- Welcome
- Data Standard Changes for 08/09
- TREx Texas Records Exchange
- Edit Reports
- Summer PEIMS Collection
3On the PEIMS Website
- PEIMS Training PowerPoint Handout
- TEA Encrypted Email Instructions
- Edit Release Letter Summer/Extend 07/08
4PEIMS Due Dates
- Submission 3 due to TEA June 26, 2008
- Extended Year due to TEA September 11, 2008
5Data Standards Changes 2008-2009
- Bilingual and ESL are now called Program Codes
and will have new code tables that will be used
next year.
- 1 - Transitional bilingual/early exit
- 2 - Transitional bilingual/late exit
- 3 - Dual language immersion/two-way
- 4 - Dual language immersion/one-way
- 1 - English as a second language/content-based
- 2 - English as a second language/pull-out
- 0 - Not LEP
- 1 - Identified as limited English proficient
(LEP) - F - Student exited from LEP status - Monitored 1
(M1) - S - Student exited from LEP status - Monitored 2
9- 163 Student Data - Special Education Added
Interpreting Services Type Code - So now you will report what type of interpreting
service the student receives.
10- 00 - No interpreting service provided
- 01 - Oral Transliteration
- 02 - CUED Language Transliteration
- 03 - Sign Language Transliteration
- 04 - Sign Language Interpreting
- 05 - Communication Access Realtime Translation
(CART) - 06 - C-Print
- 07 TypeWell
- 08 - Deaf-Blind Interpreting
11Career and Technical
- Focuses on 16 Career Clusters and linking
secondary and postsecondary education - C022 Career Technical numbers moved all around!
- www.careerclusters.org
12C022 CTE Course Asterisks
- PEIMS numbers with and asterisks have
been removed for 08-09 meaning, - All Career Preparation service id numbers such as
Ag Science, Business, Health, Family and
Consumer, etc. - And Work Based Learning service ids
13- Except for the innovative course CP (formerly
DCP) - Career Preparation I II
- (teacher code)
- Innovative WBL N1295000 NEW
- (student code)
14New PEIMS Records 2008-2009
15School FinanceOptional Flexible School Day
Program School Year 200809
Belinda Dyer, Director of Forecasting and Fiscal
Analysis Phone Number (512) 463-9238 Fax Number
(512) 936-2313 Email belinda.dyer_at_tea.state.tx.
16OFSDP Eligibility Requirements
- A student is eligible to participate in an OFSDP
authorized under Texas Education Code (TEC),
29.0822, if - the student is enrolled in grades 912 at the
beginning of the school year or semester
17- and
- the student meets one of the following
conditions - the student is at risk of dropping out of school,
as defined by TEC, 29.081, - the student is attending a school implementing an
approved innovative campus plan, or - the student is attending a school with an
approved early college high school program
18- and
- the student, if less than 18 years of age and not
emancipated by marriage or court order, and the
students parent, or person standing in parental
relation to the student, agree in writing to the
students participation.
- The student participating in an OFSDP must take
the appropriate TAKS tests specified under TEC,
39.023, during the regularly scheduled
assessment calendar.
20OFSDP Application Process
- Any school district may apply for authorization
to operate an OFSDP. - DUE DATE Districts applying to operate an OFSDP
must submit an application no later than 90 days
before the beginning date of the school year.
21General Information
- A school year is 180 days of instruction. For
funding purposes, a school day is considered to
be 6 hours. The maximum amount of state
foundation funding is the equivalent of 180 days,
or 1,080 hours, or 64,800 minutes.
22 OFSDP Formula Facts
- 1 ADA 180 days, or 1,080 hours, or 64,800
minutes - 1 day 6 hours, or 360 minutes
- student must receive at least 45 minutes of
instruction to count toward total hours for
23General Information
- Please note A student cannot be enrolled
simultaneously in OFSDP and regular attendance. - A student can be transferred from one attendance
program to another attendance program during the
year but they cannot be enrolled simultaneously.
24State Funding
- State Funding will use the PEIMS attendance data
to calculate the amount of state funding earned
for participation in the OFSDP.
25- For additional information
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/ofsdp/i
ndex.html - OFSDP 20082009 Letter
- OFDSP Rules 19 Texas Administrative Code
(TAC) 129.1027 - OFSDP 20082009 Application Form
26Texas Record Exchange TREX
- District/Campus Requirement for Use of TREx
Transfer Process 05/19/2008 - With the latest update on TREx, you should now be
receiving an email if you have a request waiting
for 24 hours from another district.
272007 Discipline Data Validation
- Region 14 only had -1 district
- Way to go!
282007 Leaver Data Validation
- Region 14 had 1 district for Data Validation
- 4 districts for delinquent PET file
29PEIMS Edit Release Letter Summer/Extended Year
- 2005-2006 Collections will be archived on
September 1, 2008. - You will need to bundle all of your district
reports for archive!
30- Remember to run any campus specific reports you
wish to keep. - Starting with the Approved Fall/Mid-Year
2007-2008 collection, district-level reports that
have not been generated prior to rollup will be
auto-generated by the system.
31- PID Reports will now Generate at Campus Level for
users with that type of access. - PET users can manually abort a processing PET
file by selecting the files abort button from
the PET Status Page.
