Title: A1258690108OIgVp
1The OWL and the penguin
Why we should build an Extremely Large Telescope
in Antarctica
John W.V. Storey
Images Michael Ashley GSMT project
2A wise thought from the owl Sometimes its
easier to do two hard things than one hard thing.
- You cant be serious...
- Orientation
- What makes a good observing site
- Additional requirements of an ELT
- Sub-millimetre thoughts
- The real disadvantages challenges
- Why Australia should do this
- The way forward
Image Patrik Kaufmann
4Top four myths about Antarctica
- Its completely inaccessible
- Your telescope will blow away
- The conditions make it impossible to work
- The polar bears will eat you
Image Karim Agabi
5Image Australian Antarctic Division
6ESO data
Valenziano DallOglio 1999, PASA 16, 167 Dome C
50 1.0 m/s
7Myth 3 The conditions make it impossible to
Dome C. Pressure altitude 3600 m temperature
Image Patrik Kaufmann
8Image Camillo Calvaresi
9Image Camillo Calvaresi
10Image Camillo Calvaresi
11Image Karim Agabi
12Image Geanpiero Venturi
13Image Camillo Calvaresi
14Image John Storey
Image Patrik Kaufmann
16Antarctica is very large
Geosciences Australia image
roughly twice the area of Australia.
17Contour map of Antarctica
Mount Kosciusko 2,228 m
18Potential observatory sites
19Dome C is a French/Italian station that will be
open year-round from 2005
Dome C
20Image Australian Antarctic Division
21South Pole Station South Pole Station Dome Concordia
Latitude Latitude 90º S 75º 06 S
Longitude Longitude - 123º 06 E
Altitude (m asl) Altitude (m asl) 2,835 3,205
Average pressure (mb) Average pressure (mb) 680 644
Minimum Temperature (ºC) Minimum Temperature (ºC) -82 -87
Average Temperature (ºC) Average Temperature (ºC) -49 -50.7
Average wind speed (m s-1) Average wind speed (m s-1) 5.8 2.8
Period of activity Period of activity Since 1957 Summer since 1997 Expected first winter-over 2005
22What makes a goodobserving site?
- Cloud-free
- High
- Dry
- Cold
- Dark, and radio-quiet
- Low integrated turbulence
- Low high-altitude turbulence
- Low wind at all altitudes
- Accessible
Image Karim Agabi
23Icecam and COBBER two micro-power instruments
to measure cloud cover.
Image John Storey
The two experiments require no heat, run on a
lithium battery pack, and send data out via the
ARGOS satellite network.
Image John Storey
Calibration LED
First winter-time stellar observations from Dome C
Winter-time 2001 at Dome C data look encouraging!
2003 Icecam and COBBER data
28Aircraft contrails across Europe
30The infrared sky is extremely dark
- Kdark sky spectral brightness
- 220 ?Jy. arcsec-2 (mean)
- 120 ?Jy. arcsec-2 (median)
- This is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than found
at typical mid-latitude sites
Lawrence et al, PASA (2002)
31South Pole is 20 100 times darker than Siding
Phillips et al 1999
32Mid-infrared Comparison between South Pole and
other sites
Chamberlain et al 2000
33This would be a good place
Image NASA
34Wind Speed Profiles (University of Nice)
Altitude (Km)
Altitude (Km)
Altitude (Km)
Dome C (Dec 2000)
Paranal ESO Chile (1992)
Gemini NOAO Chile (1998)
Agabi and Fossat (2003)
35Atmospheric turbulence
The absence of high-altitude turbulence above the
Antarctic plateau is of profound
importance. Marks et al, AA Supp
(1998) Marks et al, AA Supp (1999)
Log Altitude
36The effect of eliminating high-altitude turbulence
Turbulent layer high ? narrow field
Turbulent layer low ? wide field
10 100 times improvement in isoplanatic angle,
scintillation noise, and astrometric error.
37The effect of reducing high-altitude wind
Turbulent layer moves slowly
- Phase coherence times increased
- Required adaptive optics bandwidth decreases
10 100 times improvement in sensitivity of
interferometers and AO sensors.
38Sample SODAR data
900 m 0
June 24 - 27, 2000
Vertical wind speed
Wind direction
Horizontal wind speed
39Summary of the global oceanic aerosol pattern
detected by polar-orbiting satellites between
July 1989 and June 1991
40Movie European Southern Observatory
41Additional requirements for ELTs
Image Patrik Kaufmann
42A Nest for OWL
- Additional Requirements for ELTs
- Low Seismic Activity
- An ELT cannot be made stiff enough to survive
earthquakes - Low Wind at ground level
- An ELT is more sensitive to wind shake during
tracking - Low Wind at high altitude
- Longer atmospheric time constant for AO
- Climate Stability
Marc Sarazin, ESO
43Peak Ground Acceleration up to 5m/s² 10
probability of exceedance in 50 years
Source http//www.seismo.ethz.ch/GSHAP/
44ESO data
Valenziano DallOglio 1999, PASA 16, 167
45Sub-millimetre thoughts
Image Patrik Kaufmann
46CARA has carried out very successful mm and
sub-mm work at South Pole for over a decade.
Image Tony Stark
47Quartiles of PWV at three Sites
At each site, the year is divided into the best
and worst 6 -month periods. Bars show quartiles
of the PWV distribution at each site.
Lane, ASP Conference Series 141, 1998
48Sky Noise and opacity measurements at 350µm from
three sites
Peterson, Radford et al (in press).
49Summer 2000 01 at Dome C South PoleOpacity
at 350 mm
Calisse et al 2003, PASA (submitted).
