Title: Sheffield a case study
1 Sheffield- a case study
Heather Hunt and Jenny Patient, SCACC
2Sheffields footprint 3 planets
Personal effort can reduce this to 2 planets
Heres where we are now
Huge policy changes needed to get to 1 planet
3Sheffield - geography
4Sheffield history and culture
5History of Employment and Jobs
6Sheffield - Current Economy
Sheffields economy worth 7.9 billion - 10 of
the regional (YH) economy GVA growth over last
10 years of 5.4 pa, mostly in service
economy Decline in manufacturing jobs (but GVA
steady) Unemployment 2.9 (9,750 people Oct
08) Household income city mean of 29,000
Inequalities - Whirlow 49,000, Darnall 19,000
7Sheffield - Employment
Public sector 2 universities, NHS, Local
Authority Manufacturing Outokumpu, Corus,
Sheffield Forgemasters, B.Braun, Cadbury Trebor
Bassett Ronseal Symmetry Medical Aerospace
Advanced Manufacturing Park Financial and
services Retail, Abbey, Nationwide, HSBC, DLA
8Current Developments
9The City Strategy
- For 2005-10, refreshed in 2007
- Based around 5 main themes strong economy,
successful neighbourhoods, inclusive, healthy
communities, great place to grow up and
environmental excellence - and 3 principles of prosperity, inclusion and
sustainability - 5 Big Ambitions, including Sheffield to be an
attractive, sustainable, low-carbon city
10Environmental Excellence Strategy
- Main focus on climate change
- Emissions reduction, but also acknowledgement of
footprint - CO2 emissions reduction target in LAA NI 186
10 reduction against 2006 baseline by 2010/11 - Longer term targets 30 emissions reduction by
2020, 60 by 2050
11Sheffield emissions baseline 4,100,000 tonnes C02
12Economic Masterplan
- Launched Jan 2008
- Tries to address Sheffields prosperity gap
1.1bn missing GVA - Sheffield does not yet have the wealth that
would allow a low growth option to be pursued - Aims to increase productivity through becoming a
growth pole commercial and knowledge centre
more and higher value inward investment
13Economic growth and carbon reduction
14Combined impact of six emissions reduction
15The current understanding
- The modelling that has been done to date
suggests that current ambitions around economic
growth rely heavily on the increased consumption
of carbon based products. These are adding to the
problem rather than helping towards its
solution. - However We need to identify how economic growth
can be promoted without increasing the citys
carbon emissions.
16Power and Influence map
17Our questions
- What could a Green New Deal look like in
Sheffield? - How possible is it to just act locally to bring
it about? - What are the models for shifting the
infra-structure and skills base? - What are the models for investment to do this?
- Can economic growth be consistent with a local
green new deal? - How to act? What are the levers for change?