32- The PET Event History page has been enhanced to
display same-date withdrawals and enrollments in
Event Type order with withdrawals first, then
33- PET Reminder! From June 1 through August 31,
there is a temporary overlap of two school years.
Please remember the following
34- verify that you have selected the correct school
year from the PET Home page and - verify your PET file has the correct file-naming
convention for the appropriate school year (for
example, P8101919 for 2007-2008).
35PET File Delinquency
- TEA manually generates PET4D001 (Missing PET
Submission Report) to determine which districts
are delinquent in their PET file submission. - For those districts listed on the report, PET
File Delinquency emails will now be sent
automatically from PEIMS Customer Support.
36- The first notice is sent to the district user who
last submitted a PET file and to the ESC. - Upon the third and subsequent delinquency
notices, emails are escalated to include the
Superintendent. - Once a PET file is submitted and reaches PET
COMPLETE status, the district is deemed compliant
and the delinquency sequence resets.
37The Key to Accurate PET Data
- What is accurate PET data?
- Accurate PET data is achieved by accurately
maintaining your local enrollment/withdrawal
tracking system. By keeping your local system
up-to-date and then uploading your PET file to
TEA on a weekly basis, you are following a
process that allows both systems (your local and
TEA) to be perfectly in synch.
38- What corrupts PET data?
- Submitting a PET file AND manually updating PET
information online corrupts your PET data. Unless
you are an online district (there are only three
in the State of Texas), you should be sending a
PET file for all enrollment/withdrawal updates,
not making online changes.
39New Summer Reports
- PRF7D061 Student Disciplinary Action Incident
Counts by Reason Code - This new report summarizes distinct disciplinary
incident counts by reason code at the campus
40- PRF7D062 Student Disciplinary Action Summary for
Special Education Students Only - This new report summarizes distinct disciplinary
incident counts by reason code at the campus
level for special education students only.
41Enhanced Summer and Extended Year Reports
- You may wish to read the PEIMS Edit Release
Letter for these enhancements.
42PID Reports
- PID Student Discrepancy Reports now display a
line of asterisks below any demographic that
contains a discrepancy. - Previously, only discrepancies in major
demographics were highlighted.
43- PIDP0200/PIDF0200 Statewide Dynamic PID
Statement of Attendance/Extended Year
Discrepancies - PIDP0409/PIDF0409 Statewide Dynamic PID
Statement of Student Ethnicity/Gender
Discrepancies - PET2D001 PET PID Statement of Discrepancies
44- These reports have been enhanced to include a new
column entitled Last Update Dst/Cmp. - The new column displays the last district or
campus to update a students PID record, whether
batch or online. - Note that the column is blank for PID records
updated prior to April 2002.
45EDIT PID ReportsEnhancedPIDP0200/PIDF0200
Statewide Dynamic PID Statement of
Attendance/Extended Year Discrepancies
Availability District and Campus
- This report has been enhanced to include a new
column entitled Last Update Dst/Cmp. - The new column displays the last district or
campus to update a students PID record, whether
batch or online the column is blank for PID
records updated prior to April 2002. - Notice asterisks underneath the Middle Name
discrepancy (a minor demographic).
46Data Standards 2007/2008DISCIPLINE - NEW CODE
- 28 Mandatory disciplinary action not taken.
(TEC 37.001(a)(4) - The mandatory disciplinary action was not taken
because the districts Student Code of Conduct
includes one or more of the TEC, 37.001(a)(4)
provisions that allows the district to consider
self defense, intent or lack of intent, students
disciplinary history, or disability that
substantially impairs the students capacity to
appreciate the wrongfulness of the students
conduct as a factor in a decision to order
suspension, removal to a disciplinary alternative
education program, or expulsion.
47Getting Ready for Summer Collection
- Student Attendance Data
- PRF7D001 005 Superintendent/Principal reports
and compare to your software reports. - Run PRF7D007 Comparison of Current and Prior Year
Attendance - Attendance Diagnostic Reports Run all before
completing your file!
48 49- Course Completion Data
- PRF7D006 Number of Students Completing Courses by
Pass/Fail Indicator - PRF7D015 Students Completing Courses by
Distance Learning Code - PRF7D016 - Students Completing Courses by Dual
50 51- Discipline Data
- PRF7D014 Student Disciplinary Action Summary
52 53- Restraint Data
- PRFRD007 Student Disciplinary Action Detail
Report by Reason, Including Restraint Instances - Title I, Part A Data
- PRF7D051 Title I Part A Student Summary by
54 55Summer PEIMS submission
- Remember this is the submission that funds your
districts. - The data is very important.
- It is critical that each campus become
responsible for checking campus reports and the
PEIMS coordinator check district reports!
56- Process important reports by district
- AND by campus
- Check your reports by campus!
- You do not want your district to be flagged on
Performance Based Monitoring Data Integrity
57Student Attendance Data
- Run PRFAD012 Duplicate Student Report for
Attendance after the Summer PEIMS submission due
date. - Report PRFAD012 will be in the Turnaround reports
58Remember to submit PET
- Remember to send one last PET submission after
your final Summer PEIMS submission and before you
Rollover to the new year. - Thank you for participating today.
- To receive a certificate, you must fax your sign
in sheets to 325-675-8659. Attn Liz Hatch