Title: Folie 1
1Biotech-related collaborative projects with
China national and regional programs,
successes, failures and conclusions
Rolf D Schmid Institute of Technical
Biochemistry University of Stuttgart, Germany
Conference London
June 4/5, 2007
2German biotech RD (public domain) cooperative
programs with China
3Center for the Promotion of Science, Beijing
4Federal Ministry of Research and Technology
(BMBF), Berlin
Partner in China CNCBD, Beijing Activities b
ilateral workshops in order to define 22
projects junior research groups in China
22 projects Chinese side supports German side
supports academic partner (100 ) academic
partner (100 ) company (50 ) company (50 )
5Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of Science and the
Arts, Stuttgart
Partner in China STCSM, Shanghai topics nan
otechnology systems biology activities bilat
eral workshops exchange of researchers website
6DAAD German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn
Bioscience scholarships for Brazil, China and
Indonesia (Ph.D. students and post-docs) 1998 -
some 200 grants Germans to BR, CN, ID 10 BR,
ID to Germany 10 CN to Germany 80
Alumni meeting in Shanghai 2005 60 participants
new program from 2007/2008 German/Chinese junior
research groups
- a tight network of cooperative projects exists
- scholarships to Germany much in demand
- scholarships to China less popular but interest
is rising - cooperative academic projects are implemented and
often successfully run - cooperative projects including industry are less
developed and may take some more years to take
off - cultural issues significance of contracts, face
value of negotiators