ITU-T IPTV FG deliverables
84. Drafting Group
Configuration of IP-TV ad-hoc Group