50Summary of site conditions
Low surface wind Low wind throughout
atmosphere No high level turbulence Low seismic
activity Very accessible Continuous observing
possible Stable climate
Clear High Dry Cold Clean Dark
Image Patrik Kaufmann
51SPIREX, the South Pole Infrared Explorer, was a
60 cm telescope with 1024 x 1024 InSb detector
array. SPIREX demonstrated the viability of IR
astronomy from Antarctica. SPIREX was a
collaboration between CARA, Ohio State
University, NOAO, Rochester I.T. and UNSW.
Image UNSW
52SPIREX image of star- formation in NGC6334
Burton et al, Astrophysical Journal, 542, 359,
53The real disadvantages and challenges
- Diamond dust
- Altitude
- Winter isolation
- See less of sky
- Less true dark time
- Aurora?
- Ecliptic always at low elevation
Image Michael Ashley
54Why Australia should do this
Image Patrik Kaufmann
55Astronomy is one of the sciences in which
Australias international reputation is highest
- Over 160 professional astronomers employed at
universities, observatories and CSIRO - Citation rates amongst the highest in Australian
science - Nine astronomers amongst top 33 citation
laureates - Several world-class observatories in Australia
- International links to top institutions
56World class facilities in Australia include
57However, our Southern Hemisphere natural
advantage has been eroded.
- Australia has only a 5 share of Gemini (?
6.5?). - We have no high mountains. All future major
developments in IR/optical astronomy will be
off-shore. - We have no sub-mm or far-infrared (THz)
Radioastronomy may have a rosier outlook,
particularly if LOFAR and/or the SKA is built in
Image ATNF
58Australia is uniquely placed to benefit from
Antarctic astronomy.
- Geographic proximity.
- Tradition of Antarctic exploration.
- On-going, major, national Antarctic program.
- No national participation in SOFIA, SIRTF etc.
- The Antarctic advantage means cutting edge
science can be done at an affordable price. - Experience with SPIREX/Abu and site testing
demonstrates technological leadership.
59Logistic support of Dome C is via Hobart.
Image John Storey
60LAstrolabe brings heavy items from Hobart to
Dumont dUrville in 6 days...
Image John Storey
61...thence by tractor-traverse to Dome C.
Image Patrik Kaufmann
62The tractor-traverse takes 11 days to get from
the coast to Dome C.
- Three traverses/year (currently)
- Each traverse delivers 150 tonnes
- Fuel consumption 600 litres/tonne
- Twelve-metre sleds essentially no size or
weight restrictions
63Dome C is particularly attractive to Australia
(compared to South Pole) because
- The logistic support is via Tasmania
- Dome C is at a similar longitude to the ATNF CA,
Mopra, and AAT. - Geostationary satellite communications are
possible (eg AUSSAT?)
Image Karim Agabi
64The way forward
- Completion of site testing
- The DMT
Image Patrik Kaufmann
65The AASTINO at Dome C, 2003
Image Camillo Calvaresi
Instrumentation (on roof)
Solar panels
Heat exchangers
Electronics and work area
Iridium antenna
Stirling engines
1200 litre fuel tanks
67Image John Storey
68Image Geanpiero Venturi
69Image Geanpiero Venturi
70Image Camillo Calvaresi
71Image Camillo Calvaresi
72Image UNSW AASTINO webcam
73The AASTINO has operated robotically, without
human presence, since February 7, 2003.
Image Camillo Calvaresi
Image UNSW AASTINO webcam
7414 May, 2003. Images spaced every 30 mins.
Image UNSW AASTINO webcam
Image Geanpiero Venturi
76SODAR data
South Pole 2001
Dome C 2003 (so far...)
Travouillon et al, in prep.
77SUb MilliMetre Tipper (SUMMIT)
- Differential flux measurement at 350 ?m
- Calibrated to hot and cold blackbodies
- Opacity and brightness temperature
- Dome C summer 2000/2001
- South Pole winter 2001 2002
Image UNSW
78Opacity (tau) at 350 mm
Calisse et al, in prep.
79MASS Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor
- Sensitive measurement of the vertical
distribution of turbulence - A collaboration between CTIO, JPL and UNSW
- To be deployed to Dome C November 2003
Image Andrei Tokovinin
80The Douglas Mawson Telescope
- A 2-metre infrared telescope for Dome C.
- Proposed to MNRF II as an Australian/French/Itali
an collaboration in 2001. - Not funded in that round, but support is still
strong from all partners. - Important to find new funding options soon.
Image EOST
81(No Transcript)
Conditions at Dome C are unique, and extremely
favourable. A medium-size telescope or
interferometer could do ground-breaking
science. A very large telescope at Dome C would
be unbeatable. The opportunity awaits!
Image Patrik Kaufmann
83Myth 4 the polar bears will eat you
To deal with the polar bears, we pour water on
the ground... ...which freezes into
ice... ...and all the bears fall over.
Image www.dandennis.com
IPEV - Institut Polaire Emile Victor ARC -
Australian Research Council NSF- National
Science Foundation AAD - Australian Antarctic
JACARA - Joint Australian Centre for
Astrophysical Research in Antarctica Italian
Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in
Antartide CARA - Center for Astrophysical
Research in Antarctica
85IAU2003 General AssemblySydney, July 13 26
- Special Session 2, ASTRONOMY IN ANTARCTICA, July
18 - Future Visions for Antarctic Astronomy, Taronga
Zoo, July 19
Michael Ashley Michael Burton Paolo
Calisse Jessica Dempsey Jon Everett Jon
Lawrence Caroline Santamaria John Storey Tony