Title: Diapositiva 1
1The University of Sassari, Sardinia - Italy
2The University of Sassari
The University of Sassari is one of the most
ancient of Italy
3The University of Sassari
The University was founded by Alessio Fontana, a
distinguished gentleman of the town of Sassari,
in 1558. The official opening dates back to the
month of May 1562. It was firstly run by the
Jesuits. On 9 February 1617 Philip III conceded
the statute of royal university to the Jesuit
4The University of Sassari
The Rector of the University is professor
Alessandro Maida Full Professor of hygiene at
Medicine and Surgery Faculty
5The University of Sassari
Today, the University, which is of medium
size, has a total number of over 18.000
students and about 800 teachers.
6The University of Sassari
- The research structures are interdisciplinary,
flexible and the projects responds to the
changing research needs. - Nowdays there are
- 42 Departments
- 30 Interdisciplinary Centres
- 23 Libraries
- 1 Excellence Centre
- for the devolopment of biotechnological
research and the study of biodiversity - 1 Linguistic Centre
- 16 Research Trusts
7The University of Sassari
The Faculties of the University are 11 and are
divided into first and second level degree
courses which are followed by specialised degree
courses. In particular
- 43 First and second level degree courses
- 47 Specialization schools
- 35 Dottorati di ricerca PhD
- 9 First an Second Level Masters
8The University of Sassari
- The Academic staff includes
- 214 Full professors
- 252 Associate professors
- 253 Lecturers and assistant professors
- 610 Technicians and administrative staff
- There are also 2.658 temporary lectures, 16
language assistants and 11.500 staff from the
national Health Service working within the public
assistance services at the Medicine and Surgery
9The University of Sassari
International Academic Cooperation
- 184
- Foreign Faculties on the
- Socrates - Erasmus Programme.
- 41
- European and extra-european Universities
- 100
- Visiting Professor s (from Japan, Canada, U.S.A.,
Australia, Algeria, Indya, Cina, Cuba, Brasil,
Venezuela, Colombia and Russia)
The University of Sassari signed agreements of
academic cooperation with a lot of Universities
and Research Centers.
10Living and studying at University
Lessons are held in Italian but are frequently
done in other languages, especially in
English. There is a specific programme for
e-learning in each Faculty of the University.
The University offers the canteen service, and
many restaurants and bars give special prices for
all students. There are special agreements for
flats rental, canteen and other services. The
"Centro Sportivo Universitario" (C.U.S.) offers
the chance to take part in sporting activities at
very reasonable prices.
11The University of Sassari
A major development programme is underway, which
will shortly provides better services in all
fields of research, teaching and
administration, in close to collaboration with
the local Government.
12The 11 Faculties of the University of Sassari
13The 11 Faculties of the University of Sassari
14The 11 Faculties of the University of Sassari
Lettere e filosofia
15The 11 Faculties of the University of Sassari
Lingue e letterature straniere
Medicina e chirurgia
16The 11 Faculties of the University of Sassari
Medicina veterinaria
Scienze matematiche fisiche
Scienze politiche
17Contacts University of Sassari Piazza
Università, 21 07100 Sassari (SS) - Italy T 39
079 228811 F 39 079 228816 E
comunicazione_at_uniss.it W www.uniss.it